Blair and the Mafia
dh | 22.02.2003 18:57
Urgent News Release
from Ian Henshall, publisher and
This copy casn be run free in the public interest
020 7221 8137
Friday 21.2 2003
In a little noticed report last Sunday, The Observer (London) has exposed
more mafia links at the heart of New Labour. The devastating information was
uncovered by the respected investigative journalist Anthony Barnett, but the
pro-Blair newspaper downplayed the damning story, relegating it to page 14.
Today Blair visits Italian PM Berlusconi, his key ally in Europe and head of
a coalition which includes neofascists and the racist devolutionists of the
Northern League. Berlusconi was the first premier in Europe to back the
Perle/Sharon War against Islam project in the wake of 911, at a time when
Blair was claiming to carry a copy of the Koran on every foreign trip.
Blair will be hoping that the media ignores Berlusconi and concentrates
instead on his audience with the Pope, designed to underline Blair's
David Mills, husband of `Blair Babe` and key political ally Tessa Jowell and
brother of Barbara Mills ex-head of the Serious Fraud Office, is now under
criminal investigation by Italian magistrates for money laundering on behalf
of Italy's PM Silvio Berlusconi.
Mills has been co-operating as a witness in the Berlusconi investigation for
several years. The Observer describes Mills as the accountant who helped set
up Berlusconi's financial empire over many years. Recent supergrass evidence
in Italy has pointed the finger at Berlusconi as the mafia's man there.
Berlusconi enjoyed a meteoric rise to power after magistrates exposed the
ruling coalition of Christian Democrats and Blair type `socialists` as
virtually a front for the mafia.
This is not an isolated case of Blair/Jowell sleaze. Formula One boss Bernie
Ecclestone was famously given privileged access to the new Prime Minister in
1997 and achieved a change in government policy on tobacco advertising in
return for a massive secret donation to Blair's New Labour. Jowell was the
health minister who tore up Labour Party Policy for Ecclestone's benefit and
Jowell's husband David Mills was a director of one of Ecclestone's key
Jowell is currently pushing the Communications Bill through Parliament,
which will allow foreign media owners to buy up tv channels in the UK.
As the saying goes, once is happenstance twice is co-incidence, three times
is downright sinster. In Blair's case the mafia sleaze links get worse. Step
in Enron and their bent accountants Arthur Anderson.
Enron was one of the key backers of the New Labour takeover of the Labour
Party, sponsoring them openly and providing more funds in secret. Enron
accountants Arthur Anderson (now liquidated) were New Labour's favorites
when it came to stitching up the lucrative PFI (quasi-privatisation) deals
which made a packet for New Labour henchmen in their less publicised role as
predatory company directors.
Anderson were so suspect that even the Conservative government had banned
them from government contracts. Anderson recruits were told it was company
policy to write notes in pencil (so that they could be falsified). Anderson
executives are facing criminal charges for destroying evidence in the Enron
The Enron affair has been misprepresented in the pro-Blair pro-US corporate
media in the UK. It was not an accounting scandal like Worldcom where
expenditures were booked as investment and investors misled. It was an
outright mafia style theft. Enron was used as a shell company to suck cash
out of the US financial system. The cash was deposited in bogus companies in
tax havens where it would be untraceable and then stolen by persons unknown.
When Labour Chancellor Gordon Brown proposed a tightening up of money
laundering havens in the wake of the 911 attacks he was ignored by the Bush
regime who preferred to attack Afghanistan and now Iraq.
The Enron accountant who might have spilt the beans died in an unexpected
and highly suspicious `suicide` shortly before he was to give evidence. The
UK media has been remarkably silent on the fate of another Enron accountant,
leading Conservative politician John Wakeham who sat on the committee
supervising Enron's accounting and now faces a criminal investigation.
Blair has never explained why he appointed Wakeham, a political enemy, to
oversee the reform of the House of Lords. At Blair's prompting Wakeham
proposed a mostly +unelected+ second chamber. Blair's original manifesto as
a candidate for Labour leader emphasised that he would fight for an elected
House of Lords.
Enron had even closer links with the third member of the Blair/Berlusconi
friends of the mafia: George Bush Jr. Enron helped bankroll Bush's campaign
for President and paid for thugs to be flown into Florida from Washington to
disrupt the recounts. This made it possible for the Jeb Bush administration
to declare that brother George Bush had carried Florida.
George Bush's third brother Neil Bush disappeared from public view after
being implicated in the theft of hundreds of millions of dollars from a
Savings and Loan corporation in the early nineties.
Another Bush brother Marvin has been identified as the man who held the keys
to the World Trade Centre. His company installed access systems, knowledge
of which would have made it possible to plant the bombs which reporters and
firemen believe they heard shortly before the WTC towers collapsed.
Seismographs show sharp spikes an instant before each tower fell
Enron's links to Bush are so close that Bush saw necessary to lie about them
in public. He stated that Enron boss Ken `Kenny Boy` Lay had only been an
acquaintance and only since the mid nineties. In fact Lay and Bush were
buddies at least in the late eighties.
Andrew Rawnsley, one of the many Blair accolytes on the Observer, quotes
Blair as saying during the Ecclestone affair: `they'll have us for this`.
Blair has made clear he will use the Royal Prerogative to order British
troops to commit war crimes by invading Iraq in defiance of the UN. The
British public are currently mystified as to why Blair should back George
Bush to such an extent in flagrant defiance of (acording to opinion polls)
up to 90 percent of UK opinion.
Perhaps the aswer is that Blair does not have any choice.
