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Reminder to everyone going on the demo with laptops etc

Sammy Douglas | 09.02.2003 17:05

Reminder to everyone going on the demo with laptops etc

There are going to be quite a few people (myself included) who for one reason or another are unable to attend the demo on the 15th. So I'd just like to remind anyone who has the equipment and the know how to PLEASE upload info to Indymedia as often as possible on the day.
Your contribution is CRUCIAL to ensuring that the events are accurately reported.Sure, the news channels will have some coverage but we all know how biased they can be.
At Mayday in Parlament Square there were a few people who made their laptops available to everyone who wanted to post a comment about the demo as it unfolded. I hope this will be the case on Saturday too.
It would be great if anyone who plans to bring equipment capable of this were to post a comment so we know what kind of coverage to expect.

Good luck everybody. The thoughts of millions who can't attend will be with you millions who can.

Say YES! to Peace.

Sammy Douglas


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by mobile?

09.02.2003 17:17

I heard that indymedia has developed a way of creating audio reports from mobile phones- does anyone know more?


Yes, there will be a number to call

09.02.2003 20:39

Yep, on the day there will be a telephone number to call in with you reports. These will be converted into audio files and updated to this newswire automatically.

Please bear with us. We're still sorting some technical but please keep checking the site for the number to call. It will be announced later in the week as soon as we can.

Reclaim Your Media!
No to the permanent global war!


If you absolutely cannot make it, fine, but..

09.02.2003 21:01

The whole world is watching. Blair is watching, Bush is watching, their speech-writers now at work trying to justify why this war is necessary after the French&German initiative give tham everything they said they wanted (but, of course, doesn't give them the OIL...WHAT WILL THERE EXCUSE BE NOW?)
..BUT back to the main point, the whole world will be watching, and PEOPLE (NOT laptops & mobiles) are what are going to make an impression!


For you, for your children, for your grandchildren.



I absolutely cannot make it....:-(

09.02.2003 21:25

I have a very young family and there is absolutely no way that I can make the demo, much to our disappointment.
There is nothing more my partner and I would like than to travel to London and show our outrage and utter contempt for this war and the corrupt governments which have brought us to this brink of World War 3.
Our children are very young and would not be able (nor would we be willing for them) to travel such a distance and back on the same day.

So, fair play "American", your comment IS valid for a lot of people and those who can travel should. We have travelled to London for various large demos in the past. But this time it would be just too difficult. (It may sound like a cop out, but perhaps those reading this who have young families will understand.)
And no, laptops and mobiles are not a substitute for actions and deeds but they will help spread the news of those actions and deeds to the wider world.

Again, Good luck everyone.
Say YES! to peace.

Sammy Douglas

children are the future of the world!

09.02.2003 23:58

shame on ppl criticising someone for not making the demo, Sammy(who seems anice guy) and his family will be there in spirit.

BTW, Sammy you could keep an eye on the corpoarate media and complain if they lie as usual, tho this time i dont think they will


I have young family too - but

10.02.2003 01:54

Sorry to write like this but I have a very young family too. It is going to be difficult and all that... but when I think of those in Iraq (even now) with young families and all that; when I think of those with young families unable to make it to hospitals, being bombed., etc... I simply have to find a way to attend the demo.

I thought out several ways round the "difficulties":

1. I attend with the whole family at least part of the demo to show the flesh is as willing (and as creative) as the spirit, and also help bring figures up for the count;

2. I ask friends to come along to lend a hand;

3. I go round the high street and do my demo there.

My family opted for 1. and had a couple of willing friends come with us.

In the past I participated in demos too and never failed. I missed 2 years of university during the Vietnam War just to do as much as I could against that war.

Yes, I do think about how young my family is, this time. But other people do have young families too. And these other families are my family too. The other children are also my children. Bombing them is like bombing me and my family. When my family is being bombed or suffering from sanctions I would (naturally?) do something about it. And nothing would come in the way.

I thought I oughta get off my ass regardless and join the demo. Feeling "guilt" ain't healthy, necessary or useful - nor does "I would like to come BUT..."...

Sorry. To me, my young family is going to be strung around my neck for a long time and I better train myself for that distance.

Going to the demo is only a small problem for my family.

My young children can learn young to think and feel for other young children too. Maybe this is an exaggeration for the very young that I have but one day they can look back and say they were bothered about others a long time back.

But that is not that important - putting a lot of things aside for one afternoon is not difficult. If it is, God help us as parents!!!

And God (or whatever...) help our children!!!

I hope this makes you feel better.

See you out there, ya???!!!

I want to be there, no buts

oh really???

10.02.2003 22:59

"I want to be there, no buts " reckons he was a student at the time of the Vietnam demos then eh?
So he must be, what...45-50 around that age?
And he has a "young family"? And he is dissing Sammy for not making the march??
That kinda sucks.
Either he is an infantile 50 something who should really have more maturity or he is a liar.
If people can't make it, they can't make it.
Don't be so aggresive.

Bill Hicks

Usual crap here then

10.02.2003 23:10

Well, it seems like every time I post on Indymedia someone has something negative to say about something.
If I could make the demo I would, I really don't know what I have to say to some people though to convince them that my attendance is impossible.
I am frankly disappointed in some of the opinions people have expressed here on this thread and I won't be posting on Indymedia again.(Satisfied?)
Thanks to pontificator for trying to stick up for me but it seems that some people just don't get it.

Again, good luck for Saturday, I hope people listen.
Say YES! to peace

Sammy Douglas

Bill Dicks - it is elementary...!!!

11.02.2003 10:49

Bill Dicks, your "deduction" is only slightly correct. Nice use of the brain. Yes, that is about my age. And I do have a young family - easy to work that one out if you do not run a regimented routine of when you must do what and have what and by what time. Maybe it is because I was too involved in political issues, but saying this might make you somewhat jealous. Yes, breeding, "my" kids can take second place when all the world's children can be my children.

My children can see that - I am taking an 8, a 3, and a 1 year old (Bill Dicks you can come and be an inspector of this and solve that "young family" mystery you bungled through muddled "thinking" - most dangerous).

But dont'be jealous and don't be threatened. I am not in that "game" because you think I say all those stuff which seems to threaten you. I really get pissed off because during other demonstrations such attitude (ok you are entitled to it, so do keep it) do really get people's spirit (yes, that "excuse" does spread). Why post it? Is it a confession? No need to feel guilty. Channel the energy to other forms of protest - take a brief walk round the corner to your local high street and protest there (what? Can't do that one for other kids? C'mon, man!!!).

You see how small and fragile some of these little f*cking egos are - a little "remark", their egos evaporate and they want to throw tantrums by getting annoyed and even not posting again!!! Use that energy for what you really want to do man, to protest!!!

Think about other young families you piss heads with your "own" young families and stop doing the confessional here, show off your lack of genuine spirit, and dampen other people's spirit. People go on about making it and you go on about not - just leave that space for someone else to inspire us (and even Uncle Dicks to do "CIA" deduction work)

If you really want to go, I (and others) will help you look after your kids. I will ask for other friends to meet up at the Gower Street end (than Embankment) and you can still make it. Meanwhile I can sort out what you can bring for the kids, how we should go about it for the kids (even preparing for problems if we get hassles during the march... etc - aaaaarrrgggghhh!!!!!) That is what you want isn't it - to join in the demonstration?

Leave me a note and I will take it from there. (And we can both satisfy Uncle Bill Dicks I am no liar no immatured.. that should disappoint his majestic sherlock holmes... hahahahaha lighten up willya, Unkasama bin Dicks???).

Will go, till no buts


11.02.2003 11:48

Jeus h, this is pathetic. If people can't make it, they can't make it. Of course we're all pissed off about the war and of course its a good thing if there's a big demonstration.
but let's be honest. do you really think the demo on saturday will change shit? do you really think that the billion dollar multi-nationals clamouring for access to oil are going to be bothered by a million people getting rained on in central london?
Hell, I seriously hope I'm wrong. I hope millions of people hit the streets, march on parliament and reclaim the world for truth, justice and freedom, and all the soldiers everwhere put down their weapons and it is sunny everday.
but even if that is going to happen, please stop with the self righteous carping and telling people what they SHOULD be doing. Respect people enough to give them the credit for working stuff out for themselves, weighing stuff up and making a decision.


Hey Sammy

14.02.2003 10:09

Don't feel attacked. Your post was a good contribution. Ignore the complaining types - indymedia seems to have a small part of the users who sit at their computers all the time and complain, bitch and argue, rather than reporting or discussing.

Stay with it. For every one person who replies with a critical post, there will have been hundreds who read your post and thought, yeah, good point. Some may even hit an internet cafe along the route to update news, that's what I'll be doing.

keep the faith