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Rude reception for the World Bank

Matt S | 20.02.2003 20:05

The President of the World Bank visited Oxford on Wednesday 19th February to give a talk on human rights (!) for the Amnesty International lecture series (!). Local activists gave him a less warm reception.

The President of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, visited Oxford on Wednesday 19th February, in order to give a series of talks. His keynote address was in the Sheldonian Theatre, where he gave a lecture on human rights as part of the Amnesty International lecture series.

He was welcomed by over 50 protestors, several of whom were dressed as the Grim Reaper (after all, Death follows the World Bank wherever it goes), and all of whom were armed with pots, pans and drums. After leafletting the audience members, those protestors who remained outside started a pots and pans protest in solidarity with similar protests held in Argentina and other Latin American countries in protest against the World Bank/IMF. The sound was clearly audible in the lecture hall, along with chants of "el pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido!"

Many anti-World Bank protestors were also present inside the lecture hall, although unsurprisingly the majority of the presentation consisted of Wolfensohn pontificating. Those who attended the lecture were left in no doubt as to the unpopularity of the World Bank however, and when they emerged into New College Lane they were confronted with an alternative film screening by UNdercurrents and other local activists...showing the truth about World Bank policies.

The President of the World Bank is now fully aware that wherever he goes, people will point to his hypocrisy and continuing abuse of human rights. May there be many more nights like this in Oxford....

Matt S
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Any pics?

20.02.2003 21:56




22.02.2003 00:59

Banks got to be number one when it comes to greed. I refuse to keep much money in banks.A few dollars for cashing cheques. No credit cards,or debit cards, just cash and also trade and barter. As long as banks have our money they will use it to profit from death and destruction. They have no compassion,and they cannot love. We need to create alternative systems of currency, supporting local friendly economies. It wouldn't take long to bring some banks to their knees if people started with-drawing their money and canceling their accounts and trashing their credit cards. If we want to protest the war one great way would be for us to close our accounts or at least reduce them to a minimum if we have to cash cheques. Just think, the ten or so million people who protested the war on J15 withdrew their money. This may not stop the war but it would send a message to the profiteers of greed, those who support war will not get our money.
