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Discrimination at Cambridge Uni

Henderson | 17.02.2003 15:11 | Cambridge

A study of Cambridge degree results has shown black students seriously under performing. Positive discrimination must be at work for them to have got in in the first place.

A study of Cambridge degree results has shown black students seriously
under performing.

Firsts Thirds

Blacks 3.1% 15.6%
Whites 21.0% 2.4%
Indians 23.7% N/A
Chinese 17.9% N/A

Details from Daily Telegraph 16 2 03

The gross under-performance of blacks will come as no surprise to those
with a knowledge of racial group IQ differences where blacks even in the
West score an average IQ of 85.

One does not need to be a genious to work out that blacks are not as
mentally active as browns, whites and asiatics, just look first at how their
societies developed over the millenia, blacks have been around the longest
by far, yet have progressed the least, then coming to the modern times , say
the last 300 years and look at the amount of discoveries, inventions,
medicines, scientific breakthroughs, industrial advances, etc etc and look
how many were done by whites and how many were done by blacks.

Of course, there are blacks with high IQs, but not that many. The poor
performance of blacks at Cambridge, which is supposedly the most
difficult of universities to gain entrance to must mean that "positive"
discrimination is operating on a large scale.



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this machine kills fascists

17.02.2003 15:45

last time the nazis were posting crap on these pages i asked my g'friend (she's Indian by the way, hope that pisses u off!) about these IQ differences, her being a psychologist an all.
Apparently this research was done ages ago and it found that people of Asian origin had the highest IQ's on average, a long way behind them were Europeans/Americans then people of African origin. But, once social factors were adjusted for, the numbers evened out totally and no pyshcologist that takes themselves seriously today would claim that IQ has anything to do with skin pigment.
As for affirmative action. It is a fact that black people will generally come from much less priviliged backgrounds and encounter institutional racism at every turn. Thus if the average black student scores the same as the average white student, then the black student will have had to have overcome a lot more obstacles/work harder than the white student. So even if those stats are true, it don't mean anything. Anyway if blacks are dumber than whites, why isn't the BNP full of blacks!?!
One other pyshological study my g'friend showed me was one about the IQ's of racists and non-racists...guess what racists, from all social backgrounds have much lower IQ's


Racist clap-trap!

17.02.2003 15:54

This is absolute rubbish - IQ is not a measure of some innate "intelligence" but rather an indicator of a person's ability to reason effectively in a wide range of thought-problems. This is something that can be taught.

If you doubt this then try giving an IQ test to a person who has never had any kind of schooling and then the same test to a person who has had the full benefit of the British school system.

My point is this - the reason that black people are under performing at university is the institutionalised racism that means that schools in predominately black areas are underfunded, giving a lower quality of education.


I doubt you passed your olevels, trollposter

17.02.2003 15:57


BNP trollposters on the rampage again.

when you have a society and school system which fails people of colour, its not surprising that they do less well at university.

just piss off, anyway, numbskull



17.02.2003 16:04

last time the nazis were posting crap on these pages i asked my g'friend (she's Indian by the way, hope that pisses u off!) about these IQ differences, her being a psychologist an all.
Apparently this research was done ages ago and it found that people of Asian origin had the highest IQ's on average, a long way behind them were Europeans/Americans then people of African origin. But, once social factors were adjusted for, the numbers evened out totally and no pyshcologist that takes themselves seriously today would claim that IQ has anything to do with skin pigment.
As for affirmative action. It is a fact that black people will generally come from much less priviliged backgrounds and encounter institutional racism at every turn. Thus if the average black student scores the same as the average white student, then the black student will have had to have overcome a lot more obstacles/work harder than the white student. So even if those stats are true, it don't mean anything. Anyway if blacks are dumber than whites, why isn't the BNP full of blacks!?!
One other pyshological study my g'friend showed me was one about the IQ's of racists and non-racists...guess what racists, from all social backgrounds have much lower IQ's


Racist nonsense

17.02.2003 16:21

Those with any knowledge of social anthropology will know that this is utter nonsense. IQ tests do not show intelligence becayse psychologists can't even agree what 'intelligence' is. Differences in IQ show possible ranges of an individuals environmental and cultural experiences; anthropologists agree that poverty, discrimination and variable environments lead to differences in IQ.

Thus, there is no basis in arguing that differences in genetics - which vary more within 'races' than between 'races' anyhow - affects 'intelligence' and in turn record a quantity referrubg to an unknown quality - IQ. Henderson's post is nothing more than racist propaganda, with absolutely no basis in science whatsoever.
