Bristol internet radio live tonight
Bristol Broadband Collective | 20.02.2003 15:02
Bristol's internet radio production, Dialect, will be live tonight from 7pm 'til 10pm(GMT). Available to anyone with a sound card/speakers and using Windows or the Linux operating systems (not Mac, sorry) it'll bring you up to date with un-spun news from Bristol and around the world.
Dialect, from The Bristol Broadband Collective, is available all through the week on what we call the 'non-live loop' so even if you missed the show you can catch it anytime.
To set your computer up to listen simply follow the instructions on our website to install peercast on your PC.
If you have problems using the method on the site try left clicking the megaphone icon, selecting 'show GUI', clicking 'Find' and waiting for dialect stream to appear in the top left hand box. When it does click 'get channel' and 'play'.

Bristol Broadband Collective