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The "war" is dead! Long live the war!

FightWarsNotWars! | 18.02.2003 18:25

The "war" against the war is lost. Below, ONE way to get information on how to continue the struggle is suggested.

Despite the recent worldwide protests, one thing is for shure: We, the millions and millions of critics of Bush & Blair have already lost. The battle against the war plans was already from the start a futile one. Saddam DOES want a war. Bush DOES want a war - perhaps even more. In such a case what can you expect to happen?
We must adress our own intellects with these words: So be it - what are we to do now?

In your daily life you support american imperialism all the time - as a consumer and as a producer.
On a worldwide basis your efforts and actions don´t matter. You can cooperate or just sit down and refuse. This is true regarding each and every single individual - (Bush and Saddam and a few others excluded). BUT on the other hand, this statement does not hold for the SUM of all single individuals.
This fact constitutes a solid ground for hard hitting RESISTENCE against US domination. So why is there so much OPINION against the US and so little effective RESISTENCE?
I would like to belive ignorance is one major cause. This ignorance can be cured by collecting information about WHAT PRODUCTS and WHAT COMPANIES are essential to vital US economic interests.

Most of us know Coca-Cola and McDonalds are american companies, but what about this or that brand of soap or this and that employer?
In this case, if you want to boycot US companies, information is pretty easy to find. For example, through using the internet you will find that a lot of brands found for example in your nearby store are owned by a small number of giant american corporations like Procter & Gamble.
Why not search the web for information about these brands or producers? You will most certainly find out that more is "american controlled" than you dared dream about.
But there are alternatives. If for instance Holland doesn´t want to go to war against Iraq, why not buy something dutch instead of something american? Or french, or german, or swedish, or japanese?
Why not even check business magazines (!) for information about the nationality of companies who´s products you buy? For example Fortune and several others list the "biggest" companies in the world and all kinds of facts about them. You will find a lot of information like this by just simply consulting googles or altavista. Find out what company that make the fags you smoke! This material is so easy accesible.
If all of us drastically reduce the amount of "economical" support we give the US, it will perhaps NOT make Bush change his mind, but if millions of consumers step out of the role of feeble minded economical subjugates to the US, the people IN GENERAL of the US might think once or twice before re-electing Bush!

