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F14 Anti-BBC Action

CLPG | 17.02.2003 21:09

On the evening of 14th February 50, demonstrators rushed into BBC Bush House on the Aldwych to show their anger at the war-mongering propaganda being peddled daily by the BBC. The Corporation was shown no love whatsoever on Valentine's night. (article 1)

F14 Anti-BBC Action
F14 Anti-BBC Action

F14 Anti-BBC Action
F14 Anti-BBC Action

Manchester Students Stop the War Association and the Central London Peace Group held a demonstration at BBC Bush House on the Aldwych. The front of the building was decorated with placards with slogans such as 'Propaganda Kills' and 'Afghanistan: Media Silence is Deafening'. Meanwhile a group of fifty protesters rushed into the building to take their message to its occupants. They marched noisily to the top of the building and around the sound-studios, leaving leaflets as they went. On returning to the lobby, where the Police had now arrived, speakers denounced the BBC's twisted reporting of the Occupation of Palestine and their promotion of the Bush regime's proposed war on Iraq before. Having being told by an employee that he was not listening to the BBC side of the story, one demonstrator replied that we listen to their side of the story every day. Students from UCL and SOAS also supported this action. There were no arrests.

Details of our complaints are listed below

That the BBC of systematically tailors its news coverage to build public support for US foreign policy objectives

In other words, accepting British license-payers money to act as a US government propaganda outlet

Key area of censorship:

Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories - the ethnic cleansing of Palestine becomes 'anti-terrorist measures', in strict accordance with Washington guidelines. Similarly political-assassination by the Israeli military becomes 'targeted killing'.

To mislead the public to such an extent over such a vital issue is a breach of the BBC charter, a betrayal of the public trust and tantamount to a campaign of lies.

Examples of propaganda:

1. War propaganda. 4th February

On BBC website masthead, Hitler stands in front of an Iraqi flag (see picture). A connection is made between Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler. Hitler's armies attacked and defeated most of Western Europe and were finally defeated by an Alliance of the foremost military powers on Earth. Hussein's forces, prior to being decimated in the Gulf War, were unable to comprehensively defeat their neighbour Iran. After complaints the graphic was removed without comment.

2. Omission - The Turkish Bombing of Kurds in Northern Iraq is important news as it makes a nonsense of the reason given for the existence of the No-fly zones: to protect minorities such as the Kurds from Iraqi attack. BBC reporters continue to repeat this pretext as if it were fact.

3. Language used to mislead public - Reports below from BBC News website 13/2/03 and 6/11/02 Include some hallmarks of the campaign to legitimize the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Territories. Israeli attacks have become 'a clampdown' or 'incursions'. Men killed climbing a fence died 'in clashes'. Assassination becomes 'targeted killings'. It is difficult to find BBC news reportage from the Middle East, which does not contain similar distortion.

Clearly this is more than a lover's tiff between the British public and the BBC. We are realising now that the government media is no more reliable than the corporate media. On Valentine's night there were no roses for the BBC. How long do they expect to be rewarded for their deceptions with our licence-fee money?



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BBC propaganda

18.02.2003 10:11

I couldn't agree more with the students who demonstrated at the BBC on Valentine's Day!

I have followed British state and private "news" coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict for years and it is so censored it is hard for a newcomer to the issue to figure out what is going on! Censorship tactics include the widespread use of Israeli army government double-speak ("targeted killings" = murder of political activists, "incursions" = invasion of land, etc.) to cover up the colonisation and ethnic cleansing of what is left of Palestine.

Well done guys, keep up the good work!

mail e-mail:


18.02.2003 14:16




19.02.2003 01:12

Congratulation to these students for breaking the silence. The BBC is often biased.

Brian Barlow

The Alternative View

19.02.2003 09:36

Many people in other countries turn to the BBC for more balanced coverage than they can get at home.
The three examples cited in the above article are far from a convincing case proving the BBC's bias. For example, there are more Palestinian views on the BBC than there are on major US networks or in some newspapers. Also there was no mention of pretty comprehensive coverage of the weekend's anti-war protests, which would seem to disprove the protesters' point.
While I would not outright condemn the BBC protesters, because they obviously believe in what they are doing and have the right to express their thoughts, I would urge them to take a more comprehensive view of a) BBC coverage - and I do mean all coverage, radio, TV, online and b) worldwide media structures and output.
Also keep in mind that media bias is largely a matter of perspective. We feel strongly about things and think our views are not being expressed and thus we project bias onto the big media giant out there. It is no coincidence that right-wingers see the media as biased towards left-wing causes, while liberals and activists see a vast corporate conservative wasteland.
Reality is more subtle; there are critiques of media that can prove more frutiful to examine. For instance - how are stories framed? How do journalists work - how do they select what goes in and out? Questions related to these are more important than three examples of supposed bias.
I will sign off now but feel free to email me.
Please note that I do not work and never have worked for the BBC.

Comrade M
mail e-mail:


19.02.2003 10:42

Comrade M

BBC pro-war propaganda & Licence Fee

20.02.2003 09:33

Yes, the BBC is using our money to promote American global imperialism. Reporting is NOT unbiased. The lies of pro-war politicians don't get challenged. Will anyone join me in a civil disobedience protest & refuse to pay the Licence Fee? For this to be effective, there must be LOTS of us & our action needs to be co-ordinated & publicised. Anyone out there want to help?

Davy King
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

The ultimate bias test...

22.02.2003 12:04

I suppose the best way to see how biased (or not) the BBC are is if they were to have constructed an objective story on this demonstration - unlikely!

The BBC must also use indymedia frequently for research purposes - why don't you leave a comment?!


This is very encouraging

23.02.2003 05:28

Wow, this is very encouraging. My view of the British is that it is historically one of the most nationalistic nations in Europe. But to see the sense of awakening and responsibility exhibited by these young Brits is fantastic and hopeful for the future of the earth. Keep it up kids and we can hope that this self-criticism of your powerful institutions will spread to the rest of Europe and eventually the US.