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Lewisham School Student Strikes

ISR | 06.03.2003 02:47

Hundreds of school students strike against the war in Lewisham.

More than 400 school students in Lewisham walked out against the war earlier today. Many more tries to join the strike but were locked into their school. The mood was angry but determined as school students made theor opposition to war clear.

The students held a protest with members of International Socialist Resistance (ISR), one of the youth organisations which had called and built for the strikes.

Strikes happened at schools up and down the country and there are still more strikes to come on the 7th of March. More detailed reports to follow.

ISR is now building for even bigger strikes on Day X, the day on which the war begins. Get in touch if you want to get your school involved.

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06.03.2003 11:07

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