Waking Up Screaming: Awareness of Military-Industrial War Criminals Grows Intern
Marc Howard & Various Sources | 13.02.2003 19:10
When an entire populace is prohibited from hearing the whole story over a period more than a decade: certain KEY FACTS that could alert the populace to serious unreported dangers within their own borders get suppressed. Suppressed and denied, these details nonetheless continue to remain part of memory and public record. These details include dates, places and names. Journalism, independent or otherwise, still concerns the questions : Who; What; When; Where; and How.
The enemies of peace would have us embrace fultility and blindly accept their notions of leadership. Adding to the complexity is that the rhetoric and attitudes of the warlike and belligerent only strengthen them and divide those who would oppose them when applied as a means of dissent. This may be a time when intellect and feeling combined with a determination to use other means than violence could spell the differnece between futile antiwar measures and actual social change on visible and immediate political levels.
Waking Up Screaming: Awareness of Military-Industrial War Criminals Grows Internationally
Marc Howard
Independent Media Philadelphia
Now that the world is waking up groggily to the nature of the few who control; now that the world body is hurriedly massing to protest, we can see more clearly that dealing with the current crises will be more than a matter of simply lobbing rocks.
It is February 2003 c. e. ~ people in Bolivia have struck. Which is to say, gone on strike, but they have struck with their fists and their rage.
This mass violence is defeat for the working people AND the state; simply humanity being, with the noblest intentions on both sides less, far less than the best it can be.
In North America these same tensions are almost held in check.
A point to consider is that many members of the American Public, voracious consumers of information, SUPPORT the Military/Industrial Complex’s belligerence in the Middle East, from the disputed Israel/Palestine area to Afghanistan and Iraq. However many of these people who support this belligerence are woefully uninformed about key factors in this drawn-out situation.
When an entire populace is prohibited from hearing the whole story over a period more than a decade: certain KEY FACTS that could alert the populace to serious unreported dangers within their own borders get suppressed. Suppressed and denied, these details nonetheless continue to remain part of memory and public record. These details include dates, places and names. Journalism, independent or otherwise, still concerns the questions : Who; What; When; Where; and How.
Names To Note:
Samuel P. Bush. Father of Prescott Bush. Owner: Buckeye Steel Castings Co. maker of among other things, railroad parts.
( http://www.exit23.com/war/bushfamily.html)
Prescott Bush: managing partner of
Brown Brothers Harriman.
Prescott Bush was also a Director of the UBC or Union (United?) Banking Corporation. Under the “Trading with the Enemy Act”, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by KEY MEN in the secret Nazi scheme in the UNITED STATES in the time of the war against Hitler:
Prescott Bush
E. Roland `` Bunny '' Harriman
A. Harriman; managing director of UBC's Netherlands affiliate under Nazi occupation; industrial executive in Nazi Germany; director and chief foreign financial executive of the German Steel Trust]
(These Harriman people were tough to dig up information on. The below paragraph is from IndyMedia Netherlands.)
The 1942 U.S. government investigative report said that Bush´s Nazi-front bank was an interlocking concern with the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or German Steel Trust) led by Fritz Thyssen and his two brothers. After the war, Congressional investigators probed the Thyssen interests, Union Banking Corp. and related Nazi units. The investigation showed that the Vereinigte Stahlwerke had produced the following approximate proportions of total German national output:
50.8% of Nazi Germany´s pig iron
41.4% of Nazi Germany´s universal plate
36.0% of Nazi Germany´s heavy plate
38.5% of Nazi Germany´s galvanized sheet
45.5% of Nazi Germany´s pipes and tubes
22.1% of Nazi Germany´s wire
35.0% of Nazi Germany´s explosives.[8]
(info courtesy of Indymedia Netherlands: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2001/11/759.shtml)
Prescott Bush became vice president of W.A. Harriman & Co. in 1926. That same year, a friend of Harriman and Bush set up a giant new organization for their client :
Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of politician :
Adolf Hitler.
The new German Steel Trust, Germany´s largest industrial corporation, was organized in 1926 by Wall Street banker:
Clarence Dillon.
