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Campaign to denounce the closing of Egunkaria

egunkaria | 23.02.2003 18:31

Campaign to denounce the closing of Egunkaria

We are promoting a campaign to denounce the closing of Egunkaria through internet to the whole world. We have published a web page denouncing the closing of Egunkaria here , and our goal is to make this page and "Egunkaria´s new site": be in a leading place when you search Egunkaria in Google . But to achieve this we need many people´s help, including yours.
What can you do to help the campaign?
· Insert a link to the page and to Egunkaria´s new site in EVERY PAGE (or as much as possible) of your website (your personal site, your company´s, an association you collaborate with), using these pieces of code (they must be written exactly as they appear here):
· If you want to put a banner in the links (for example this one), at least don't erase the text Egunkaria, and put an alt="Egunkaria" attribute to the image
· Then add the main page of your site to the pages that Google indexes
· So that we can know how the campaign is going on, write an e-mail to and tell us the site and the number of pages you´ve inserted the links
· If you don´t have a website, you can still write to the address above to say that you agree with the denounce page
Let's make the injustice done to Egunkaria known to the whole world!

- Homepage:


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Why post here in English?

23.02.2003 22:37

I can't find a word of English on your site. I haven't a clue what this website does or is, nor do I know anything about its closing down.

Nor, strangely, do you bother to tell me, or even warn me what language it is all in, before I click your link.

Need for a bit "engage brain" ?
