Punk, Anarchism Found Dead In Street: Socialists Suspected
Bongo | 26.02.2003 02:32
an editorial. how a bunch of prefixes snuck up and beat down a peaceful innocent philosophy. (optional title - "Anarcho- WHAT??")
i guess i have to get a new philosophy. it's too bad.
bye bye anarchism. i was hoping you were going to be viable, workable, dynamic and intellectual. i thought you were gonna be the philosophical vehicle that might have a chance and dislodging statism and racism. i was all for you, anarchism...i mourn your loss.
it's too damn bad.
I mean, now that Socialism has coopted you like white men playing the blues and calling it original and authentic, i guess the Marxists and Totalitarians will say it's their philosophy now...which means anarchism is dead and socialism has done it like a hermit crab does a shell it finds on the beach; crawled in and walked away.
so i guess i will light a candle for everything anarchism COULD have been: free, openminded and even maybe happy, unfettered by old doctrines or limited by rules. But now the same tenets that Stalin and Lenin, those damn anti-semites and famous Statists, that sam,e set of rules about how things must always be has infested and devoured you and left a bloated, ungainly and basically futile corpse. And the State is grinning. Who will oppose Capitalism now? Socialism won't.
Socialism, oppose Capitalism, oh yeah, right. Worked REAL well in The soviet Union. oh, sorry. In Russia.
Goodbye, anarchism.
I know that you will lurch around like a zombie, or like the blob, sucking kids in who will scrawl circle- a's and feel motivated. But they will obviously -- i hjave seen it -- get sucked in to the conformist doctrines of Socialism and capitalism...ownership and State held property.
I miss you, anarchism. I used to love you so much. You were so young when they got you, when they coopted you and drained all your nonconformist openness, sucked out all your free will. And what's left of you is a futile joke that will blame the State on its own inability to manifest anything new, making the scum in power even more powerful. And of course you are now infested with Socialists who enjoy their new social influence and control. i know those socialists. They want to be the new bosses of a future state. Bye bye, anarchism. I really wish you had made it.
But the power hungry took you over, collectivists who demand consensus drained your free will and name-calling anti-intellectuals beat you down to ensure that there would be no protests from within you. Now you're gone and it's really too bad.
Maybe I should blame myself? We could have used some effective anarchism before the State got so obviously criminal and rapacious. Now you're dead. i wish there was something we could do to jump start, but now that Socialists have all the power and influence, i know they will never let you go. Between Satanists and Socialists, you really couldn't fight back, could you, anarchism? I used to love yyou anarchism, but you're a corpse, now, a zombie.
Anarchism was the one real hope for real freedom in a world where Statists TALKED about freedom but enslaved their women and raped the earth, used racist rationale to justify their propertarian notions. You are gone and almost completely forgotten, too. It's a damn shame.
Who will oppose the bosses now, while Socialists whine in their little rags about people's "right" to work for miserable wages at unnecessary druddge jobs, all to serve a State that sneers at its slaves? Goodbye, anarchism. You were my hope for awhile. Now the Socialists and the Communists are picking your heart and marrow from their bloodtsained teeth. Its a damn shame and a grievous loss.
Anarcho-socialism? "Oh, we're anarchists. But we have these rules..." (pulls out dusty scroll.)
Anarcho-communism? "Yeah, we're anarchists. And anyone who opposes us is a fool and possibly evil. They will be crushed and BURIED by the titanic strides of theproletariat. Join us now or be first to the wall when our revolution comes. You have a choice but it's join or die."
Goodbye, anarchism. You are gone and almost completely forgotten. The socialists who posess you are proud of their property and will defend it tooth and nail. I knew when I saw them painting "Property of Socialism" all over you that you were history. I wish I had done something then, but who can fight a mob that thinks as one, like a cloud -- forgive me -- of angry wasps?
I miss you anarchism, and the heilers and smilers who have moved into your old digs have really trashed the place. And if they really hate anything, it's people who dare to mention what anarchism ever really was; a place for people who believed in free will to hide and contemplate a good world.
I can't blame you, anarchism. The socialists took what they wanted, and claimed it and pissed all over it, marking their territory so that no one else could have it, and smearing cruelly anyone who might have spoken out for an anarchism without RULES. What a hatchet job. And now it's complete.
Now the neoStalinists will viciously smear anyone who attempts to bring you back to life while sneering out of the other side of their mouths that they believe in what you believed in. But where is Socialism, where is Communism, without all its doctrine and rules?
Out in the world sneering and smearing anyone who dares criticise its intentions, and claiming to be the only alternative to Capitalism.
Out in the world, Socialism will be convincing people to contribute their time and energy to a State that will drain them dry over and over and laugh all the way to the bank.
Out in the world making intelligent radicals look stupid.
Out in the world wasting time in petty squabbles.
But anarchism...oh well. I'll miss you.
But you are done with. What could possibly bring you back now that Socialists have coopted you, laden you down with doctrine and rules and drained your free will idealism? Anti-intellectuals own you now, originality and difference is taboo and copycatting is the new way to be.
Goodbye, anarchism. You were the hope of many.
