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the Sun said so | 26.02.2003 20:31

Massive Tory support for Tony Blair causes him to dump even his New Labour roots

It is claimed tonight (by a reliable source) that Tony Blair is joining the Conservative Party after seeing more Tory support for him than from his own Labour party.

A sizeable number of Labour MPs voted against Holy Tony but it was the tories wot won the day for him by giving him the support that Ian Duncan Smith never had.

Instead of these tories joining New Labour Tory Blair saw it fit that he should join the tories since there is such a big group of like-minds.

Since ideologically they out-tory the tories, Other leading New Labour illuminaries would follow soon. Closet tories like Blunkett and Straw would dump their guise and join the Conservative Party and take it further right still...,11538,903575,00.html

the Sun said so
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