Six Top Spy Satellites permanently focussing Saddam do not work !
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars | 15.02.2003 14:49
SINCE 1991:Billions Worth Of U.S. Satellites Spy On Iraq: more than twelve years, 24 Hrs a day, SEVEN days a week !So : why has nobody seen any 'real' proof ?
Where's the " Spook-Beef ", mr. Powell ?
Where's the " Spook-Beef ", mr. Powell ?
For reasons of 'objectivity' his article has also been published in Washington-DC and Moscow :
Feb. 14-2003 - - What wonders many with any insight in U.S. satellite reconnaissance, is the fact that SIX U.S. satellites, controlling Iraq for over 12 years, 7 days a week and 24 hrs a day, have not turned up anything which this far could be accepted as some kind of real proof in relation to all the accusations by president Bush, Secr. of State Powell etc. etc. Every square inch of Iraq has been filmed and photographed hundreds of times, all and everything which moves, of anything bigger than 10 cm, over 12 years has been recorded and analyzed. With this technique there are no "windows", and pictures and film of - for instance Powell's 18 mobile "BioWar" or ABC-weapons-trucks should be available in abundance. Like questions about why they have not been "taken out" before ?
Since nearly the whole country is bombed apart...
The joke concerning the Keyhole satellites is quite old; it's about combing your hair before sitting down on a terrace, in a park or in a rice field - in full view of the U.S. satellites. And no hanky-panky because you're on camera all the time, day and night. It's started more or less - and is known from the time we correspondents often stood on the rooftop of hotel Caravelle in Saigon, watching ' The Fireworks ', as the Vietnam-genocide (shooting & gassing) was called.
Craig Covault at CAPE CANAVERAL, wrote an excellent article about this enormously expensive US/Iraq intelligence gathering operation, which has not turned up real evidence of illegal weaponry, while technicaly being able to see, hear, measure and even 'sniff' so much ! So, where is the ' Spook-Beef ' ?
"Each of the six spacecraft fly ground tracks, timed for the best viewing angles and to work in connection with the other five - all launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base between March 1991 and October 2001"
"As urgency mounts for better intelligence on Iraq to guide U.S. diplomatic and military policy, six secret National Reconnaissance Office high resolution imaging satellites, each costing $1 billion, are maintaining an almost hourly watch on specific Iraqi facilities.
Three Advanced KH-11s with optical and infrared sensors are teamed with three Lacrosse imaging radar spacecraft with night/all-weather capabilities to search for evidence of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons development, along with missile production.
RARELY 2-3 hrs. go by without at least one of the six current 15-ton spacecraft obtaining imagery somewhere over Iraq, although 12 specific overflights per day have viewing angles that provide the highest resolution pictures.
The slant-range capability of the advanced KH11s is also impressive, allowing it to take quality imagery 100 mi. to the left or right of its ground track on several other, less ideal Iraqi passes per day.
The spacecraft are helping to characterize the function of Iraqi sites possibly developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as helping NIMA, the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency assess the pace and concealment of such work.(end quote, see URL below)
And even with all this permanent spying and hundreds of UN-inspectors - including the CIA, Mossad, MI 5 & 6 - controlling, there was no real "proof" and Swedish Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix told the Security Council his teams have not uncovered any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Mohammed ElBaradei, IAEA's nuclear chief told the council that inspectors found no evidence Iraq had resumed its nuclear weapons program and said inspectors could do their job well, with or without Iraq's full co-operation.
The United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons
( )
But the United Nations members can NOT be well informed concerning the 'Iraq weapon report' because : "The United States EDITED OUT more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitized version to the 10 non permanent members of the United Nations Security Council."
The full extent of Washington's complete control over who sees what in the crucial Iraqi dossier calls into question the allegations made by US Secretary of State Colin Powell that 'omissions' in the document constituted a 'material breach' of the latest UN resolution on Iraq. (URL below).
Which is also why everybody queries US 'evidence' on Iraq. And millions and millions of people - all over the world - demonstrate against the present United States " BUSH-DOCTRINE ", which is a kind of global genocidal policy for the sole profit of the U.S. Military-Industrial complex and it's 'United States Government'. (see URL - BBC & Mandela*).
All those millions of fellow human beings - and all over the world - are absolutely NOT demonstrating against the American people.
They want NO war, but Justice !
Foreign Press Foundation
Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
* U.S. Eyes in the Iraqi sky :
* The U.S. tore out 8000 pages :
* Blix queries US 'evidence' on Iraq :,2763,895722,00.html
* Satellites, and why war is good for some...
BBC : the United States threatens world peace, says world famous humanist and ex-president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela :
* The Dutch author worked globally for 40 years as an independent journalist/foreign correspondent for many international printed and A/V-media. From Scandinavia to Vietnam, as correspondent in Latin America, (Chile '71-'74), and 10 years in North/South Africa and the Middle East. While being accredited as N-Africa & M-East correspondent - based in Tunisia for ten years, sometimes reporting for CBS, NPR and the BBC too... Because of journalistic research declared "Persona non Grata* " five times by different governments in East and West.
**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this FPF- message is distributed under fair use, without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".

