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trade unions moving against war

trade unionist! | 20.02.2003 14:25

Some of the speeches from trade unionists on 15 Feb:

Bob Crow (RMT Gen. Sec.)

Brothers and Sisters, it’s a pleasure to be here today. I’ve just come back from South Korea, where today they’ll be holding a massive demonstration, not against North Korea but against America and Britain for trying to attack Iraq.

We’re being told, has Iraq got weapons of mass destruction? Well I don’t know if they’ve got weapons of mass destruction or not, but I know that Britain’s got weapons of mass destruction, and I know that America’s got weapons of mass destruction (cheering). And it’s an absolute liberty, to tell people in North Korea they can’t have nuclear weapons. I don’t want nuclear weapons in North Korea, in Iraq, in America, in Britain, or in anywhere else throughout the world (cheering). But don’t go round bombing people and telling them they can’t have nuclear weapons.

And also we hear that Blair is fuming that there’s people on the march today. For a Labour leader, he should be absolutely disgraced with himself. I don’t know what the difference is between a Romanian leader not listening to the people of his country, and a British PM not listening to the people of his country either (cheering).

And we need to be absolutely clear. You can have all the resolutions you want to pass in trade union conferences, you can have all the demonstrations. But if the leadership of this country don’t represent people properly, and if war does break out, we should turn around and say that we are prepared to occupy our industries and not be prepared to allow a war to take place, anywhere throughout the world (cheering).

As you can see, they put me on here to be the moderating voice today. We have got to start waking up, a union like ours, which a hundred and three years ago set the Labour Party up, we’re not prepared to have a Labour Party go around and viciously attack innocent people. And the question’s got to be put, how much longer are you going to carry on giving money to a political party that’s carrying out the same vicious attacks the Tories did? If you support peace, you’ve got to mobilise all those people out there concerned, to a political party that’s going to support peace throughout the world.

I’d like to praise the people like Jack Heyman, who’s over here from America, who don’t represent those American warmongers, but support working people.

And my position is absolutely clear. Unless this government starts listening, we need to take united industrial action if need be, to protect our industries, and also protect civilisation. Thank you very much (cheering).

Jack Heyman (International Longshore Workers Union Local 10, Oakland California)

It’s an honour to be here with you, with a million people protesting against the war in Iraq (cheering). We have to say to Blair, that yes we will trample on the grass here in Hyde Park to protest your atrocities. (cheering).

You, Blair and Bush, are intending a bloody massacre. You intend to use Depleted Uranium. You intend to use possibly nuclear weapons. Let us not forget, that the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons against a civilian population is the United States of America. (cheering).

There are hundreds of thousands of people, that will be marching in the streets of America tomorrow, in Washington DC, and across the country to San Francisco, to say “No to War”.

The important development that has been taking place is that the trade union movement has formed a new organisation called “Labor Against War” that organises 4 million trade unionists against this bloody war. (cheering).

And what we need to do, is what Rosa Luxembourg, the revolutionary workers leader from Germany said almost a hundred years ago. The main enemy is at home. The main enemy is at home! (cheers).

And we have to organise. The Liverpool dockworkers told us that the struggle must be international, and that is true. And the railroad, train drivers have set the example. The way for us to stop this war is by using the power of the working class, to not load military cargo (cheering).

Down with Blair, Down with Bush, Trade Unions have the power to stop the war, Let’s use it! (cheering).

Keith Sonnet (Deputy Gen. Sec., UNISON)

Good afternoon. Our Prime Minister said, that he didn’t want future generations to say they knew about the threat from Iraq but they did nothing. Well all of us here today, don’t want future generations to say they could have stopped the madness, but they did nothing. They could have stopped the thousands of innocent men, women and children being killed, but they did nothing. They could have reduced the threat of terrorism, but they did nothing but increase it. They could have produced a peace settlement in the Middle East, with an independent Palestinian state, alongside a secure Israel, but they did nothing (cheering).

