Who is the potter and who the pot?
Tom Paine | 24.02.2003 11:40
The European Criminals in the upcoming Genocidal war in Iraq are Ballet Browne(BP), Hanger Hiatt (Shell),Goebbles Murdoch and Phoney Blair.
The Chief Potter(In Britian) of The Genocide in Iraq is Browne(BP).
Goebbles Murdoch and his goosestepping sons are the Propaganda Ministers.
Phoney Blair should be asked in Parliament toomorrow[sic.] which British companies supplied Sadaam with Weapons of Mass Destruction.
When the journalists tried to ask him this question at his last press conference he ran out the door.
Phoney has been allowed to get away with too much.
He rules by 'smoke and mirrors', 'wait and see','fait accompli'.
Chemical Weapons salesman Rumsfeld and The Psychopath of sabra will create another 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident to kickstart the war.
An attack on US forces in Kuwait or the assassination of a couple of inspectors inside Iraq are the most likely actions.
Sadaam will fight to the bitter end, destroy his country and skip quickly into Iran.
The Psychopath of Sabra and Rumsfeld will have created another century of war, like the last, in which to sell their weapons.
Goebbles Murdoch and his goosestepping sons are the Propaganda Ministers.
Phoney Blair should be asked in Parliament toomorrow[sic.] which British companies supplied Sadaam with Weapons of Mass Destruction.
When the journalists tried to ask him this question at his last press conference he ran out the door.
Phoney has been allowed to get away with too much.
He rules by 'smoke and mirrors', 'wait and see','fait accompli'.
Chemical Weapons salesman Rumsfeld and The Psychopath of sabra will create another 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident to kickstart the war.
An attack on US forces in Kuwait or the assassination of a couple of inspectors inside Iraq are the most likely actions.
Sadaam will fight to the bitter end, destroy his country and skip quickly into Iran.
The Psychopath of Sabra and Rumsfeld will have created another century of war, like the last, in which to sell their weapons.
Tom Paine
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24.02.2003 13:19