But since I am saying goodbye, I might as well say hello to Communism and Socialism.
hello, Communism! hello, socialism. i glad YOU have it all worked out. All those silly teenagers who wanted free will, they were just pissing in the dark. I know that your LEADERSHIP and convenient class/caste desiegnations will help people know what is really "righteous."
bye bye anarchism. i was hoping you were going to be viable, workable, dynamic and intellectual. i thought you were gonna be the philosophical vehicle that might have a chance and dislodging statism and racism. i was all for you, anarchism...i mourn your loss.
it's too damn bad.
I mean, now that Socialism has coopted you like white men playing the blues and calling it original and authentic, i guess the Marxists and Totalitarians will say it's their philosophy now...which means anarchism is dead and socialism has done it like a hermit crab does a shell it finds on the beach; crawled in and walked away.
so i guess i will light a candle for everything anarchism COULD have been: free, openminded and even maybe happy, unfettered by old doctrines or limited by rules. But now the same tenets that Stalin and Lenin, those damn anti-semites and famous Statists, that sam,e set of rules about how things must always be has infested and devoured you and left a bloated, ungainly and basically futile corpse. And the State is grinning. Who will oppose Capitalism now? Socialism won't.
Socialism, oppose Capitalism, oh yeah, right. Worked REAL well in The soviet Union. oh, sorry. In Russia.
Goodbye, anarchism.
I know that you will lurch around like a zombie, or like the blob, sucking kids in who will scrawl circle- a's and feel motivated. But they will obviously -- i hjave seen it -- get sucked in to the conformist doctrines of Socialism and capitalism...ownership and State held property.
I miss you, anarchism. I used to love you so much. You were so young when they got you, when they coopted you and drained all your nonconformist openness, sucked out all your free will. And what's left of you is a futile joke that will blame the State on its own inability to manifest anything new, making the scum in power even more powerful. And of course you are now infested with Socialists who enjoy their new social influence and control. i know those socialists. They want to be the new bosses of a future state. Bye bye, anarchism. I really wish you had made it.
But the power hungry took you over, collectivists who demand consensus drained your free will and name-calling anti-intellectuals beat you down to ensure that there would be no protests from within you. Now you're gone and it's really too bad.
Maybe I should blame myself? We could have used some effective anarchism before the State got so obviously criminal and rapacious. Now you're dead. i wish there was something we could do to jump start, but now that Socialists have all the power and influence, i know they will never let you go. Between Satanists and Socialists, you really couldn't fight back, could you, anarchism? I used to love yyou anarchism, but you're a corpse, now, a zombie.
Anarchism was the one real hope for real freedom in a world where Statists TALKED about freedom but enslaved their women and raped the earth, used racist rationale to justify their propertarian notions. You are gone and almost completely forgotten, too. It's a damn shame.
Who will oppose the bosses now, while Socialists whine in their little rags about people's "right" to work for miserable wages at unnecessary druddge jobs, all to serve a State that sneers at its slaves? Goodbye, anarchism. You were my hope for awhile. Now the Socialists and the Communists are picking your heart and marrow from their bloodtsained teeth. Its a damn shame and a grievous loss.
Anarcho-socialism? "Oh, we're anarchists. But we have these rules..." (pulls out dusty scroll.)
Anarcho-communism? "Yeah, we're anarchists. And anyone who opposes us is a fool and possibly evil. They will be crushed and BURIED by the titanic strides of theproletariat. Join us now or be first to the wall when our revolution comes. You have a choice but it's join or die."
Goodbye, anarchism. You are gone and almost completely forgotten. The socialists who posess you are proud of their property and will defend it tooth and nail. I knew when I saw them painting "Property of Socialism" all over you that you were history. I wish I had done something then, but who can fight a mob that thinks as one, like a cloud -- forgive me -- of angry wasps?
I miss you anarchism, and the heilers and smilers who have moved into your old digs have really trashed the place. And if they really hate anything, it's people who dare to mention what anarchism ever really was; a place for people who believed in free will to hide and contemplate a good world.
I can't blame you, anarchism. The socialists took what they wanted, and claimed it and pissed all over it, marking their territory so that no one else could have it, and smearing cruelly anyone who might have spoken out for an anarchism without RULES. What a hatchet job. And now it's complete.
Now the neoStalinists will viciously smear anyone who attempts to bring you back to life while sneering out of the other side of their mouths that they believe in what you believed in. But where is Socialism, where is Communism, without all its doctrine and rules?
Out in the world sneering and smearing anyone who dares criticise its intentions, and claiming to be the only alternative to Capitalism.
Out in the world, Socialism will be convincing people to contribute their time and energy to a State that will drain them dry over and over and laugh all the way to the bank.
Out in the world making intelligent radicals look stupid.
Out in the world wasting time in petty squabbles.
But anarchism...oh well. I'll miss you.
But you are done with. What could possibly bring you back now that Socialists have coopted you, laden you down with doctrine and rules and drained your free will idealism? Anti-intellectuals own you now, originality and difference is taboo and copycatting is the new way to be.
Goodbye, anarchism. You were the hope of many.
But since I am saying goodbye, I might as well say hello to Communism and Socialism.
hello, Communism! hello, socialism. i glad YOU have it all worked out. All those silly teenagers who wanted free will, they were just pissing in the dark. I know that your LEADERSHIP and convenient class/caste desiegnations will help people know what is really "righteous."
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