Resolution 23/2 - decommission Fairford or serious consequences
GWI | 22.02.2003 11:12
Using the power vested in us as responsible citizens we resolve that US/UK governments proceed immediately to decommission Fairford airbase... non-compliance with this resolution (23/2) risks serious consequences.
Here's the current (working version) of the GWI script to kick of the action at the main gate of USAF Fairford tomorrow(23/2).
GWI: Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors
CWI: Chief Weapons Inspector
Audience: eveyone else who's gathered at the gate
GWI arrive on bicycles. CWI speaks first lines adlib through megaphone circling at gate
CWI We are the Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors we have the base surrounded, almost. We are here on a humanitarian mission to free Gloucestershire of WMD. Base personal are advised that they have the right to remain silent but non-compliance with citizens weapons inspections may be held against you at future war crimes tribunals. Cordon off this area. [may repeat variations several times until crowd gathers]
[Stage diractions - GWI cordon off area in front of gate with hazard warning tape to create area to perform in and wait for the march to arrive and settle. CWI may take opportunity to explain / encourage call and response + cue cards.]
CWI Our weapons inspection colleagues in Iraq have informed us that the Iraqi government is co-operating with inspection and disarmament and ..we think that this is a good thing.
Audience This is a good thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI However the US and UK governments have demonstrated nothing but arrogant non-compliance in refusing to allow citizens weapons inspections and we think this is a bad thing.
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI We and millions like us think that the evidence and argument for war against Iraq presented by the Bush / Blair axis is flimsy , hypocritical, duplicitous, simplistic, selective and overflowing with positively Orwellian orchestration of language. In short it is a dodgy dossier. …and this is a bad thing
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI In contrast we are in possession of a dossier that is fat with hard facts that definitely determines that the US and UK governments have Weapons of Mass Destruction; have used them in the past, are developing more and are planning for their use in the future. We say that this is a very bad thing.
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI The US airbase here at Fairford is designed to house the delivery systems (bombers) for a new generation of bunker-busting nuclear weapons. These weapons exist are here in the UK and are ready for use. Further we classify depleted uranium and other dirty nuclear weapons, used routinely by the US in recent wars, as weapons of mass destruction.
Using the power vested in us as responsible citizens we resolve that US/UK governments proceed immediately to decommission Fairford airbase. We are maintaining a monitoring facility (the peace camp) that will report compliance. If the US/UK governments do not comply with this resolution (23/2) there will be serious consequences. We resolve that decommissioning Fairford airbase is a good thing.
Audience This is a good thing!
CWI To commence immediately with the decommissioning process we once again ask to be let in. Refusal to admit us will be interpreted as an initial act of non compliance. Now let us in.
Audience Let us In (GWI hold up cue card)
[Of course they wont so we will proceed to surround the base and inspect as best we can from all vantage points. - visit the peace camp in Kempsford]
[We will have a bio-diesel 16 seater mini-bus circling the base for anyone or any groups that require lifts to other locations or back to Fairford - priority initially to elders and young children who want to visit the peac camp but can't walk the 2 miles there.]
come along - have some fun - stay peaceful - stay non-violent - we have the high moral ground.
more info see:
GWI: Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors
CWI: Chief Weapons Inspector
Audience: eveyone else who's gathered at the gate
GWI arrive on bicycles. CWI speaks first lines adlib through megaphone circling at gate
CWI We are the Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors we have the base surrounded, almost. We are here on a humanitarian mission to free Gloucestershire of WMD. Base personal are advised that they have the right to remain silent but non-compliance with citizens weapons inspections may be held against you at future war crimes tribunals. Cordon off this area. [may repeat variations several times until crowd gathers]
[Stage diractions - GWI cordon off area in front of gate with hazard warning tape to create area to perform in and wait for the march to arrive and settle. CWI may take opportunity to explain / encourage call and response + cue cards.]
CWI Our weapons inspection colleagues in Iraq have informed us that the Iraqi government is co-operating with inspection and disarmament and ..we think that this is a good thing.
Audience This is a good thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI However the US and UK governments have demonstrated nothing but arrogant non-compliance in refusing to allow citizens weapons inspections and we think this is a bad thing.
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI We and millions like us think that the evidence and argument for war against Iraq presented by the Bush / Blair axis is flimsy , hypocritical, duplicitous, simplistic, selective and overflowing with positively Orwellian orchestration of language. In short it is a dodgy dossier. …and this is a bad thing
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI In contrast we are in possession of a dossier that is fat with hard facts that definitely determines that the US and UK governments have Weapons of Mass Destruction; have used them in the past, are developing more and are planning for their use in the future. We say that this is a very bad thing.
Audience This is a bad thing. (GWI hold up cue card)
CWI The US airbase here at Fairford is designed to house the delivery systems (bombers) for a new generation of bunker-busting nuclear weapons. These weapons exist are here in the UK and are ready for use. Further we classify depleted uranium and other dirty nuclear weapons, used routinely by the US in recent wars, as weapons of mass destruction.
Using the power vested in us as responsible citizens we resolve that US/UK governments proceed immediately to decommission Fairford airbase. We are maintaining a monitoring facility (the peace camp) that will report compliance. If the US/UK governments do not comply with this resolution (23/2) there will be serious consequences. We resolve that decommissioning Fairford airbase is a good thing.
Audience This is a good thing!
CWI To commence immediately with the decommissioning process we once again ask to be let in. Refusal to admit us will be interpreted as an initial act of non compliance. Now let us in.
Audience Let us In (GWI hold up cue card)
[Of course they wont so we will proceed to surround the base and inspect as best we can from all vantage points. - visit the peace camp in Kempsford]
[We will have a bio-diesel 16 seater mini-bus circling the base for anyone or any groups that require lifts to other locations or back to Fairford - priority initially to elders and young children who want to visit the peac camp but can't walk the 2 miles there.]
come along - have some fun - stay peaceful - stay non-violent - we have the high moral ground.
more info see:
