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An F-16 pilot's reply to the invitation to the demo on the 15th

his cousin | 14.02.2003 23:21

this is the reply to an invitation to the demo on the 15th in tel-aviv of a poor and naive little kid who is about to operate a gas chamber equivalent machine:

"Come on man...
Please stop sending this crap!
We got the point - you are Saddam's friend... ;-)

I just hope that Israeli Air Force will attack in Iraq in April - so I
will be able to take place in this attack mission (because only in April
im operational pilot..).."

his cousin


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14.02.2003 23:44

Your binky old boy RAF cousin is not very articulate or convincing, unlike the road hauliers, taxi drivers, and ordinary motor vehicle users who, despite not having your exclusive educational opportunities are more ARTICULATE and in touch with the mood of the general public. I understand as a soldier you can't wait to get playing with your weapons and toys, but you'll forgive the general public for NOT sharing your enthusiasm for blood spilling and mass slaughter, afterall it is us, the taxpayers who have to foot the bill and finance your pointless military excursions and war games in these countries, enabling you trigger happy binky old boy officers to play with your latest expensive toys.


Zionism Kills!

15.02.2003 00:07

"There are hundreds of ways of reasoning with the Arabs, if [the Jews] will only discard the help of the British bayonet. As it is, they are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them."

M. K. Gandhi, Nov. 1938

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Not RAF, Andre

15.02.2003 19:49

Andre, two things:
(1) The RAF doesn't have any F16s, and
(2) The second paragraph "I just hope that Israeli Air Force..."
tell me this is not an RAF pilot speaking, but is what an anonymous poster to indymedia says his cousin in the Israeli Air Force says.


I paid for your plane you coward

16.02.2003 00:20

This cowardly punk who enslaved me to steal that plane is about be judged by god

Albert Kada
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