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Blair silent on Iraq democracy

Marxist_Mike | 18.02.2003 17:36

Blair silent on Iraq democracy

Matthew Tempest, political correspondent
Tuesday February 18, 2003

Tony Blair today refused to specify what sort of regime might follow Saddam Hussein's in Iraq - despite making the "moral case" for overthrowing the Iraqi dictator by military action.

The prime minister avoided committing to a democratic regime at least three times under questioning from reporters at today's monthly press conference.

And although the Downing Street press office handed reporters emails from the Iraqi Exiles in the UK group, Mr Blair merely said Iraq should be put on the path to democracy, but that discussions about what may happen after any military action were still continuing.

Jon Snow of Channel 4 news asked the prime minister if the Shia majority in the south of Iraq will be allowed to vote for a non-secular government.

"The future governance of Iraq is something to discuss with the UN. There are a lot of difficult issues to be resolved without speculating about that," Mr Blair replied.

The prime minister did repeat his line that the "territorial integrity of Iraq" would remain, but specifically refused to answer a question from a journalist on the presence of 40,000 Turkish troops in northern Iraq, saying that was a matter for governments.

Asked if Britain would support breakaway elements which wanted to create a Kurdish state in what is now northern Iraq or a Shi'ite Islamic state in the south, Mr Blair insisted that his commitment to Iraq's territorial integrity was "absolute".

Later, Mr Blair would only say that "we have to be committed to the humanitarian consequences of renewing Iraq", when asked to guarantee Iraqi exiles' request for a democracy post-Saddam.

"Before Saddam came to power, Iraq was a thriving country" Mr Blair reminded reporters. He pointed out that northern Iraq currently has greater autonomy due to the policing of the US/UK no-fly zone, compared with central and southern Iraq.

The prime minister also said that one sixth of the Iraqi population had gone into exile in the last 20 years - the equivalent of 10 million Britons leaving the UK.

But pressed on exactly what would follow President Saddam's regime, Mr Blair would merely repeat that "lots of discussions are underway".

He said that he hoped that democracy could be restored in Iraq if President Saddam was overthrown.

"This something that has to be discussed not just with allies but with the UN and with people inside Iraq. But the more that we can at least set ourselves on a path towards on greater democracy the better," Mr Blair added.

He told journalists to look at the example of Hamid Karzai in Afgahanistan, who he revealed would be visiting the UK shortly.

Despite his recent comments on the "moral case for removing Saddam", Mr Blair stressed that "regime change" was not government policy, and that the argument for removing President Saddam rested on the dangers of his weapons.

He called on what he dismissed as "thousands" of anti-war protesters to listen to the testimony of Iraqi exiles about the horror of President Saddam's regime, and their wish for him to be removed from power.

Mr Blair added: "There was a huge emphasis by people on the march about the consequences of war, their fear about that. I think it is important we address that better."

He suggested that many of those marching did not fully understand the nature of President Saddam's regime.

"A poll indicated that a large proportion of people disagreed with the statement 'Saddam is a cruel tyrant'," he said.

"There is a failure of communication, which I take responsibility for, if that is the case."

He said he accepted that the marchers were "sincerely motivated and convinced" in their opposition to the use of military force, but called on them to accept that it was possible to be equally sincere and convinced that it might be needed.

Mr Blair told Jon Smith, political editor of the Press Association, that he had no doubt that they could work with any new administration in Iraq and "locate this stuff and deal with it".

He was referring to nerve gas and other material which has not so far been found.

At the start of the press conference, the prime minister published a letter written to him by a group calling itself Iraqi Exiles in the UK - which urges him to stand firm against President Saddam.

Mr Blair told his monthly news conference: "These are voices that deserve to be heard."

The group, based in Manchester, said in their letter: "We are praying that you will stick to your resolve to liberate our country from a dictatorial tyranny which over the past 30 years has caused the deaths of nearly two million men, women, sons and daughters.

"We have suffered enough."

The letter goes on: "Today, in the face of so much opposition, we look to you to remain steadfast for all that is decent and honourable, as you already have done.

"The anti-war coalition ignores the terror we have lived under for so long, offers no alternative to our nightmare, can only be construed as supporting Saddam Hussein and helping to maintain his regime indefinitely."

The letter also urges the West not to impose a military leader on Iraq saying: "The people of Iraq should be given a chance to form their own democratic government after the liberation of Iraq and in the future."



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19.02.2003 20:28

After Saddam Hussain is killed or removed forcibly by the US/Israel/Britain axis of evil, another more obedient dictator will be put in his place. That is what the "new world order" is about..anyway remember afghanistain? well the taliban are no longer in power and women can listen to music...and a shady dictator called karzai is in power...but they are still suffering famine, their country is littered with US cluster bombs, there are still millions of displaced refugees and the turks have been left to run the un operations there...American democracy in action.
