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15 Feb: No anti-capitalist meet-up point?

Asking | 08.02.2003 18:43

Anarchist youth have suggested a meeting point - is anyone going to suggest one for general non-youth anti-capitalists, radicals, anti-authoritarians?

Is anyone going to suggest a meeting point - I can see why people might be hesitant given the usual response by the forces of darkness. See Anarchist Youth suggestion - how about a general one nearby??



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Forget marches-- D.I.Y.

08.02.2003 19:35


Like hundreds of thousands of others, we absolutely oppose U.S./U.K. capital’s criminal conspiracy to invade, occupy and ravage Iraq. We also object to fact that the Bush-Cheney petroleum plutocracy has manufactured a crisis in the Persian Gulf to divert attention away from the latest social disasters produced by a collapsing U.S. economy and neoliberalism’s escalating war against the poor and working classes.

The protests and demonstrations of the last three months have been important in mobilizing those who reject the imperialist machinations and militarist adventures of the U.S. government, Blair, and their two or three allies. But time is running out. We recommend intensifying criticism of and resistance to the capitalist death machine by making the day of protest scheduled for Saturday February 15 into a day of direct action.

’Direct action’ means ’do it yourself’: instead of standing around in the cold holding signs and listening to someone else do all the talking, a program of direct control opens up the opportunity for you to express your own opposition
to what is being done to you and in your name. It is an important step towards creating a situation on your own behalf and forcefully acting on an issue of immediate concern to your friends and community. The most effective instances of direct action have always been independent, original, and creative feats that outsmart those who want to control and discourage us; it can cover a wide
assortment of activities, ranging from autonomous acts of resistance, refusal, and sabotage, to self-organized collective street projects, to wildcat workplace occupation strikes-- there are an unlimited number of sites of
potential intervention. Most importantly, though, direct action unifies, focuses and fortifies a sense of solidarity: each time we act for ourselves, we
get a better sense of our individual strengths and our collective commitment.

We therefore call upon individuals, groups, collectives, and networks engaged in pro-democracy opposition to exploitation, war, and the State to make February 15 an international day of direct action, freedom, and unlimited

A public service announcement from Emergency Mass Action

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Meeting point

08.02.2003 20:59

I agree surely there are other left libertarians out there who would like to form a bloc for the demo.I think that it
would a good idea for anarchists/left libertarians to
show we have a distinct presence at this march to distinguish ourselves from the liberals/Trots/Lenninists etc.Anyway i would rather march with those of like mind.

Lost in the crowd

Missing the point

08.02.2003 22:36

Surely if we want to promote libertarian critiques of war & capitalism - if we want to promote direct action - there is no point in us all marching in a bloc with like minded people in a linear march - it's handy for the police to know where we all are but it hardy spreads our ideas - surely we need to contaiminate the whole of the march with our ideas and our pressence -

it's always nice to march with mates - call a few up before hand - bring libertarian banners , slogans - experiment with disobedience - be visible by all means - but we need to break down the barriers between us and 'ordinary people' - and we'll do that by not replicating the sectarian mindsets of the left- marching in our own little section

but liberation



09.02.2003 00:22

Why is it that you lot always need a large crowd to hide in? I've never seen you gutless tossers doing an action by yourselves, on a day organised by yourselves. You always hijack someone else's peaceful protest because you're too shit scared to take responsibility for your own actions.

Why not call your own protest on a different day, show yourselves and lets all see how radical and committed you are without the majority to cower behind. You moan on about how ineffective peace marches are so why not go away and do your own thing somewhere else? If you're so right I'm sure you'll get lots of brave souls joining you.

You have to huddle together in your little kids club, setting up a 'bloc' to mark yourself out as better than everyone else. And what on earth do you mean by "ordinary people" in the post above? You think you are extraordinary do you? Who the f**k do you think you are?? Nothing but snidey, cowardly little streaks of piss as far as I can see.


All the same

09.02.2003 00:35

i have a hell of a travel to get down to london and dont know london well at all - would be nice to meet up with like minded ppl - any suggestions as to where?


for the brain dead

09.02.2003 04:40

Never a truer word spoken with such faultless idiocy by the coward alladin. The reason no 'bloc' was called is simply because we're sick to dead of being permanently surrounded the length of the march by alladin's grim army of uniformed thugs, baton's at the ready, successfully containing & smothering any chance of a more active participation. Let's hope this time events take a more confrontational, spontaneous approach & 'ordinary people' take the initiative making the 15th blair's polltax.

The Lamp

Spooks getting bothered.

09.02.2003 15:31

What's the matter? Can't find the treasure?

