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We are losing the argument against the war!

Harlequin | 20.02.2003 10:15

We are rapidly losing the argument against the war. Immediatly after the massive anti-war march last Saturday there was a barrage of criticism against the anti-war movement from people like Tony Blair, The Sun and even Mirror columnist saying that no one wants war but something has to be done about Saddam and his continued oppression of his people and the Kurds. We need answers to agruments put forward for war like that!

The pro war lobby are coming out with very powerful arguments such as it would be foolish to leave Saddam to do as he pleases and the pro war lobby are insisting that they are dead against war too but that war may be the only option. Our arguments against this war are wearing thin now. Everyone knows that war will cause massive death, destruction and displacement of millions of people but most people can see no alternative to war in dealing with Saddam!

There have even been many people with libertarian views like ourselves coming out in support of this war because they support oppressed groups in Iraq like the Kurds and are arguning that for the sake of all the oppressed people in Iraq Saddam must be overthrown. They too know the real motives about this war that is mainly for oil but still want Saddam to be overthrown by anyone even the Americans.

We need to start coming up with fresh arguments against this war if we are not to lose the argument completely and so make war inevitable! We don't even have the majority of the population behind us either as most people in America support the coming war and most people in Britain would support it with UN backing so we are definitly losing the argument we need to stand up and face that problem!



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parallel universe

20.02.2003 10:49

I think I've worked it out.. Harlequin lives in a parallel universe, like in Star Trek, where things sound kind of similar but actually are totally different.

Losing the argument? Millions protesting, the biggest global movement against war ever, the Labour Party in meltdown, the hawks desparately skipping from one argument to another and finding few will buy any of them? If this is losing then let's have more of it!

New arguments needed? Why? All we've done so far is tell the truth. I see no reason to stop.


Sorry, you're wrong...

20.02.2003 10:56

We've won the public argument.

The only thing we're rapidly losing is the sight of *your* head as it disappears completely up your arse :)

You fail miserably in your court jester guise. The sooner you get sent back to being a uniformed beat officer the better.


Media propaganda

20.02.2003 11:16

After the march on Saturday the media was full of coverage of the march and the case against war. Within a day, the government-corporate propaganda machine was cranking back into action particularly on TV news.

This will always happen. It doesn't necessarily mean people against the war will change their minds - it may help them see how corrupt and biassed the media is.


odd that one person has doubts therefore...

20.02.2003 12:00

odd that one person has doubts therefore 'we' are losing the argument! This is typical media reporting; half the columists now feel they must slag off the anti-war movement just to say something different. Some are right that this is a strange coalition but just because ii am against Bush and his programme of empire, does not mean i love sadam, i still support iraqi's fighting back but not the western selected opposition, i will support change but from the people.


We still have questions to answer!

20.02.2003 14:47

We still have some important questions to answer. As Tony Blair said after the anti-war march stop the war is only half the answer! We have to answer what should be done about Saddams' regime. What should be done about international terrorism and weapons of massive destruction. We need positive answers to these thing not negative answers that merely say things like what about Israel or what about other countries with links to terrorism and other countries with weapons of mass destruction.

Peter Tatchell came up with an answer for one of those questions about how to get rid of Saddams' regime now positive answers are needed for the other two.

If the Stop The War Coalition was a political party it would fail because it only comes out with negative defensive arguments not proper positive alternatives!


No need for war

20.02.2003 19:12

What should be done about Saddams' regime?

The Iraqi population should be fed, clothed and armed and they will elect their own prefered government.

What should be done about international terrorism?

MI6, the CIA and Mossad should be disbanded and tried for crimes against humanity, then there would be no more Saddam Hussein's.

...and weapons of massive destruction?

Everyone has scalar weapons...

Make peace with your neighbour, spread love, ban war and use EM technology for free energy and to heal the sick.

A better World is possible.


what what. Cup of tea?

20.02.2003 21:10

I have yet to see any left-wing argument for anything on IMCUK so far. Like I said after the first anti-war march you are just a large middle class coalition of scape-goaters. I´m not in favour of war but is your alternative "peace"? You were all so fucking British!
Wake up Harlequin!

mail e-mail:

The War is Not The Story Because...

21.02.2003 03:14

This story is getting a bit tired. Why worry about the Iraq Crisis when there is the Tony Blair Crisis to resolve? Why march and protest about something that should not happen? Why avoid talking about what is important any longer? With 9/11 big government lied - the Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was 'only an arms trade protest' and everything to do with the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened at exactly the same time in London docklands. The media reported the big lie as verbatim truth and most of the populace were hoodwinked. Openly talking about this issue outside of 'govt./media' is the way forward - nobody can lock you up for talking the truth.
The Afghan issue is quite a problem for the 'coalition' that prosecuted T.W.A.T. on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Most criminals get dealt with according to crimes already made not for new ones that may or may not happen. The same applies to the Tony and George show. They are the criminals and the crime that they dragged us through was one of GENOCIDE - a crime against all humanity. GENOCIDE is easy to look up for a dictionary definition and easily understandable. In the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were exterminated - not really a 'just' war no matter how indoctrinated one is regarding the 'Taliban being evil'. The real evil is at home, with Tony and George, and their criminal clique knew in advance about September 11. They deliberately lied about it in order to get their war - costing you the taxpayer something like $40 billion - and all profits to them.
There is no point worrying about the Iraq crisis - the issue is the 'Tony and George Crisis'. Sodom is only a distraction so don't fall for it - openly talk about 9/11 and the arms trade fair that went on at the same time. This is the issue to put first.

Stoopid dimwit