Tips and Tricks recommended and endorsed by theUnited States Central Intelligenc
Stop Mad Cowboy Disease | 19.02.2003 19:20
Tips and Tricks recommended and endorsed by the
United States Central Intelligence Agency for
bringing down a government or political system.
United States Central Intelligence Agency for
bringing down a government or political system.
Ok folks. Its time to lift that ass and do some patriot
Here is something important that you should do right away.
Don`t wait for tomorrow - do it today.
Follow these simple steps and you will have something
good done about the NWO. New World Order.
Citizen/Slave society. Policestate.
Print the content of these websites and make
copies of them. Doesn`t cost many dollars/euros/yens/etc.
to spread some copies.
What to do with the copies?
Go to libraries and cafés, to places where people go.
Leave copies where people usually go. Where they
pick up magazines and newspapers.
Surely there are a lot of stands filled with all kinds
of papers and magazines. Simply put inside the magazine
a copy of these important news. You could also do that
easily in a department store or a bookshop.
Do what you feel is most convenient for you.
So, when the next person or a group of people arrive
to the library or café or bookshop or somewhere else,
they will recognize the copy(A4) containing the important news.
If this doesn`t satisfy you, you can call the mediaroom
of some corporate news and put pressure on them.
Simply ask why they don`t cover real news.
Demand that you want a good coverage of what is
happening around the world. A world they have fucked up.
Here is something important that you should do right away.
Don`t wait for tomorrow - do it today.
Follow these simple steps and you will have something
good done about the NWO. New World Order.
Citizen/Slave society. Policestate.
Print the content of these websites and make
copies of them. Doesn`t cost many dollars/euros/yens/etc.
to spread some copies.

What to do with the copies?
Go to libraries and cafés, to places where people go.
Leave copies where people usually go. Where they
pick up magazines and newspapers.
Surely there are a lot of stands filled with all kinds
of papers and magazines. Simply put inside the magazine
a copy of these important news. You could also do that
easily in a department store or a bookshop.
Do what you feel is most convenient for you.
So, when the next person or a group of people arrive
to the library or café or bookshop or somewhere else,
they will recognize the copy(A4) containing the important news.
If this doesn`t satisfy you, you can call the mediaroom
of some corporate news and put pressure on them.
Simply ask why they don`t cover real news.
Demand that you want a good coverage of what is
happening around the world. A world they have fucked up.

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease