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People doin' it at Brize Norton

Stop the War | 20.02.2003 14:43

Four people are currently locked to each other on the runway at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, stopping aircraft carriers on which troops are currently being sent to the Gulf.

Runway Protest Puts Break On The War Machine

4 anti-war activists have, this afternoon, occupied the runway of RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire in an attempt to stop the UK supporting US aggression against Iraq. They have already prevented planes from landing.

Brize Norton is the RAF’s main transport centre, and today 360 British troops are due to be flown out to join the UK contingent of the war effort. By using their bodies to prevent transport aircraft taking off the activists are hoping to send a clear signal to the people of Britain that the war can be stopped.

“Almost 2 million people marched through London last weekend but still we are gearing up for this insane war,” said one of the spokespeople for the group.

“ The government has made it clear it isn’t going to stop the war. Now it comes down to the people of Britain. We’re calling on everyone opposed to this war to get up and act to prevent it. The lives of countless innocent Iraqis depends on our action!”

“War is not the answer. We cannot bomb our way to peace! The UK has no place supporting this mindless conflict. We have seen no evidence that Iraq poses a real threat. We have seen no weapons of mass destruction. We are expected to blindly tow the line of politicians who have told us a series of untruths and half truths to promote their own political agendas. There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has committed terrible atrocities, but unleashing such terrible destruction on the people of Iraq will not change that fact. We have heard much talk of evil – but surely one evil act does not justify another?”.

Stop the War


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  1. Activists arrested after 3 hours — a
  2. update — gtr