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The Antiwar Movement And Its Discontents

Raghbir | 25.02.2003 14:37

Though im antiwar we have to 'fess up about our crapping on women and gay rights and start all over again.

The Left's unholy alliance with religious bigotry

Nick Cohen
Sunday February 23, 2003

The satisfaction of an anti-war movement which persuaded one million people to tell Iraqis they must continue to live under a tyranny has been disturbed by a dispute among the comrades on the vexed questions of gender and sexual orientation.
My reference last week to the decision of the Stop the War coalition to ally with the Muslim Association of Britain has provoked a few of its supporters to examine the beliefs of their new friends. Not everyone likes what they see. The association, whose members are mainly Arabs, isn't a strong force in British Islam. It is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood which wants a religious tyranny to enforce Islamic law. A supporter explained to the communist Weekly Worker that existing Muslim governments were far too permissive. 'We see no genuine Muslim states in the world today - Saudi Arabia and places like that profess to be Muslim states but this is untrue.'

The association believes the punishment for Muslims who abandon their faith should be death and that Israel should be abolished. Although it didn't support the 11 September atrocities, it refused to condemn the al-Qaeda killings in Mombasa because Israelis were the target. One small group, the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, protested that the coalition was promoting reactionary Islam rather than Muslims with 'democratic, secular and internationalist ideals', but it was overruled by the Socialist Workers Party.

In Marxist terms, the Trots have preferred feudal theocracy to bourgeois democracy which - in non-Marxist terms - is disgraceful and stupid, as a few members of the far Left are starting to realise.

'I ask all you women haters why you protest against one form of violence [war] while supporting the violence against women in Islamic countries [and presumably the West too]?' says one reader of the uk.indymedia website. A gay reader announces: 'I give this warning to the next SWP paper seller I see on Gay Pride: keep the hell away from us.'

But before the complaints got out of hand, order was restored and the debate concluded by a reader who cried that people who condemn fundamentalists were the victims of a 'desperate' plot hatched by 'MI5/Special Branch.' Well spotted, comrade.

Single-issue campaigning always brings strange alliances and it's silly to be over-fastidious. Those of us who can't see any way other than war to remove a tyrant who has killed hundreds of thousands and forced four million into exile are in bed with Tony Blair, a novel experience, but there you are.

It's one thing, however, to see the upholders of sharia law join your demonstration. It is quite another to invite them to co-host your demonstration and embrace them as brothers. The absence of principle is matched only by the absence of intelligence. What is the Left offering Iraq? It has no strategy other than the continuation of a brutal status quo. It can't support the Iraqi democrats because they say Saddam can only be overthrown by violence.

It can't support the Iraqi Kurds because they agree. It has been reduced to allying with religious bigots, the deadliest enemy of those best and brightest Muslims who offer that rare commodity in the Islamic world, hope.



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Nik Cohen finally loses it

25.02.2003 14:55

Presumably "the Kurds" which Mr Cohen refers to are different Kurds from the ones which marched for peace on February 15, and different Kurds from the 150,000 killed by Turkey (a NATO member, natch) in Northern Iraq since 1990.

Honestly, if you hear of Kurds IN Northern Iraq begging for war, please understand that they are being duped.

The US and Britain has absolutely no intention of pissing off Turkey by giving them their own homeland after a war, or even letting them participate in whatever phoney-baloney "democracy" will be installed by General Harman J. RagheadKiller III in the wake of the (always worth mentioning this again) 500,000 DEAD IRAQIS.

Cohen mate, wise up. Or, alternatively, fuck off and hang out with the likes of Aaronovitch and Burchill, showboating egotists all.

Mad Monk

Nick Gets It Right: Admit It

25.02.2003 15:11

ive been a feminist activist for over 30 years and it saddens me the extent to which the Male Left have ignored the treatment of women in this whole situation and before any of you muslim/misgoynists/Male Leftwingers threaten to kill me: Im *anti* war but pro-Wimmin just wondering when sexism will be treated with the same fanaticism that race is.


Can I join?

25.02.2003 15:27

Do pray tell me where one can join this Male Left, as there's nothing I like more than sitting about oppressing women (and spelling the word correctly by the way, there is no need to be scared of words).

But seriously (I was joking by the way, I can tell that humour ain't your strong suit, rad-fem), where do you get off assuming that there *is* such a thing as the Male Left (nice capitals) and that nobody cares about sexism just because we are more preoccupied at the moment trying to stop 500,000 men, women and children being butchered in a pointless war.

Nobody likes intolerance, but most people only see it when it applies to them and are quite happy to act intolerantly towards others. Sad but true.

Identity politics is a divisive and crappy thing - discard it and struggle instead for the happiness of ALL PEOPLE.

That's what socialism is all about, rendering this sort of juvenile I-hate-men-well-I-hate-women-well-I-hate-gay people-so-there bullshit quite redundant.

And by the way, nobody's going to threaten to kill you. And it they do it would be a rather pointless gesture since nobody knows who the hell you are or where you are.


Phallus E

cohen teams up w/hitchens

25.02.2003 15:50

'an anti-war movement which persuaded one million people to tell Iraqis they must continue to live under a tyranny'

alternatively an anti-war movement which tells 500,000 Iraqis that they shouldn't be killed in a variety of brutal any case what does Cohen think will follow Saddam? democracy?!? not likely...

'Those of us who can't see any way other than war to remove a tyrant who has killed hundreds of thousands and forced four million into exile are in bed with Tony Blair, a novel experience, but there you are. '

Yeah but Saddam's regime did all that killing many years ago, the only genocide currently happening in Iraqi is the sanction regime, clearly deaths only matter when 'our' enemies cause them, Cohen's position is 'cos Saddam was brutal when US/UK was supporting him, we should kill 500,000 Iraqis and install a new dictator'

'What is the Left offering Iraq?'
Classic rhetorical question, columnists are asking this over and over again, why don't they give someone from the 'left' a chance to answer?!?!....i'd gladly do it...

'It can't support the Iraqi democrats because they say Saddam can only be overthrown by violence.'
I dunno who these democrats are...some exiles who hope to be installed by Bush are gagging for war

'can't support the Iraqi Kurds because they agree.'
yeah but Kurds and other Iraqis are sworn enemies, so many Kurds don't care that 500,000 Iraqis could die...
Iraqi Kurds are also scared sh*tless that Turkey will be allowed to invade N.Iraq, which will result in massacres, at the moment Iraqi Kurds are living relatively safely and relatively democratically, unlike the Kurds in Turkey, but again Cohen doesn't care about them cos 'our side' is slaughtering them....
I am anti-war and yet I do voluntary work w/Kurds in London, but Nick Cohen is telling me I can't support them..
I wonder what he is doing for them apart from pontificating on a six figure salary and cheerleading for a war....