Ian Henshall
Ian Henshall is the chair of INK, the umbrella organistion for the
alternative media in the UK. Opinion is in a personal capacity
from Ian Henshall, publisher and
This copy casn be run free in the public interest
020 7221 8137
Friday 21.2 2003
In a little noticed report last Sunday, The Observer (London) has exposed
more mafia links at the heart of New Labour. The devastating information was
uncovered by the respected investigative journalist Anthony Barnett, but the
pro-Blair newspaper downplayed the damning story, relegating it to page 14.
Today Blair visits Italian PM Berlusconi, his key ally in Europe and head of
a coalition which includes neofascists and the racist devolutionists of the
Northern League. Berlusconi was the first premier in Europe to back the
Perle/Sharon War against Islam project in the wake of 911, at a time when
Blair was claiming to carry a copy of the Koran on every foreign trip.
Blair will be hoping that the media ignores Berlusconi and concentrates
instead on his audience with the Pope, designed to underline Blair's
David Mills, husband of `Blair Babe` and key political ally Tessa Jowell and
brother of Barbara Mills ex-head of the Serious Fraud Office, is now under
criminal investigation by Italian magistrates for money laundering on behalf
of Italy's PM Silvio Berlusconi.
Mills has been co-operating as a witness in the Berlusconi investigation for
several years. The Observer describes Mills as the accountant who helped set
up Berlusconi's financial empire over many years. Recent supergrass evidence
in Italy has pointed the finger at Berlusconi as the mafia's man there.
Berlusconi enjoyed a meteoric rise to power after magistrates exposed the
ruling coalition of Christian Democrats and Blair type `socialists` as
virtually a front for the mafia.
This is not an isolated case of Blair/Jowell sleaze. Formula One boss Bernie
Ecclestone was famously given privileged access to the new Prime Minister in
1997 and achieved a change in government policy on tobacco advertising in
return for a massive secret donation to Blair's New Labour. Jowell was the
health minister who tore up Labour Party Policy for Ecclestone's benefit and
Jowell's husband David Mills was a director of one of Ecclestone's key
Jowell is currently pushing the Communications Bill through Parliament,
which will allow foreign media owners to buy up tv channels in the UK.
As the saying goes, once is happenstance twice is co-incidence, three times
is downright sinster. In Blair's case the mafia sleaze links get worse. Step
in Enron and their bent accountants Arthur Anderson.
Enron was one of the key backers of the New Labour takeover of the Labour
Party, sponsoring them openly and providing more funds in secret. Enron
accountants Arthur Anderson (now liquidated) were New Labour's favorites
when it came to stitching up the lucrative PFI (quasi-privatisation) deals
which made a packet for New Labour henchmen in their less publicised role as
predatory company directors.
Anderson were so suspect that even the Conservative government had banned
them from government contracts. Anderson recruits were told it was company
policy to write notes in pencil (so that they could be falsified). Anderson
executives are facing criminal charges for destroying evidence in the Enron
The Enron affair has been misprepresented in the pro-Blair pro-US corporate
media in the UK. It was not an accounting scandal like Worldcom where
expenditures were booked as investment and investors misled. It was an
outright mafia style theft. Enron was used as a shell company to suck cash
out of the US financial system. The cash was deposited in bogus companies in
tax havens where it would be untraceable and then stolen by persons unknown.
When Labour Chancellor Gordon Brown proposed a tightening up of money
laundering havens in the wake of the 911 attacks he was ignored by the Bush
regime who preferred to attack Afghanistan and now Iraq.
The Enron accountant who might have spilt the beans died in an unexpected
and highly suspicious `suicide` shortly before he was to give evidence. The
UK media has been remarkably silent on the fate of another Enron accountant,
leading Conservative politician John Wakeham who sat on the committee
supervising Enron's accounting and now faces a criminal investigation.
Blair has never explained why he appointed Wakeham, a political enemy, to
oversee the reform of the House of Lords. At Blair's prompting Wakeham
proposed a mostly +unelected+ second chamber. Blair's original manifesto as
a candidate for Labour leader emphasised that he would fight for an elected
House of Lords.
Enron had even closer links with the third member of the Blair/Berlusconi
friends of the mafia: George Bush Jr. Enron helped bankroll Bush's campaign
for President and paid for thugs to be flown into Florida from Washington to
disrupt the recounts. This made it possible for the Jeb Bush administration
to declare that brother George Bush had carried Florida.
George Bush's third brother Neil Bush disappeared from public view after
being implicated in the theft of hundreds of millions of dollars from a
Savings and Loan corporation in the early nineties.
Another Bush brother Marvin has been identified as the man who held the keys
to the World Trade Centre. His company installed access systems, knowledge
of which would have made it possible to plant the bombs which reporters and
firemen believe they heard shortly before the WTC towers collapsed.
Seismographs show sharp spikes an instant before each tower fell
Enron's links to Bush are so close that Bush saw necessary to lie about them
in public. He stated that Enron boss Ken `Kenny Boy` Lay had only been an
acquaintance and only since the mid nineties. In fact Lay and Bush were
buddies at least in the late eighties.
Andrew Rawnsley, one of the many Blair accolytes on the Observer, quotes
Blair as saying during the Ecclestone affair: `they'll have us for this`.
Blair has made clear he will use the Royal Prerogative to order British
troops to commit war crimes by invading Iraq in defiance of the UN. The
British public are currently mystified as to why Blair should back George
Bush to such an extent in flagrant defiance of (acording to opinion polls)
up to 90 percent of UK opinion.
Perhaps the aswer is that Blair does not have any choice.
Ian Henshall
Ian Henshall is the chair of INK, the umbrella organistion for the
alternative media in the UK. Opinion is in a personal capacity


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