Ali baba

why a bloc?

09.02.2003 19:56

The anticapitalist bloc last time was good in some ways - the shutting down of the Army Recruitment event on Sept 28th for one! But basically this time I think it's much better we split into small affinity groups (of friends, workmates etc.) and spread through the whole march.

Sticking together feels good but as malatesta says doesn't help us spread our ideas - why not make up a leaflet or get some of the net and distribute them.

Being surrounded by cops + filmed the whole time doesn't make for a particularly empowering demonstrations... This demo will be so big it'll be impossible for the FIT team cops to keep an eye over all of us if we split up ;)

Only Direct Action can stop this war!

- Homepage:

please show respect for others

10.02.2003 12:14

"Why is it that you lot always need a large crowd to hide in? I've never seen you gutless tossers doing an action by yourselves, on a day organised by yourselves. You always hijack someone else's peaceful protest because you're too shit scared to take responsibility for your own actions."

I for one am quite sick of this criticism. Last spring, in Canada, the anarchists were almost the only people organizing and marching against the G8 in eastern Canada - in Ottawa, there were about 5-8,000 demonstrators and perhaps the same number of police, heavily armed with the full range of modern crowd-control weaponry and obviously willing to use it if the previous year's demonstration in Quebec City was any indication. It was the largest two-day security operation in Canadian history, with the final bill reaching about CDN$300 billion. The night before the demo, we all said our goodbyes as we were fully expecting that we would be badly beaten and jailed, as did indeed happen to a group of people in a squat a few days later.

This is an instance where only the more radical groups (mostly anarchists with smaller contingents of authoritarian socialists) organized their own march at a time when the liberals, NGOs, social democrats, and unions were too frightened by the threat of police violence to come onto the streets of the capital. While I sometimes agree that sometimes it is better not to engage in controversial tactics when restraint is needed to build solidarity with other groups (and this restraint has been shown many times), I think that these blanket accusations of cowardice are stupid, counterproductive, and dishonest. If you have something to say, please say it respectfully, explore the different options available to the groups involved, and treat the anarchists as people who are on the same side of the fence as you, who happen to think differently about strategy and tactics - the anarchists will do the same for you. It is the only way to build solidarity and keep things moving forward.


Meet up point

10.02.2003 15:39

Protest at Grosvenor Square on the February 15th.

The Stop the War demonstration passes close to the agitators behind
the drive to war. Cardiff Anarchists feel that we ought to
demonstrate our feelings to them too. Meet at Picadilly/Green Park
tube at 2:30 PM to march through Mayfair to Grosvenor Square.

If the police try and stop the protest, and for those of us who wish
to avoid confrontation use an alternative route to get to Grosvenor
Square at 3:00 PM.

Hopefully these times will allows us not to have to listen to rubbish
politicians in Hyde Park, but still join the sit down protest later.
Turn Picadilly into a Totally Autonomous Zone on the 15th

In conjunction with the ARROW sit down protest in Picadilly on the
15th, it would be nice if we turned Picadilly into our own no-war
space. It would be nice if people brought lots of nice things to
decorate the area. Not that I am advocating anyone damage anything
but the idea that lots of people bringing lots of paint and
decorating the area with no-war logos, little murals with painted
flowers, lots of red paint to represent innocent civilian blood, etc
I thought is a nice idea.

But if you get blocked/lost use your imagination...


GKN, 7 Cleveland Row, London, SW1A 1DB.

Hunting, 3 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5BQ. Oil Services, Defence Engineering and Military Support. Divisions include management of the Atomic Weapons Establishment on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.

Alvis, 34 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0A. Producer of armoured fighting


British Petroleum Co: Britannic House, Moor Lane, London EC2Y

Royal Dutch / Shell Group: c/o Shell Centre FNX/6, London SE1 7NA

ESSO: ESSO House, 96 Victoria Street, London. SW1E 5JW.

Shell U.K. Ltd., Shell Mex House, The Strand, London, WC2R ODA


Ministry of Defence, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW14 2HB.

Army HQ: HQ London District, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London SW1A 2AX.

Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Greater London, Duke of York’s,
Headquarters, Turks Street, Chelsea, London, SW3 4RY.

Defence Export Services Organisation, Metropole Building, Northumberland Avenue,
London, WC2N 5BL. DESO is part of the Ministry of Defence, and assists companies
with advice on marketing defence products and services overseas.

Disposal Sales Agency, Hercules House, 6 Hercules Road, London SE1 7DJ.
Responsible for the sale of surplus MOD equipment and stores.

AFCO London St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London, SE1 OTD. Armed
Forces Careers Office
