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Iraq: Famous Dog hands Blair Smoking Gun

Wwoolf | 21.02.2003 14:42

Shocking New Wwoolf Photo delivers the goods! As the world recoils from war, an Australian dog provides Tony Blair with the evidence needed to justify wholesale slaughter. This is the secret photo that MI6 mislaid!

Iraq: Famous Dog hands Blair Smoking Gun
Iraq: Famous Dog hands Blair Smoking Gun

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forgot the credits

21.02.2003 17:56

Bin laden Appears courtesy of WALT DISNEY

Mickey Mouse

No smoking gun, just actors

21.02.2003 18:23

These are quite obviously actors. Saddam Hussein is clearly Bruce Willis in a moustache and hat, Bin Laden is yet another Oscar-winning performance by Ben Kingsley and the bolt-action rifle is in reality Mickey Mauser (groan!)
Only the Australian Dog really is an Australian Dog.


It's a fair dingo!!!

22.02.2003 01:22

Yes, this IS the photo we've all been waiting for. Well, perhaps not all of us - maybe just all-morals Blair the poodle and all-morals Aznar the Holy Coyote.

This picture is definitely genuine and authentic. Nothing like stolen old pages from PhD, Jane's etc cobbled together to be praised as "exquisite" by the likes of Colon Powell and Jack Straw Dog.

The smoking gun is so real that I can actually taste the cigarette it smokes.

I hope No.10 Downing Street would link its website to this one. It is better than the letter from that Irish girl who's never set foot on Iraq pleading for it to be decimated.

A genuine 100 percent authentic picture is all the evidence Blair needs even if he is already God almighty Mr monopoly on morals!!! Good only comes to those who wait. And Poodle is so good that he gets this smoking gun picture - and remember, only yesterday and every day before that, the lack of a trigger was something that dogged Blair.

Skippy the Bushman