tiny blow against the Empire
Davy King | 03.03.2003 18:36
Anti-Blair-war piece broadcast on BBC Radio 4...a mere drop against the waves of propaganda beamed at us by this bastion of the establishment that WE fund with our licence fees...but encouraging nonetheless
Tonight's BBC Radio 4 PM programme read out a letter re Blair's 'History will be my judge', which said unequivocally that WE the people are his judge, jury & metaphorical executioner! Full text @
2 thoughts:
1) it's worth writing to media outlets
2) we should still start a co-ordinated campaign NOT to pay the TV Licence fee, as predominantly they DO broadcast pro-war propaganda: that could well prove to be effective civil disobedience, as this whole situation is mediated by the BBC as far as most non-internet people (ie the majority) are concerned!
2 thoughts:
1) it's worth writing to media outlets
2) we should still start a co-ordinated campaign NOT to pay the TV Licence fee, as predominantly they DO broadcast pro-war propaganda: that could well prove to be effective civil disobedience, as this whole situation is mediated by the BBC as far as most non-internet people (ie the majority) are concerned!
Davy King
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Yes, history would be Tony Blair's judge -
04.03.2003 10:26
Poodle to Rupert2