dh | 21.02.2003 21:51
Cloak and Dagger has been contacted by reliable bank investigators who have uncovered evidence that British PM Blair was involved in criminal bribery. Blair accepted large bribes from the Bush oil interests."

Cloak and Dagger has been contacted by reliable bank investigators who have uncovered evidence that British PM Blair was involved in criminal bribery. Blair accepted large bribes from the Bush oil interests.
The evidence consists of bank transfers from George Bush financial interests to PM Blair's personal accounts via the United Arab Emirates where the investigations into criminal bribery against Blair began.
The purpose of the bribery is so that the United Kingdom's PM would be sure to go along with Bush's plan to forcibly seize the Iraqi oil fields while also unseating strongman Saddam Hussein. Part of the bribery plan was to use the Oil fields for collateral to support an out of control US deficit.
In recent months the Cloak and Dagger program has exclusively presented on air, details from the moderator and producer Sherman Skolnick, of a Chicago Public Access Cable TV program. Bank investigators have shown senior French diplomats documents that corroborate the following.
The documents support the following:
[1] A year and a half ago, Daddy Bush sent 16 Billion Dollars to Tony Blair. Sent via Carlyle Group which had Daddy Bush as a paid senior consultant. Daddy Bush has been a paid senior consultant, to among others, the Bin Laden Group, the family of Osama bin Laden. THEY are NOT on the outs with Osama who receives huge funding through a major Saudi Bank from his family as well as several Saudi Princes. A former UK PM is a director of Carlyle Group.
[2] The funds were payable to Tony Blair via a financial entity in the United Arab Emirates. The situation supports the contention that the Bush Crime Family plan has been long in the making. The Iraqi oilfields are, under the Bush/Blair scheme, to be seized and used as collateral to underwrite the huge growing U.S. deficit that is getting out of control as a result of the Bush Family's massive
scheme to cut taxes of the most wealthy in the U.S.
[3] Further, for huge private profit,Blair arranged to ship items to North Korea to facilitate their nuclear capabilities. The items were shipped via Royal Jordanian Airlines. Same way in which Hillary Rodham Clinton did the same. Visit previous parts of my series on "The Overthrow of the American Republic".
Late Tuesday, according to a news report from London, Blair is not any longer pushing for a pre-emptive soon-to-occur attack on Iraq. Threats of scandal and black mail works.
[4] The documents had been at the residence of Alan Greenspan. On January 16, 2003, the Bush Crime Family/American CIA "black bag" team in a break-in at his residence searched for the same. They were foiled, however, in that his wife, Andrea Mitchell, senior Washington correspondent for NBC, had just previous thereto removed the documents to another location. Remember: when the shuttle Columbia was downed, February 1, 2003, Andrea Mitchell made a strange network-broadcast statement that after the January 28, 1986 explosion of shuttle Challenger, Ronald Reagan used it as a disaster of convenience to divert attention from the impeachable offenses he committed as to Iran-Contra. Only dunderheads would not get the obvious analogy to the shuttle Columbia downing.
[5] All this plainly shows there is a serious division in the Aristocracy, one faction having corruptly installed George W. Bush, the other faction restraining him by every means short of openly arresting him for treason, such as Bush having been blackmailed into giving U.S. Military secrets to a sworn enemy of the U.S., namely the Red Chinese Secret Police.
More Information:
1-The scheme to grab Iraqi oil fields was in the works over a year and a half ago when several billion dollars was transferred to bank accounts set up for the private benefit of Blair.
2- Another document shows that Blair and his wife privately profited for arranging for North Korea to have nuclear capability. Skolnick also has stated on his TV show including broadcasting documents showing Hilary Clinton, now U.S. Senator Democrat New York, likewise privately profited from the treasonous North Korean deal.
Stay tuned for more Cloak and Dagger exclusive news of this story as it develops.
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