Dillon was the old comrade of Prescott Bush´s father Sam Bush from the >>Merchants of Death<< bureau in World War I."
(what, when)
The Main Idea here is that American Industrialists were investing in the German Nazi war machine during World War Two.
As incredible as it may seem these are documented facts of the United States’ recent history. What makes the point the more potentially disturbing is the idea that the descendants – GHW and GW Bush – of a man who was tried by the American Government for consorting with the Nazis - Prescott Bush – are now holding influential strategic positions at this time of repeated aggression in North Africa
—North Africa, the “forgotten battlefield”-- the least well publicized theater of operations in the War against the Nazis of the mid 20th Century.
Can his name, obscured yet utterly important today, be repeated enough?
Prescott Bush was something that many people would have us pretend has never existed: an American Nazi.
His son, George Herbert Walker Bush, enacted policy prohibiting the largest American news service from reporting that very information. When GHW Bush, the 41st American President and former CIA Director ordered that news that could threaten perceived “National Security” was not to be broadcast --
This action of politically motivated censorship made the Cable News Network a perfect place to broadcast the same sort of biased and manipulative propaganda that Hitler and the National Socialists of Germany used to twist the German people into thinking themselves undefeatable in war.
(From a chat interview with retired CNN correspondent Bernard King)
“Question from the chat room: Do you have any regrets about being in Baghdad during the bombing?
Bernard Shaw: My lone regret is that the interview with Saddam fell through. It was imperative that the Iraqi side of the war be covered and reported as best we could, given the censorship.”
But this censorship that Mr. King mentioned has been crucial in concealing the idea of any wrong doing by the Industrial belligerents in this current manifestation of global conflict.
“Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners to carry on the business.”
(above para. Excepted from “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin)
Many will look at this information and proclaim tiredly “we already know.” And some do.
But many do not know.
If there were no censorship on anything that could stand in the way of corpocratic belligerence on Cable News Network, no doubt this sort of news would have been pounced on with the eagerness and determination of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein reporting the straight facts on Richard M. Nixon’s famous criminal activities. These are slightly different times. And a hallmark of these times is that the major news media are caught: gagged by their bosses and prohibited from reporting news than many of them would perhaps enjoy reporting, this deep news of the influence of Nazi co-conspirators in United States commerce and legislation. As the public’s concern and outrage at these media purveyors grows, as more people realize that they are being lied to via the craft of strategic omission, as more people realize that they are being misled and manipulated: what will change?
Following The Money Trail
Waking Up Screaming: Awareness of Military-Industrial War Criminals Grows Internationally
Marc Howard
Independent Media Philadelphia
Now that the world is waking up groggily to the nature of the few who control; now that the world body is hurriedly massing to protest, we can see more clearly that dealing with the current crises will be more than a matter of simply lobbing rocks.
It is February 2003 c. e. ~ people in Bolivia have struck. Which is to say, gone on strike, but they have struck with their fists and their rage.
This mass violence is defeat for the working people AND the state; simply humanity being, with the noblest intentions on both sides less, far less than the best it can be.
In North America these same tensions are almost held in check.
A point to consider is that many members of the American Public, voracious consumers of information, SUPPORT the Military/Industrial Complex’s belligerence in the Middle East, from the disputed Israel/Palestine area to Afghanistan and Iraq. However many of these people who support this belligerence are woefully uninformed about key factors in this drawn-out situation.
When an entire populace is prohibited from hearing the whole story over a period more than a decade: certain KEY FACTS that could alert the populace to serious unreported dangers within their own borders get suppressed. Suppressed and denied, these details nonetheless continue to remain part of memory and public record. These details include dates, places and names. Journalism, independent or otherwise, still concerns the questions : Who; What; When; Where; and How.
Names To Note:
Samuel P. Bush. Father of Prescott Bush. Owner: Buckeye Steel Castings Co. maker of among other things, railroad parts.
( http://www.exit23.com/war/bushfamily.html)
Prescott Bush: managing partner of
Brown Brothers Harriman.
