The Big Lie. Looking at any photograph of a 2-milllion strong demonstration TAKEN FROM STREET LEVEL will show at best a "few thousand". And this is exactly what the main TV news does.
The traffic police, routinely show London from the sky, when there is traffic jams. If they want to show the size of a demonstration they do that.
Why are we not demanding AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS showing London completely crowded over with 2 million demonstrators?
It is high time for us to pressure our IndyMedia's, journalists, departments to make these photographs available - they are not officially "national security" though Blair would like it that way!
I stepped off the plane at Heathrow, grabbed my luggage and headed down to the hotel in Central London. Arriving about 15:30, I saw the remnants of the march passing in front of the hotel. I threw my stuff in the room, grabbed my Palestinian flag and took off to join the march... jetlagged and all.
From the street you could still tell that there were over a million of us. We marched down Picadilly packed into groups,and the march stretched from Hyde Park to Leicester Square. It may be true that you can't tell how large a demonstration is from the street, but those of us IN the march knew we were part of millions.
It took three hours to march a mile there were so many of us. When I got home to Los Angeles yesterday, my assistant had kept the front page of the Los Angeles Times. There in a huge photo were the marchers... from an arial view. And here was the quote, "At least 1 million people turned out in Britain, which has committed about 45,000 troops to join US forces in the Persian Gulf. Glose to 1 million marched in Italy and at least 2 million filled the streets in Spain."
I stepped off the plane at Heathrow, grabbed my luggage and headed down to the hotel in Central London. Arriving about 15:30, I saw the remnants of the march passing in front of the hotel. I threw my stuff in the room, grabbed my Palestinian flag and took off to join the march... jetlagged and all.
From the street you could still tell that there were over a million of us. We marched down Picadilly packed into groups,and the march stretched from Hyde Park to Leicester Square. It may be true that you can't tell how large a demonstration is from the street, but those of us IN the march knew we were part of millions.
It took three hours to march a mile there were so many of us. When I got home to Los Angeles yesterday, my assistant had kept the front page of the Los Angeles Times. There in a huge photo were the marchers... from an arial view. And here was the quote, "At least 1 million people turned out in Britain, which has committed about 45,000 troops to join US forces in the Persian Gulf. Glose to 1 million marched in Italy and at least 2 million filled the streets in Spain."
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The Big Lie of Photography
16.02.2003 05:03
The traffic police, routinely show London from the sky, when there is traffic jams. If they want to show the size of a demonstration they do that.
Why are we not demanding AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS showing London completely crowded over with 2 million demonstrators?
It is high time for us to pressure our IndyMedia's, journalists, departments to make these photographs available - they are not officially "national security" though Blair would like it that way!
The million-people march in London
22.02.2003 23:21
From the street you could still tell that there were over a million of us. We marched down Picadilly packed into groups,and the march stretched from Hyde Park to Leicester Square. It may be true that you can't tell how large a demonstration is from the street, but those of us IN the march knew we were part of millions.
It took three hours to march a mile there were so many of us. When I got home to Los Angeles yesterday, my assistant had kept the front page of the Los Angeles Times. There in a huge photo were the marchers... from an arial view. And here was the quote, "At least 1 million people turned out in Britain, which has committed about 45,000 troops to join US forces in the Persian Gulf. Glose to 1 million marched in Italy and at least 2 million filled the streets in Spain."
We are making a difference.
Greta Berlin
The million-people march in London
22.02.2003 23:21
From the street you could still tell that there were over a million of us. We marched down Picadilly packed into groups,and the march stretched from Hyde Park to Leicester Square. It may be true that you can't tell how large a demonstration is from the street, but those of us IN the march knew we were part of millions.
It took three hours to march a mile there were so many of us. When I got home to Los Angeles yesterday, my assistant had kept the front page of the Los Angeles Times. There in a huge photo were the marchers... from an arial view. And here was the quote, "At least 1 million people turned out in Britain, which has committed about 45,000 troops to join US forces in the Persian Gulf. Glose to 1 million marched in Italy and at least 2 million filled the streets in Spain."
We are making a difference.
Greta Berlin