Feb 15: Youth to Stop the War meeting point
YSTW | 09.02.2003 13:23
At the last Stop the War conference a resolution (put forward by Revo) was passed to set up Youth to Stop the War.
Young people have been in the forefront of action against the bloody war plans of Bush and Blair. So on Feb 15 there is gonna be a Youth to Stop the War contingent.
It's open to anyone who is young and backs the aims of Stop the War coalition. Join us on the march. Tell your friends, school, college or workmates and get them involved.
The meeting point will be at Bedford Square (off Gower Street) from 11am onwards. Nearest tubes are Goodge Street and Tottenham Court Road (it's a couple of minutes walk from either one). Look out for the Youth to Stop the War banner.
The Youth to Stop the War contingent will hopefully be a springboard to build a network nationally.
For more info or if you wanna get involved in the build up you can phone Revo on 07951 493 232 or email
Accomodation for people outside London can be sorted out and there are also several all night occuapations going on at SOAS, UCL and LSE.
Young people have been in the forefront of action against the bloody war plans of Bush and Blair. So on Feb 15 there is gonna be a Youth to Stop the War contingent.
It's open to anyone who is young and backs the aims of Stop the War coalition. Join us on the march. Tell your friends, school, college or workmates and get them involved.
The meeting point will be at Bedford Square (off Gower Street) from 11am onwards. Nearest tubes are Goodge Street and Tottenham Court Road (it's a couple of minutes walk from either one). Look out for the Youth to Stop the War banner.
The Youth to Stop the War contingent will hopefully be a springboard to build a network nationally.
For more info or if you wanna get involved in the build up you can phone Revo on 07951 493 232 or email

Accomodation for people outside London can be sorted out and there are also several all night occuapations going on at SOAS, UCL and LSE.
Hide the following 7 comments
09.02.2003 16:17
fuck off trot
check here instead
09.02.2003 16:18
ftrots suck
One already exists!
09.02.2003 20:13
Check out the website:
Sectarianism Again....No Never!
09.02.2003 21:24
Revo is trying to set up Youth to Stop the War network and I see that as a positive thing. It was backed almost unamimously at the STW conference.
And you say there is already a "Students to Stop the War Group". But that is for "students" and seems to be pretty much university based. What about schools, FE colleges and young workers? The two don't have to be counterposed.
There is gonna be a Youth to Stop the War conference soon and everyone will be invited so hopefully people from Students to Stop the War can come to that.
If a group is taking an initiative and it's not anarchist why do you have to be so hostile, especially when you know nothing about it!
I'm in AYN
10.02.2003 00:45
I mean I think their politics are deeply flawed but there's nothing intrinsically wrong with them going. And also I think that they'll find that the whole "united front" thing is pretty much sewn up by the SWP + Stop the War Coalition and so their Youth Against the War thing will probably be effectively side-lined and viewed as the "sectarian" act of a small political sect.
you like Saddam?
10.02.2003 04:19
Is this true? Because it does fit with their politics (supporting any fascist, genocidal arsehole dictator as long as they're anti-American), I just can't believe they'd be so stupid.
Lets hope the people of both the West and Iraq get rid of our corrupt leaders and set up a truly free and equal society.
10.02.2003 10:19
Victory to Iraq does not mean support for Saddam, have a look at Urban 75 for the debate, I'm not going into it on Indymedia. However that will not be a slogan for Youth to Stop the War, but people within it are free to chant any anti-war slogans they wish, liberal, trotskyist, anarchist....whatever....
Youth to Stop the War will hopefully be a very successful united fromt and hopefully will be able to link up with Students Against the War.
If people wanna help build it please come on the day!