Shame and Scandal at Bendover Basil's school
Parent governor | 28.02.2003 12:38
Nevermind trousers down lyndsay brown, Bendover basil is here. Parents at Lagan College belfast allege negligence on the part of lagan in supervising vunerable children in the lonely, isolated and secluded spot where Lagan college is situated.
Vunerable special needs children were led out of the school premises by the well heeled children of the idle filthy rich to be sexually abused in the secluded countryside surrounding the school during school time. It is also alleged that pervert teachers instead of putting a stop to this practise, would spend hours watching their own private peep show. Lack of supervision and care of children seems to the trademark of Lagan when children from Newtonbreda secondary school weilding baseball bats were allowed onto Lagan school premises to beat up Lagan pupils. The table were turned when Lagan pupils took the baseball bats off newtonbreda ones and beat the crap out of them. Again Lagan pupils were left to fend for themselves with no adult teachers supervising or intervening to stop the violence. It seems the only time teachers at Lagan express concern or get off their backsides is when their top of the range Mercedes/Rolls are vandalised. The shallow Senior management at Lagan it seems are not fully commited to the progressive principles of integrated education or providing equality of educational provision or opportunity to all children. They prefer instead to use integrated education to further their own social status, for selfish self glory and sit back and reap the financial and civic rewards. This is evident by their negligence and devil may care attitude when it comes to the welfare, care and wellbeing of pupils of parents commited to the principles of integrated education.
Parent governor