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Perfect example, why Israel should be in West Bank.

Harvey | 23.02.2003 15:27

Perfect example, why Israel should be in West Bank.

I was watching TV in Israel.
The lead story was the most important one, that I have seen or that most of you out there have not yet heard through the networks in the Diaspora. The military correspondent, Ronny Daniel, was inside a bulletproof command car being driven by the Sgan Aluf(Colonel) M. inside the Casbah of Schechem (Nablus).

We watched as the IDF Golani unit 202 comprised of paratroopers were going from house to house inside the 700 year old Casbah of Schechem Since last Passover's massacre in Netanya on Seder night, our IDF has been in and out of Schechem unable to finish the 'job,' because Arik Sharon knowingly allowed his coalition partner, the former Defenseless Minister Ben Eliezer of Labor to run for its leadership while running down our IDF.

Tonight, we sat back with our mouths wide open and frozen in anger and disbelief. As Ronny Daniel, Colonel M. and soldiers entered an Arab's house in Schechem, the cameras were filming the three floor 'find' of the IDF Golani heroes today. The 'family' of Arab men, women, and children were escorted out of this house before the IDF engineering unit began to cut apart the tiles of the kitchen floor. The area below the kitchen was filled with hundreds of bags of nails, bolts, and screws in quantities that were apparently more than ACE Hardware's supply in your local mall! The heating and soldering machines were assembled with oil, gas, and combustible materials for the next tens of bus bombs being assembled.

On the second floor of this 'residential house of militants, activists, and residents' (sic), the cameras followed the explaining Colonel M. and our correspondent, Ronny, and we watched as more of our IDF soldiers were removing the walls of the 'kids' bedrooms' to find hand grenades, guns that the Arabs had received and stored. On the 3rd floor of this house, the camera crew captured the bomb belts, their pieces and parts with all sizes, colors, and widths of belts, again more choices than your local belt rack in Nordstrom!

As the officer and soldiers went to the next house in search, the soldier began to shout excitedly on his find in this house. Here we watched again and saw dynamite sticks and fuses inside kids' school bags which our kids carry with school books. There must have been dozens of assembled school bags with bombs inside. Cellular phones and clocks were discovered which are the alleged methods of detonation by remote control of some of the Arabs' terror.

The Colonel M. stated to the correspondent inside Schechem's Casbah that the IDF is now here for months to clean up, capture, destroy as much of these terror tools as possible. The questions we had comprised of why did we leave, enter, leave, enter, and now have to come back again in the past months, year?

I turned off the TV as I knew that this rare habit of watching the news was dangerous to my health, but tonight's coverage of why we and our soldiers have to go house to house to search and destroy rather than utilize our airforce in one night will not be covered by CNN, BBC, or Reuters antisemite club groups. Instead we will be faced with possible IDF injuries or G-d forbid deaths in the coming weeks of this long delayed action by the IDF under Shaul Mofaz, a Defense Minister who also knows what the word Offense means, because we Jews cannot do that which others can do in nonstop aerial bombing (remember Afghanistan last year?).

Efrat, February 23, 2003
Harvey Tannenbaum



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And why do they make bombs?

23.02.2003 16:17

I have to ask you my zionist friend, why do you fail to put this "discovery" by the IDF in its historical context?, to hold up alleged evidence of terrorist activity as justification for an illegal occupation without once mentioning the beatings the random detentions, the suspension of water and electricity supplies at random, not to mention the frequent massacres and the fact that the settlement of the occupied territories is considered a war crime, perhaps i should throw in Israels complete disregard for the UN and its resolutions calling for the immediate withdrawl from Palestine, but of course you will imply that i and the massed ranks of the united nations are nothing but anti-semites, because any critique of israel is clearly the act of racists seeking the destruction of the jews. I think its time you and yours turned in the blatant misrepresentation of your nation and its actions, its been exposed as the lies of a fascist state bent on genocide.

Hugo Rune
- Homepage: Http://


23.02.2003 16:17

Of course there is armed resistance in Nablus.

This is because they have been illegally occupied by Israeli soldiers.

The biggest breeding ground for suicide operations is the Zionist state.

When Israelis take finally some responsibility for what their state is doing they may finally feel more secure.
But you can't kill your will into security.

Wake up and stop acting like nazi's!!


Cunning Plan

23.02.2003 17:38

Zionists give us every reason to hate them, and then make it a crime to hate them, so we must love our oppressor.


