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Pope won't abslove or bless bloodthirsty warmongers anymore

Order of St Martin | 20.02.2003 15:30

The Pope is expected to condemn Tony Blahrr's insatiable bloodlust. In an effort to prevent a repeat of the mistake made in the 1930's, when Catholic priests were tricked into blessing nazi stormtroopers and photographed.

In the interests of global peace and in an attempt to halt the advent of armageddon, the Pope is expected to call on Tony Blahrr to control his insatiable desire and lust for war. We do not want a repeat of the mistake made in the 1930's when Catholic priests were photographed blessing heathen occult loving nazi stormtroopers. Holy father don't let Blair use you and the holy catholic church for a very cynical calculated PR photo opportunity, we may never recover from this. Don't let Blahrr taint our blessed church.

Order of St Martin


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the emperors new clothes

20.02.2003 16:03

It is a gross abomination that the likes of Blair/bush/soddem are wasting money on War and weapons of mass destruction and death, when so many little children around the world are straving, living with poverty hunger and disease. A peasant child who fights for survival everyday, rummaging through landfills/waste heaps for scraps of disgarded food, clean water and against disease is more courageous, brave and noble, than any pompous rich statesman or gilded bishop.


The Pope must....

20.02.2003 18:56

Church leaders stopped short of denouncing the war, in fact they endorse it, with UN approval, but they had to speak out on the side of the overwhelming majority of their parishoners, who are anti-war. Preaching that Blair's war is moral and just from the pulpit to peace activists, would have stunk of the Antichrist.

Cardinal Sin

church leaders march with anti war protestors

20.02.2003 22:32

Leaders of the Catholic church in britain and Ireland have condemned Blair's determination to wage war, death and destruction on tiny countries for oil and greed. Many marched alongside anti war protestors. Christian churches do have a consience.

Bernadette mary

Neo-Catholic (aka neo-Conservative) for War

20.02.2003 22:37

T'was written...

"Preaching that Blair's war is moral and just from the
pulpit to peace activists, would have stunk of the

Calling the Bush/Blair Oil War, a "just war" is precisely
what the self-styled "neo-Catholic" commentator,
George Weigel told the Daily Telegraph (London), yesterday.

Incidentally, Weigel's biography of the Holy Father
is neither official nor authoritative in any way.

Jennifers Nose
- Homepage:

Come off it.....

20.02.2003 23:31

Don't be fooled by that mystic's ramblings about how great the pope and his church are. The catholic church could teach Bush and Blair a thing or two about war mongering, and about sucking up to murderous dictators. Mussolini gave the catholic church the vatican city for it's support of fascism. And the catholic church signed a concordat with Hitler. Don't forget who told the (catholic) centre party to vote Nazi in 1933. The catholic church of course.

Order of The Pint

The Pope : Residency In Iraq As Human Shield?

20.02.2003 23:31

I was thinking the other night (always dangerous). That there is only one man on earth who could stop this war, and that's the Pope.
If suddenly we read that Pope John had taken up residency in Iraq as a "human shield", this war would be over before it ever began. OVER!
If that happened, this Pope would
#1. be remembered for as long as there is history: 1,000's of years from now, this story would still be told.
#2. He would for sure be canonized, ie. Saint John.

anyone know the telephone number of the Vatican, or know someone in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church???? It's a wild, but great idea.

Prince 'o Peace

But the Pope is too late!!!

21.02.2003 02:57

The true story is that we have not got as far as the Iraq adventure and we still have 9/11 and T.W.A.T to sort out. The Pope was well up for T.W.A.T. and thought it was a 'just' war... He is part of the conspiracy, the 'trap' set by the Big Lie.
With 9/11 big government lied - the Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was 'only an arms trade protest' and everything to do with the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened at exactly the same time in London docklands. The media reported the big lie as verbatim truth and most of the populace were hoodwinked. Openly talking about this issue outside of 'govt./media' is the way forward - nobody can lock you up for talking the truth.
The Afghan issue is quite a problem for the 'coalition' that prosecuted T.W.A.T. on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Most criminals get dealt with according to crimes already made not for new ones that may or may not happen. The same applies to the Tony and George show. They are the criminals and the crime that they dragged us through was one of GENOCIDE - a crime against all humanity. GENOCIDE is easy to look up for a dictionary definition and easily understandable. In the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were exterminated - not really a 'just' war no matter how indoctrinated one is regarding the 'Taliban being evil'. The real evil is at home, with Tony and George, and their criminal clique knew in advance about September 11. They deliberately lied about it in order to get their war - costing you the taxpayer something like $40 billion - and all profits to them.
There is no point worrying about the Iraq crisis - the issue is the 'Tony and George Crisis'. Sodom is only a distraction so don't fall for it - openly talk about 9/11 and the arms trade fair that went on at the same time. This is the issue to put first.

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