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Manchester calls for Day of Disobedience, April 1st

A Neighbourhood Opposing War | 20.02.2003 16:42

Manchester Stop War coalition calls for a day of Disobediance against war on April 1st

Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition is calling for another Day of Disobedience. It is hoped that this will be similar to that of October 31st 2002 -- but even bigger and more effective!

After the Feb15th demo it is important to localise our struggles so that we can take effective action to stop the war machine and make sure that we prevent it's smooth running!

I hope that Stop the War groups around the country will respond to this call and make it into a national day of action. Early April is a likely time for the attack on Iraq to begin, so let's get our retaliation in first!

A Neighbourhood Opposing War
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I think sooner than that!

20.02.2003 20:21

Why April 1st? That seems ages away and the momentum following on from Saturday might have dwindled by then. I can't see what the problem is, it's not as if blocking roads and stuff will take a lot of organising. In Liverpool on 18th Jan 2,500 marched through the city centre and that was organised at very short notice in fact in less than ten days. I've read somewhere else that 17th March could be a date for some direct action, I'm inclined to agree the sooner the better, what's the point of taking action on the eve of war anyway.

But whatever happens, I'll be happy to come over to Manchester to take part.

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Yet Another March of Mass Distraction?

21.02.2003 02:54

Why get so carried away with it all? The true story is that we have not got as far as the Iraq adventure and we still have 9/11 and T.W.A.T to sort out.
With 9/11 big government lied - the Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was 'only an arms trade protest' and everything to do with the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened at exactly the same time in London docklands. The media reported the big lie as verbatim truth and most of the populace were hoodwinked. Openly talking about this issue outside of 'govt./media' is the way forward - nobody can lock you up for talking the truth.
The Afghan issue is quite a problem for the 'coalition' that prosecuted T.W.A.T. on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Most criminals get dealt with according to crimes already made not for new ones that may or may not happen. The same applies to the Tony and George show. They are the criminals and the crime that they dragged us through was one of GENOCIDE - a crime against all humanity. GENOCIDE is easy to look up for a dictionary definition and easily understandable. In the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were exterminated - not really a 'just' war no matter how indoctrinated one is regarding the 'Taliban being evil'. The real evil is at home, with Tony and George, and their criminal clique knew in advance about September 11. They deliberately lied about it in order to get their war - costing you the taxpayer something like $40 billion - and all profits to them.
There is no point worrying about the Iraq crisis - the issue is the 'Tony and George Crisis'. Sodom is only a distraction so don't fall for it - openly talk about 9/11 and the arms trade fair that went on at the same time. This is the issue to put first.

Blunkett The Blind