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March 23rd Govt Propoganda epic

rikki | 05.03.2003 00:22

I'd like to float an idea of disrupting and mocking the govt propoganda stunt in London on 23rd.

The government is planning an 'exercise' that will get huge media coverage on Sunday 23rd March. Once again, the threat of terrorism will be shoved in our faces by wall-to-wall media coverage: this time of an 'evacuation and decontamination' exercise simulating a chemical attack on a London Tube at the Bank station. The lines between terrorism and Iraq will once again be actively blurred, and we'll all be made to feel that a war might help save us from mass Murder on the Central Line Express.

I say we should scupper their plans and mount noisy protests in the area to deny their cosy war publicity. I hope action groups will consider this proposal and start planning for the day - we need some serious subvertising to undermine this cynical exploitation od media manipulation..




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Yes, definately!

05.03.2003 00:58

We could all make banners saying 'And Don't Come Back!' when the parliamentary scum are evacuated to their bunker in the countryside. State intentions to occupy Parliament in and something useful with it on their absence. People have suggested we all go along to the simulated chaos terror scene with square 3D spectacle-watching glasses and popcorn. Or,we could stage a counter-spectacle, maybe on a mobile float of some kind.Dunno what in particular tho.Be good to maybe project some documentary footage ala guerrila screening stylee - maybe on Parliament or MoD or wherever the shit spectacle is taking place, of Iraqi dead from the past 13 years, Israeli massacres (soon to happen again, along with mass transfer - the new 2003 Nakba) Sabra and Shatilla. Just the brutal,bloody reality of war, and maybe juxtapose it with oil extraction/production footage or something or just a really good anti-war documentary?

But we have to sab that shit for sure!!

Love and rage


Lock down

05.03.2003 02:28

How about bicycle chains on the entrances to the tube at Bank to lock in the ghouls who are taking part in this propaganda "exercise"...?!