Response to Hugo Rune

23.02.2003 18:00

The Israelis have bent over backwards to try to accomodate the Palestinians including the best deal ever offered to Arafat by the Israelis during the Clinton Administration. All olive branch offered by the Israelis have met with more and more suicide (homicide) attacks. The onus is on the Palestinians to back down from their terror in order to ever achieve a semblance of peace and the possibility of a Palestinian state.

I do not blame the Israelis at all. If you suffered a 9-11 attack on an almost daily basis like the Israelis do, at some point you will not be so agreeable, diplomatic or willing to offer a olive branch. The onus is on the Palestinians to stop killing Israeli civilians so Arafat can implement his phase by phase plan.

The PLO was founded in 1964 to destroy Israel. Go read there charter! This is when the Arabs had all the disputed lands. Arafat went into detail in 1996, how he planned to ethnic cleanse and destroy Israel in 1996. Go read Arafat's speech in 1996.

"In October of 2000, with the help of Clinton, Israel offered Arafat an independent Palestinian State, 97% of the West Bank all of Gaza, Arab sections of Jerusalem and 3 percent of Israel. Arafat refused and the Palestinians started their homicide/suicide bombings and their latest attempt to destroy Israel."

In fact, the Palestinians broke the Oslo Accords precisely because of Israeli generosity, because the government of Ehud Barak offered to meet 100 percent of their demands, including turning over half of Jerusalem to their control -- a possibility once considered unthinkable. These concessions confronted Arafat with the one outcome he did not want: Peace with Israel. Peace without the destruction of the "Jewish Entity.

I read something that 1999 was the only year that no Israeli civilians were killed by Arab terrorists in Israel. In that year, 99 percent of Palestinians were living under Arafat's rule. Not one time did Israel go in any Palestinian city in 1999. This is not to hard to figure out. Israel wouldn't go in one Palestinian city if the Palestinians stop killing Israeli civilians. Everytime Israel leaves a Palestinian city, what happens, the Palestinians resume terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. This forces Israel to go back in these cities.

Israel withdrew ELEVEN times from the West Bank to effect a cease-fire. Each time Israel was attacked by suicide bombers who massacred Israeli civilians in Israel. The Palestinian Authority failed to arrest them, and instead paid their families awards. Arafat even named streets after them as "martyrs". How can anyone take seriously, Arab leaders that encourage terror attacks against civilians?

Take Hebron, Israel left the city of Hebron. The second Israel left, Palestinian gunman then machined gunned Israeli worshippers to death. Take Bethlehem. Israel left Bethlehem, what happens, a Palestinian homicide bomber goes on an Israeli bus and slaughters Israeli school children.

You see, when someone wants to destroy you and kill your civilians. When you have 70 percent of Arabs who support homicide bombers against Israeli civilians. When you have Palestinian terrorists groups that refuse to sign an agreement, not to target Israeli woman and children. What do you expect Israel to do? When you hear about all the Israeli civilians being massacred. Thats only the Palestinian terrorist atrocities that got through. You know how many bus massacres, cafe massacres, Israeli security forces prevented.

When Israel was making peace with Egypt. How many times did Israeli soldiers attack Egypt? Zero Times.
When Israel was making peace with King Hussein. How many times did Israel attack Jordan? Zero times.

They didn't attack them, because Egyptians and Jordanians were murdering Israeli woman and children, like Palestinian terrorists are. I'll ask if, if everytime Israel leaves a Palestinian city and the second they leave, Palestinian terrorists from the city then massacre Israeli civilians. What do you expect Israel to do?

If you dont know, its Palestinian terrorism which is forcing Israel back in Judea and Samaria.

What do you think Israel should have done, seeing there civilians are being blown to bits by suicide bombers who are deliberately targeting elderly Holocaust survivors at Passover Seders, teenagers in pizza parlours, Israeli civilians in buses and disco's?

Israel targets Palestinians terrorists who send homicide bombers and gunman, who go into Israeli college cafeterias, night clubs, restaurants, felafel stands, buses, and hotel lobbies full civilians, and deliberately massacre hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians.

I saw this from 2 weeks ago, which explains exactly what i'm talking about.

Several Palestinian officials from different groups have already arrived in Cairo for the conference. PA officials said the conference was expected to end in failure after most of the Palestinian groups announced that they would not halt their attacks against civilians inside Israel.

