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Petition for the Resignation of Prime Minister Tony Blair

Anne and John Eversley | 20.02.2003 05:52

PM Tony Blair's association & support of George W. Bush's War on Iraq policies are illegal & immoral. Blair's deception of the people of the UK can not and will not be tolerated, therefore we demand he resign immediately.

Petition for the Resignation of Prime Minister Tony Blair
Petition for the Resignation of Prime Minister Tony Blair

PM Tony B£air has betrayed his own people by his total allegience to George W. Bu$h. He has sold out Great Britain by his rigid support of George W. Bu$h's war machine. On Saturday 15 February 2003, nearly two million Britons protested against the illegal war agenda targeting Iraq. The British people have spoken but Tony B£air is ignoring the will of the British people. He refuses to listen to us and as a result of his unwavering stand, he is alienating Britain from the rest of the world as Bu$h is isolating the United States.

Anne and John Eversley
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Resign or shipped to Guantanamo Bay?

21.02.2003 03:14

The crime is treason - not that you would have guessed it! Soon you will see it though, and this 'spam' explains why...
This story is getting a bit tired. Why worry about the Iraq Crisis when there is the Tony Blair Crisis to resolve? Why march and protest about something that should not happen? Why avoid talking about what is important any longer? With 9/11 big government lied - the Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was 'only an arms trade protest' and everything to do with the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened at exactly the same time in London docklands. The media reported the big lie as verbatim truth and most of the populace were hoodwinked. Openly talking about this issue outside of 'govt./media' is the way forward - nobody can lock you up for talking the truth.
The Afghan issue is quite a problem for the 'coalition' that prosecuted T.W.A.T. on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Most criminals get dealt with according to crimes already made not for new ones that may or may not happen. The same applies to the Tony and George show. They are the criminals and the crime that they dragged us through was one of GENOCIDE - a crime against all humanity. GENOCIDE is easy to look up for a dictionary definition and easily understandable. In the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were exterminated - not really a 'just' war no matter how indoctrinated one is regarding the 'Taliban being evil'. The real evil is at home, with Tony and George, and their criminal clique knew in advance about September 11. They deliberately lied about it in order to get their war - costing you the taxpayer something like $40 billion - and all profits to them.
There is no point worrying about the Iraq crisis - the issue is the 'Tony and George Crisis'. Sodom is only a distraction so don't fall for it - openly talk about 9/11 and the arms trade fair that went on at the same time. This is the issue to put first.

Blunkett The Blind