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Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

Francisco Trindade | 28.02.2003 14:56

Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities

Proudhon was the only socialist thinker of your time to show reticent due to the aspiration of the several ones “nationalities” they constitute her as nations. The supporting of the nationality beginning only aspirated with effect to free the people tends in view your meeting in States - nations that under democratic pseudo varnish, they reproduce any of the old absolutism. He wrote in 1858 The Justice in the Revolution and in the Church: “what called re-establishment of Poland nowadays, of Italy, of Hungary, of Ireland, it is not another thing, in the bottom, that the unitary constitution of vast territories, in the model of the great potencies, where the centralization weighs so strongly on the people; it is of monarchic imitation for the benefit of the democratic ambition; it is not of freedom, still less of progress...”
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Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities
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The friend always José Carlos Fortuna.

Francisco Trindade