Today in London, Glasgow, Belfast and throughout the world, we are showing that we do care, and that we are determined to create a better future. We are raising our voices and telling our government and our Prime Minister that Britain does not and will not support war with Iraq.

There is no justification for it. Whether or not there is a second UN Resolution, there is no justification for war with Iraq. We will not allow Britain to be the excuse for Bush and the United States to take military action.

I am proud that so many public service workers are on this demonstration today, and so many members of UNISON. Our General Secretary Dave Prentis is in Glasgow, addressing the Scottish rally and can’t be here today. I’m also proud to be able to announce that UNISON, Britain’s biggest trade union, representative of 1.3 million workers, will be immediately affiliating to the Stop the War coalition. We will, with our members, be continuing the campaign to stop the war.

Together we can win. Let’s stop the war! (cheering)

trade unionist!
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Hit Labour were it hurts

21.02.2003 00:15

Keith Sonnet (Deputy Gen. Sec. UNISON):- "I’m also proud to be able to announce that UNISON, Britain’s biggest trade union, representative of 1.3 million workers, will be immediately affiliating to the Stop the War coalition. We will, with our members, be continuing the campaign to stop the war."

Does this mean that Unison (of which I am also a member) is willing to threaten to withhold the couple of million pounds worth of funds to Labour until they either listen or ditch Blair?

If not, then to me it is an empty gesture.

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Titter and Witter

21.02.2003 03:00

Those stupid Union leaders blew it. At many occasions one of them could have collared 'Tony' with the issues. Instead, and as per the last big union jamboree, they behave like mute stupid people with no calcium in the backbone. Why do they view Tony the criminal so highly?
For those at the back the true story is that we have not got as far as the Iraq adventure and we still have 9/11 and T.W.A.T to sort out.
With 9/11 big government lied - the Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was 'only an arms trade protest' and everything to do with the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened at exactly the same time in London docklands. The media reported the big lie as verbatim truth and most of the populace were hoodwinked. Openly talking about this issue outside of 'govt./media' is the way forward - nobody can lock you up for talking the truth.
The Afghan issue is quite a problem for the 'coalition' that prosecuted T.W.A.T. on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Most criminals get dealt with according to crimes already made not for new ones that may or may not happen. The same applies to the Tony and George show. They are the criminals and the crime that they dragged us through was one of GENOCIDE - a crime against all humanity. GENOCIDE is easy to look up for a dictionary definition and easily understandable. In the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were exterminated - not really a 'just' war no matter how indoctrinated one is regarding the 'Taliban being evil'. The real evil is at home, with Tony and George, and their criminal clique knew in advance about September 11. They deliberately lied about it in order to get their war - costing you the taxpayer something like $40 billion - and all profits to them.
There is no point worrying about the Iraq crisis - the issue is the 'Tony and George Crisis'. Sodom is only a distraction so don't fall for it - openly talk about 9/11 and the arms trade fair that went on at the same time. This is the issue to put first.

A. N. Other

Union Bureaucrats Pose For Crowd

21.02.2003 18:23

C'mon. These tired old union fat asses haven't seriously challenged war, cutbacks, privatizations, their own pals in the British Labour Party on the Democrats in America in their entire life. They are posing with wishy washy rhetoric. Why wasn't there a mass mobilization of trade union members on the 15th in Britain or the US? Because these folks are affiliated to Blair's Party or in the US try to convince us that the pro-war, lilly-livered Democratic Party is the answer to Bush.


oi! sez who?

25.02.2003 13:23

'Why wasn't there a mass mobilization of trade union members on the 15th in Britain or the US?'

Scuse me, but there was! If you were on any of the protests you saw union members and banners a-plenty. My own branch sent at least a coachload, so think on!

As to union backing for New Labour; Stuey, find out about some of the motions on this issue going to UNISON and other union conferences this year, and the number of branches backing them. Automatic backing for Labour is seriously under challenge!
