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Act Now!!: Fax your MP before the Parliamentary debate on Iraq (only takes 5 min

Epimenedes | 25.02.2003 11:40

Fax your MP, now, it will only take 5 minutes. Parliament will debate Iraq on Wednesday and will vote on whether to allow Blair to back Bush's war. Its up to you to stiffen your MP's resolve

Fax your MP, now, it will only take 5 minutes. Parliament will debate Iraq on Wednesday and will vote on whether to allow Blair to back Bush's war. Its up to you to stiffen your MP's resolve.

If you follow the web link to
you can do it now online very very quickly.

Here is the letter I sent my MP. Please feel free to use it as a template for your letter--

"I regret that I must say that unless you are seen to speak in parliament and to vote against the planned invasion and occupation of Iraq neither I nor many of your constituents will be willing to support you in the next general election. This is a general problem for the Labour Party: many of those who voted for Labour in the two previous general elections will either vote Lib Dem or simply not vote at all, if this murderous attack on Iraq goes forward.

I am aware that the decision to oppose your party leadership will not be an easy one for you to take, but I hope that I may comfort you with the thought that a willingness to stand on a matter of principle against the will of the Cabinet was central to the successful political careers of Harold Wilson, or indeed much earlier Winston Churchill. Know also, that if you take the right decision, the voters of XXXXXXX will keep you in Westminister.

I am grateful for the service you have given to ZZZZZZZ and hope that you will find a way towards representing the will of the vast majority of your constituents in preventing parliament lending its sanction to this act of premeditated mass murder."

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25.02.2003 16:51

shameless reposting- it is already in the newswire at least two times.
