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warning! anti-MAB posting is a hoax!

kurious oranj | 20.02.2003 10:36

The recent posting ascribing homophobic statements to the Muslim Association of Britain is a hoax:

A recent article on the newswire re-printed some stuff from the Red Action site, with a link to a homophobic article and the claim that this was from the MAB.

But it isn't. Look again. It's from the 'Assocation of British Muslims'.

The Muslim Association of Britain are the main mainstream organisation including and representing hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the UK of many diverse views and lifestyles. They've worked tirelessly to mobilise support for the campaign against war and racism. They aren't in the business of promoting homophobia, and certainly wouldn't condone homophobic violence.

The 'Association of British Muslims' on the other hand, I've never even come across before. Are they even a real group? Even if they are, they're NOT the MAB, and can't speak for them.

I don't know who started this hoax or why. What I do know is that the global movement against war and racism is terrifying the powerful, and they'd love to split us up. And how better than to convince gay people that Muslims are our enemies?

As the man said, don't believe the hype.

kurious oranj


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Dont Believe The Cover Up More Likely!

20.02.2003 14:51

the views of islam is that gays must be killed FACT.
the views of the left is that this must be covered up FACT.
you arrogantly think the lgtb community are so stooopid as to fall for your dirty cover up.
gays have been attacked by muslims..very real FACT
we are expected to be silent about homophobia and if we speak out we are called pro-war? you make me sick!
BTW the original article provided a link which was then withdrawn once the homophobes realised their dirty little rants were exposed
..i have a copy of the MAB newspaper, inspire, which would be the bnp proud.

Bov Ril

No Hoax Its REAL!

20.02.2003 14:58

Indeed this is our view..come look if you doubt it..we are so proud:


oh what a giveaway!

20.02.2003 15:49

'you arrogantly think the lgtb community are so stooopid as to fall for your dirty cover up'

You arrogantly assume 'kurious oranj' is straight. And by the way, it's usually 'LGBT' rather than 'lgtb'.

You spooks must try harder! ;-)


"facts" my arse

20.02.2003 16:37

"the views of islam is that gays must be killed FACT."

The view of Judaism and Christianity is that gays should be put to death

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them” (Leviticus 20:13).

Compare and contrast with the Koran

“And if two (men) of you commit it, then hurt them both; but if they turn again and amend, leave them alone, verily, God is easily turned, compassionate” (Koran 4:21).

So it looks like both are homophobic but Judeo-Christianty is the more viscous about!

"gays have been attacked by muslims..very real FACT"

Is this more real than your other less real facts? Gays have been attacked by Christians and Jews too. The last gay rights march in Jerusalem was subjected to spitting Jewish homophobes, furthermore Palestinian Gays were prevented from joining the march by the IDF. Jerusalem's Deputy Mayor Rabbi Haim Miller, denounced the march saying "I think they have a problem, they have a perversion, it is a disgrace ... Before, you would be ashamed of this. A person who had this problem used to hide in the street. Today they want to go out into the city streets and call it 'pride'."

Besides, the problems with homophobia among religious groups does not excuse bigotry against them, occupation of their land, denial of civil rights or bombing them, hetero and homosexual alike. As if the IDF is liberating Gay muslims!