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Were demonstrations a success against Iraq war?ei

e | 22.02.2003 20:51

Although the ones which want war apparently unimpressed act in direction of war, however, in such a way the demonstrations showed who represents the wishes of the majority of the people worldwide.

If one measures, whether war could be prevented -
the demonstrations were then no success,
because - as it appears - the ones which want war - continue their way unimpressed.

But the demonstrations were a great success in sense
--- the people (through all nations and cultures, from Nord and South, from East and West) illustrated that they want to exist with each other in friendship and that problems should be handled in leadership of the UNO and that the world not want to be leaded of a small group of people from the USA.
It is especially stressed
A small group because the majority of the US citizens is also against this war.

The demonstrations were a giant success because this difference was shown clearly by the demonstrations:
This group that want war do not represent the majority but only a SMALL minority.



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A success?

23.02.2003 00:16

Judge for yourself... see pics

Global resistance
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The first internet (non?)war?

23.02.2003 02:09

Were they a "success". Well if the goal is to prevent war, then it's too soon to tell. But without doubt, the demonstrations have had an impact. We'd already be at war if it hadn't been for the peace movement.
Really,when you think of it, it's really impressive, that MILLIONS protested against a war that hasn't yet started. It really shows the power of the internet, which is the tool behind these demonstrations. Not just the organizing tool, but also the provider of information that would cause one to doubt the "official line". Think about it, only 5 years ago, we'd all be restricted to the local press or the tv. And now one can go to any news source around the globe. (I'm writing from the USA). It's quite amazing. If Vietnam was the first televised war; this is proving to be the first internet (non?)war.

ps. Lot's of coverage of your HUGE F15 Protest (hat's off!)
And as you know:

