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Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

maqui | 16.02.2003 00:38

The mass sit-down in Picadilly (London) was followed by up to 150 people engaging in civil disobedience and some 1000 protesters supporting and cheering them with the help of The "Rythms of Resistance" samba band. Polcie moved quickly to sorround them and eventually the protesters sitting down where dragged away, with the result of some people being arrested. Here there are som pics of the sit down and the arrests that followed. (article 1)

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests

Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests
Fotos Mass Sit-Down in Picadilly and Arrests



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Another arrest pic

16.02.2003 18:28

Another arrest pic
Another arrest pic
