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ARROW's Milan Rai interviewed about Iraq and antiwar movement // * AUDIO FILE *

ziggy | 14.02.2003 22:50

Feb. 14, 2003 interview with activist author

Milan Rai wrote the book, "War Plan Iraq:  Ten Reasons Against War with Iraq" (Noam Chomsky contributed a chapter).  He was interviewed on the KPFA Morning Show today.  They discuss the U.S. justifications for war and the anti-war movement.  Interview runtime:  27:24.

Broadband Version (~11 megs, 56kbps)

Dial-up Version (~3.1 megs, 16kbps)

Milan Rai is a member of the UK peace group ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War), and a co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness UK, which has worked for lifting of UN sanctions in Iraq.  "A Cynical Exercise in Iraq:  UN Inspections a Side-Show" was published in CounterPunch and it's thought provoking given this week's UN meeting (direct link) (google cache).

Rai's latest book is reviewed by Jeffrey St. Clair in CounterPunch (direct link) (google cache).  Further information on the book and other reviews can be seen at this ARROW page.
