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Converge on Downing Street

Davy King | 03.03.2003 21:46

Converge on Downing Street NOW! & stay there...
People Power in the Philippines deposed 2 Presidents. Thousands of people surrounded the palace & stayed put...

Those who can't get to Fairford, please consider:

Converge on Downing Street Now!

In the Philippines, People Power deposed 2 Presidents. Thousands of people surrounded the palace & stayed there!

If thousands of people converged on Downing Street, the media would be there.

And this is FOR REAL: converge on Downing Street & don't go away ...

Calling all anti-war people in London & beyond: converge on Downing Street now.

Davy King

Davy King
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We've lost thanks to the Coalition

03.03.2003 23:36

The Stop The War Coalition should be organising this sort of demonstration, I am sick of their pathetic efforts, I'm sorry if this outburst offends anyone but as far as I'm concerned they’ve been on one years notice that this war is going to happen and they have achieved nothing.

All they've done is organise two big marches and rallies which have had speeches preaching to the already converted, a Mass Lobby of Parliament, which no-one wanted to know about, a stupid concert and now on the eve of a horrific war (which I believe going by today's events will start next week) they propose an absolutely pathetic People Assembly, Christ Almighty who the hell is going to take notice of that? Whoever runs that needs their head testing.

They should be organising a mass picket of Parliament, a sit down protest in Whitehall opposite Downing Street and generally encouraging civil disobedience

I really do regret subscribing to that organisation, they are useless.

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