Can you imagine that, these Palestinians wont sign an agreement not to target woman and children in Israel. You couldn't find me a Hindu, Budhish, Jewish or Christian leader that wouldn't sign an agreement not to target innocent civilians. Only the murderous Arabs wont sign it.

Nothing will change for the Palestinians, because its not about their state its about destroying Israel. The Pals live in bad conditions, because their leaders keep them in it, not because of Israel. Its not in the Pal leaders best interest, to normalize life for their people. If they did, there would be no need for them.

For those of you on the left, who still believe that there IS a "'Palestinian' middle", you must have missed the news.

A recent poll indicated that a majority of the "Palestinians" see the goal of this war of attrition (that they erroneously call the "Intifada") as the DESTRUCTION of Israel- NOT a state in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, with Jerusalem as their capital, as they often claim when dealing with the foreign press.

Were that the case, then they would have had it.
The fact is that this conflict is EXISTENTIAL- NOT TERRITORIAL. They don't accept Israel within ANY borders, and THIS is why Arafat didn't sign on the dotted line in 2000.

The PLO assumed that Israeli society couldn't tolerate a conflict, where Israeli civilians were murdered on a daily level; that we were weak- that we would capitulate.

Now, what has Sharon done? He fought back on THEIR terms. The world reacts to Jews defending themselves, as though the Palestinian terrorists are the victims.

I say to these people. "Would you tolerate a neighbor orchestrating, funding, and blessing homicide murderers targeting your civilian population?

Would you tolerate a situation in which women and children were being blown to pieces in your cafes, pizzeria's and shopping centers?
Would you tolerate street side celebrations by your neighbors, frequently displayed on your TV screens, rejoicing at the carnage that they had inflicted on your people?"

They Palestinians insisted on war. I personally have had friends, neighbors, and acquaintances murdered by Arab terrorists. I personally have had friends, neighbors, and acquaintances injured by terrorists. I personally have been shot at by terrorists.

I won't apologize for fighting back.

Place the blame where it belongs, and try and understand their mindset rather than imposing yours on them.

Read this.

Mofaz: Arafat gave 'green light' to suicide attacks

Friday, January 31, 02, Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent

Information directly linking Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat to terror organizations was presented Friday by Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz.

Addressing the Economic-Social Club in Nes Tziona, Mofaz charged that Arafat had instructed the heads of the organizations to kill more Israelis.

Referring to a never-before publicized conversation between Arafat and the leaders of the terror groups in February 2001, the defense minister charged that "the Palestinian plan was to cause a few thousand Israeli deaths within a number of months, so that Israel would give in to them... It was tantamount to giving a green light to the suicide terror attacks against Israel."

Mofaz said Hamas and Islamic Jihad began the suicide attack campaign and were joined a year or so ago by Arafat's Fatah organization. He noted that Israel was in possession of additional intelligence indicating Arafat's involvement in the terror, adding that the United States and other countries were also privy to this information.

In the past, Israel presented information concerning cash payments from Arafat's office to terror activists.

Significant information on the issue was published in June last year, when it was reported that shortly after the suicide attack at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem, that left seven Israelis dead, Arafat met with Fatah activist Mohammed Naifeh from Tul Karm, giving him $20,000 to be used for the operations of Fatah's military wing.

Israel passed on this information to U.S. President George W. Bush, who in turn, distanced himself from Arafat.


End the Zionist occupation of Indymedia

24.02.2003 04:53

Indymedia was set up to epresenty alternative viewpoints.

Zionist propaganda is so prolific it's mainstream.

I have been wandering the streets of Nablus (only racist colonialists insist on calling it by a 2000 year old name!) and there are no TV crews running around.

How very, very handy that there was one to uncover this "find", and that it was able to stay there watching the engineering corps at work, while civilians are being terrorised on the streets outside.

This TV crew hasn't been in any of the occupied ouses I have entered.

Methinks me smells a rat!


40 years of Holocaust

24.02.2003 08:36

The Holocaust agaist the Jews lasted 5 or six years .
The Jewish Holocaust against the Palestinians has lasted
at least 40 years, gernerations of young people have grown
up living in misery, many of them gunned down, in their own homes, by the murdering dogs of the Israeli army.

right wing zionist propaganda flooding IMC and it's backed up by the goody goody middle class lobby ....
