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Feb 15th FAB! - but not enough...

neighbour... | 16.02.2003 01:30

what were/are you thinking?

...what happened?

1,500,000+ etc. people march in London... biggest anti-war march ever in UK... a new dawn within democracy...a great example of social integration... so many celebrities endorsing... who is the funkiest samba band... blah fucking blah blah blah...

100 people sit-down in Picadilly Circus after march for act of civil defiance/solidarity/empathy...

...what's wrong with this picture?

hang your heads in shame people of the UK (and beyond)...

this is only the beginning BUT you must do better!

...and screw you Stop the War Co. (Inhibition) for endorsing your silly corporate ever so middle class brand of social darwinism...WAKE UP! don't need Radio 4 coffee mornings anymore than the farmers of Columbia....

but seriously...




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I agree

16.02.2003 02:13

I completely agree- this is all great, but what will it acheive if it does not lead to action, and the eventual downfall of the capitalist/imperialist system? That has to be our ultimate goal!


maybe not enough for you, but....

16.02.2003 07:46

y'all across the ocean definitely kicked the ass of us on this side of the big blue sea....
so you must be doing something right.
keep it up, london....we definitely appreciate it!!
minneapolis, usa

i hate the usa

diversity of tactics

16.02.2003 17:10

On this side of the pond, most direct actions are timed to start the day after war is declared. Considering no blood has been shed yet, these rally numbers are phenomenal.
Also: you shouldn't tut-tut those who don't raise the stakes--many people simply cannot afford to be arrested or injured, even for something they strongly believe in. Just be happy they're giving us moral support.

Andrew C

Andrew C