Prescott Bush was also a Director of the UBC or Union (United?) Banking Corporation. Under the “Trading with the Enemy Act”, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by KEY MEN in the secret Nazi scheme in the UNITED STATES in the time of the war against Hitler:
Prescott Bush
E. Roland `` Bunny '' Harriman
A. Harriman; managing director of UBC's Netherlands affiliate under Nazi occupation; industrial executive in Nazi Germany; director and chief foreign financial executive of the German Steel Trust]
(These Harriman people were tough to dig up information on. The below paragraph is from IndyMedia Netherlands.)
The 1942 U.S. government investigative report said that Bush´s Nazi-front bank was an interlocking concern with the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or German Steel Trust) led by Fritz Thyssen and his two brothers. After the war, Congressional investigators probed the Thyssen interests, Union Banking Corp. and related Nazi units. The investigation showed that the Vereinigte Stahlwerke had produced the following approximate proportions of total German national output:
50.8% of Nazi Germany´s pig iron
41.4% of Nazi Germany´s universal plate
36.0% of Nazi Germany´s heavy plate
38.5% of Nazi Germany´s galvanized sheet
45.5% of Nazi Germany´s pipes and tubes
22.1% of Nazi Germany´s wire
35.0% of Nazi Germany´s explosives.[8]
(info courtesy of Indymedia Netherlands: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2001/11/759.shtml)
Prescott Bush became vice president of W.A. Harriman & Co. in 1926. That same year, a friend of Harriman and Bush set up a giant new organization for their client :
Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of politician :
Adolf Hitler.
The new German Steel Trust, Germany´s largest industrial corporation, was organized in 1926 by Wall Street banker:
Clarence Dillon.
Dillon was the old comrade of Prescott Bush´s father Sam Bush from the >>Merchants of Death<< bureau in World War I."
(what, when)
The Main Idea here is that American Industrialists were investing in the German Nazi war machine during World War Two.
As incredible as it may seem these are documented facts of the United States’ recent history. What makes the point the more potentially disturbing is the idea that the descendants – GHW and GW Bush – of a man who was tried by the American Government for consorting with the Nazis - Prescott Bush – are now holding influential strategic positions at this time of repeated aggression in North Africa
—North Africa, the “forgotten battlefield”-- the least well publicized theater of operations in the War against the Nazis of the mid 20th Century.
Can his name, obscured yet utterly important today, be repeated enough?
Prescott Bush was something that many people would have us pretend has never existed: an American Nazi.
His son, George Herbert Walker Bush, enacted policy prohibiting the largest American news service from reporting that very information. When GHW Bush, the 41st American President and former CIA Director ordered that news that could threaten perceived “National Security” was not to be broadcast --
This action of politically motivated censorship made the Cable News Network a perfect place to broadcast the same sort of biased and manipulative propaganda that Hitler and the National Socialists of Germany used to twist the German people into thinking themselves undefeatable in war.
(From a chat interview with retired CNN correspondent Bernard King)
“Question from the chat room: Do you have any regrets about being in Baghdad during the bombing?
Bernard Shaw: My lone regret is that the interview with Saddam fell through. It was imperative that the Iraqi side of the war be covered and reported as best we could, given the censorship.”
But this censorship that Mr. King mentioned has been crucial in concealing the idea of any wrong doing by the Industrial belligerents in this current manifestation of global conflict.
“Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners to carry on the business.”
(above para. Excepted from “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin)
Many will look at this information and proclaim tiredly “we already know.” And some do.
But many do not know.
If there were no censorship on anything that could stand in the way of corpocratic belligerence on Cable News Network, no doubt this sort of news would have been pounced on with the eagerness and determination of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein reporting the straight facts on Richard M. Nixon’s famous criminal activities. These are slightly different times. And a hallmark of these times is that the major news media are caught: gagged by their bosses and prohibited from reporting news than many of them would perhaps enjoy reporting, this deep news of the influence of Nazi co-conspirators in United States commerce and legislation. As the public’s concern and outrage at these media purveyors grows, as more people realize that they are being lied to via the craft of strategic omission, as more people realize that they are being misled and manipulated: what will change?
Following The Money Trail
Marc Howard & Various Sources