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Telegraph: 'can't rule out moving tanks into Central London'

Newspaper browser | 13.02.2003 12:09

Today's Telegraph front page mentions that government 'can't rule out moving tanks to Central London'. OF COURSE!: Heathrow was always a convenient stopping off point from Salisbury Plain.

The summary says it all. Seems a bit blatant to invent all this in good time for Saturday's demonstration (and the mounting evidence of 91% opposition to war in UK.

Newspaper browser


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I agree

13.02.2003 13:06

Britain is becoming like a South American dictatorship. This is a plan to block the massive demonstration on Saturday. I guess they will block the roads on Saturday, to avoid people coming to London.


Police State Update

13.02.2003 13:08

David Blunkett said the armed services have been mobilised for preventive and protective measures, from a real and serious threat. He claims to know that Al-Qaeda will inflict damage and loss of life in the UK and target the transport infrastructure, but there is no need to inform parliament - “I do not believe it is responsible to make a running public commentary on every twist and turn” - explaining his actions would endanger lives and public protection is paramount. Aviation security measures are under constant review, additional protective steps are taken where threats are specific and he seeks to thwart them. Oliver Letwin wants a Homeland Security minister to be appointed and gave the full backing of the opposition – “actions by the military and police are justified and proportionate” – but the pace of action is too slow for the Tories, more rigorous militarisation is needed and they are impatient for war.

Lois Lane

Time is getting short...

13.02.2003 15:19

It seems that time is getting short for our "democracy", there are two ways this could go as I see it:

1) Saturday's demonstrations are HUGE and peaceful. They cause the warmongers to have second thoughts and step down from power so we, the people can step up and make a new world based on global justice and accountability.

2) Saturday's demonstrations are HUGE and violently surpressed by the government, causing mass rioting and revolt accross the country and the world. The warmongers are physically thrown out of power by the people and we make a new world based on global justice and accountability.

Its a win-win situation ;)


Can't Win

13.02.2003 16:04

Or... riotous behaviour could be the excuse used to impose Martial Law and a military crackdown on dissent.

A No-No Situation!


Whatever the outcome

13.02.2003 16:21

.. on sat. only a fool would beleive that it is going to be easy stopping the war machine in its tracks, let alone standing it down.
Brace yourselves.
These are exciting times maybe, but they will be hard times also.
So a small island in the world battles for its freedoms and for justice and representation, following a [brief] period of a hundred years or so of relative openess.
Big deal?
Sure bloody is.
I ain't going down like that ....

mail e-mail:


13.02.2003 22:14

Tanks? That makes sense. Because Osama's obviously got plenty of tanks hiding all throughout London. Unrestricted tank warfare on the M25? Of course!
