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Richard and Judy also offer handy hints on surviving armageddon

agness | 19.02.2003 23:01

the richard and judy show C4, has recently taken to offering british citizens useful advice, in the event of some kind of nuclear attack/armageddon, handy hints about compiling everyday armageddon survival kits,

such as stock up on water, a person needs to drink 2.5 l of water a day, torch, batteries, get one of those camping gas stoves and start hoarding tinned food? They also mentioned hiding under a table? the standard obligatory cold war binky old boy blabb how to survive a nuclear meltdown/armageddon for us, guillible idiots. This advice is pure unadulterated bollix and totally useless, the fact remains, noone except the PRIVILEGED FEW with access to vast underground nuclear bunker cities, will stand a chance in hell of surviving armageddon or the Bush/Blair/soddem third world war.



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19.02.2003 23:47

all the old Cold war bunkers - a.k.a. Regional Centres of Government - have been closed and disused for many years now.


That is because

20.02.2003 10:04

a] they were useless, not having a dependable means of recycling air, communications etc.
b] they have built some brand spanking new ones!

mail e-mail:

cheerful tips

20.02.2003 10:54

I thought the proggrame was very informative and cheerful, with richard and judy offering handy cheery and useful tips, their stiff upper lip smugness and upbeat attitude was a joy to behold.Why should not only the PRIVILEGED few creme dela creme of british society have access to these shelters. We work very hard and pay exorbitant taxes, and we certainly don't want to be crammed in and share our facilties, with all kinds of council estate riff raff and bolshevik rabble rousers. The Bush/blair/soddem war and armageddon, is a not to be missed unique opportunity and chance for the world to rid itself for once and for all of it's troublesome underclasses and oi polloi common underlings.


the best tip

21.02.2003 00:40

Found the tip about taping your windows useful. It's good against any kind of chemical attack apparently but only for 20 mins. at which point the "expert"(not the one selling a cdrom)recommends getting outside into the "fresh air"!!!!!
What fresh air is this?
