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More handy tips on surviving armageddon

binky old boy | 05.03.2003 14:03

Richard and Judy will be revealing more handy useful tips and hints on how to survive armageddon on their afternoon show today. On today's show they will be demonstating how to create a makeshift nuclear bunker by digging a massive great bloody big hole in your back garden/yard/street.

Get ready for war. Chin up, pip, pip is the message from stiff upper lipped cheery plum voiced true blue brits Richard and Judy today. It's only armageddon afterall, and luckily Richard and Judy have access to their very own luxury nuclear bunker. Richard and Judy don't tell you what to do, if you happen to live in a highrise/block of flats and don't have access to a garden or luxury underground nuclear bunker cities. Nevermind!!just stock up on tinned food, bottles of water and hide under a table, that will do just as well for guilible common people.

binky old boy


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Duct tape and plastic in the U.S.

05.03.2003 16:50

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is telling people to cover the windows in one room in their house/flat with plastic sheeting, fastening the edges with duct tape (similar to gaffer tape). Then retreat to that room if there is a biological, chemical or nuclear attack. The duct tape is supposed to stop outside air from leaking in.

This has spawned many jokes, e.g.

dr. strangelove