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Bristol-Stop-The-War | 28.02.2003 20:18


Hello everyone,

The Stealth Bombers are at this moment on their way to the UK.

I've included the National Office in this mailing, as they're still not actively supporting Fairford actions, despite the obvious severity of this situation, & instead choose to give the National front page over to half-baked stunts for anti-war dog owners.

Please send your complaints to:,,




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28.02.2003 22:16

This is disgraceful, thye are trying to ignore the option of peaceful direct action and by this the will of thousands of people. I think this really shows the priorities and the nature of the the STWC. Perhaps, we should not be suprised: The two key players in the coalition are Lindsey German and Chris Nineham, both senior members of the SWP central commitee. The SWP is now convinced we are now in the most momentous times since the 1960,s or even as they say the ‘1930’(in slow motion.)

They will do everything they can to remain at the head of this new movement, even though as a group their 19th C vanguardist ideology has few supporters. They are pursuing ruthlessly a centralisation of ideas and tactics,with marches and rallies as the key tactic. Nothing they do is by chance, but is carefully thought out and planned. Perhaps it is time for a new coalition, along the lines of the US group: United for Peace and Justice. Stopping this war is too important to have hidden agendas. We should respond now…

BTW, as some one has asked on another board, we also have to ask why the media is giving the Coalition, an easy time, they are not stupid, they know the hard left is at the head of a popular mass movement.In the past, such as the Miners Strike, they always tried to point out to the public who s was really in charge.

oirish woman

very odd....

28.02.2003 23:28

It makes no sense.
Why has the stop the war site failed to acknowledge the Fairford actions?
They may try to use the excuse that the actions are "violent" (in so much as people are breaking fences to try and stop the war) to not carry the news.
What a bunch of lame arses!
The B2s are on the fuckin way!! Get yer fuckin fingers out ya liberal twats!!

Irish Bloke ;-)

trots always against NVDA - work round them

01.03.2003 13:45

The SWP - who effectively run the stop the war alliance
are always against direct action - they view it as 'elitist'

They are not putting out info on fairford as they think that
stalls & leafletting are more important & they don't approve of direct action.
My view is that we should work round them, this is not the time
for endless rants about trot paper sellers - there's a war to
I personally deplore the actions of SWP - they are refusing to publicise fairford & other actions, not just at central office
but all over the country, presumably because of head office instructions.
We have to work round them - produce our own literature, flypost etc to get the word out - it's possible to get leaflets on stalls when trots aren't running them - they can't have eyes everywhere!
Or organise stalls/groups that don't involve them - get local Foe/CND/greenpeace/other groups to join together & organise stalls etc to get the word out