Feb. 14-2003 - - What wonders many with any insight in U.S. satellite reconnaissance, is the fact that SIX U.S. satellites, controlling Iraq for over 12 years, 7 days a week and 24 hrs a day, have not turned up anything which this far could be accepted as some kind of real proof in relation to all the accusations by president Bush, Secr. of State Powell etc. etc. Every square inch of Iraq has been filmed and photographed hundreds of times, all and everything which moves, of anything bigger than 10 cm, over 12 years has been recorded and analyzed. With this technique there are no "windows", and pictures and film of - for instance Powell's 18 mobile "BioWar" or ABC-weapons-trucks should be available in abundance. Like questions about why they have not been "taken out" before ?
Since nearly the whole country is bombed apart...
The joke concerning the Keyhole satellites is quite old; it's about combing your hair before sitting down on a terrace, in a park or in a rice field - in full view of the U.S. satellites. And no hanky-panky because you're on camera all the time, day and night. It's started more or less - and is known from the time we correspondents often stood on the rooftop of hotel Caravelle in Saigon, watching ' The Fireworks ', as the Vietnam-genocide (shooting & gassing) was called.
Craig Covault at CAPE CANAVERAL, wrote an excellent article about this enormously expensive US/Iraq intelligence gathering operation, which has not turned up real evidence of illegal weaponry, while technicaly being able to see, hear, measure and even 'sniff' so much ! So, where is the ' Spook-Beef ' ?
"Each of the six spacecraft fly ground tracks, timed for the best viewing angles and to work in connection with the other five - all launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base between March 1991 and October 2001"
"As urgency mounts for better intelligence on Iraq to guide U.S. diplomatic and military policy, six secret National Reconnaissance Office high resolution imaging satellites, each costing $1 billion, are maintaining an almost hourly watch on specific Iraqi facilities.
Three Advanced KH-11s with optical and infrared sensors are teamed with three Lacrosse imaging radar spacecraft with night/all-weather capabilities to search for evidence of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons development, along with missile production.
RARELY 2-3 hrs. go by without at least one of the six current 15-ton spacecraft obtaining imagery somewhere over Iraq, although 12 specific overflights per day have viewing angles that provide the highest resolution pictures.
The slant-range capability of the advanced KH11s is also impressive, allowing it to take quality imagery 100 mi. to the left or right of its ground track on several other, less ideal Iraqi passes per day.
The spacecraft are helping to characterize the function of Iraqi sites possibly developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as helping NIMA, the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency assess the pace and concealment of such work.(end quote, see URL below)
And even with all this permanent spying and hundreds of UN-inspectors - including the CIA, Mossad, MI 5 & 6 - controlling, there was no real "proof" and Swedish Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix told the Security Council his teams have not uncovered any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Mohammed ElBaradei, IAEA's nuclear chief told the council that inspectors found no evidence Iraq had resumed its nuclear weapons program and said inspectors could do their job well, with or without Iraq's full co-operation.
The United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons

But the United Nations members can NOT be well informed concerning the 'Iraq weapon report' because : "The United States EDITED OUT more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitized version to the 10 non permanent members of the United Nations Security Council."
The full extent of Washington's complete control over who sees what in the crucial Iraqi dossier calls into question the allegations made by US Secretary of State Colin Powell that 'omissions' in the document constituted a 'material breach' of the latest UN resolution on Iraq. (URL below).
Which is also why everybody queries US 'evidence' on Iraq. And millions and millions of people - all over the world - demonstrate against the present United States " BUSH-DOCTRINE ", which is a kind of global genocidal policy for the sole profit of the U.S. Military-Industrial complex and it's 'United States Government'. (see URL - BBC & Mandela*).
All those millions of fellow human beings - and all over the world - are absolutely NOT demonstrating against the American people.
They want NO war, but Justice !
Foreign Press Foundation
Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
* U.S. Eyes in the Iraqi sky :

* The U.S. tore out 8000 pages :

* Blix queries US 'evidence' on Iraq :

* Satellites, and why war is good for some...

BBC : the United States threatens world peace, says world famous humanist and ex-president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela :

* The Dutch author worked globally for 40 years as an independent journalist/foreign correspondent for many international printed and A/V-media. From Scandinavia to Vietnam, as correspondent in Latin America, (Chile '71-'74), and 10 years in North/South Africa and the Middle East. While being accredited as N-Africa & M-East correspondent - based in Tunisia for ten years, sometimes reporting for CBS, NPR and the BBC too... Because of journalistic research declared "Persona non Grata* " five times by different governments in East and West.
**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this FPF- message is distributed under fair use, without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information".
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
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