Cannon Fodder, part 2: Weapons of Mass Deception
Hadding Scott | 08.02.2003 10:13
This revelation about the State of Israel by a former Israeli intelligence agent matches the most harrowing rumors and innuendoes about Iraq, but you won't see any dramatized reporting about Israel's nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction...
Cannon Fodder, part 2: Weapons of Mass Deception
by Hadding Scott and Kevin Alfred Strom
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. Today's program, entitled "Cannon
Fodder, part 2: Weapons of Mass Deception," was written by Hadding Scott
and prepared for broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom.
Erratum. Before proceeding I would like to correct a factual error of
minor importance from last week's broadcast. Although the Iran-Iraq War
was a military victory for Iraq, in which three-quarters of Iran's
tanks, and almost half of its artillery pieces and armored personnel
carriers were captured, Iraq did not gain control of the Shatt-al-Arab
waterway. We at ADV care about facts. You can't really say that about
those promoting a war against Iraq. This week's program will continue to
explore the depth of their deception.
I'd also like to make it clear that we are in no way partisans of Iraq
in their conflict with other powers including Iran. Our purpose is to
expose the liars who put Americans at risk in this
Zionist-inspired war.
The Gulf War of 1991
Although it has never been officially admitted, it is well known that
Israel has nuclear warheads. What is less known is that Israel has a
biological warfare program. In Britain's London Sunday Times of November
15, 1998 was a report entitled, "Israel Planning 'Ethnic' Bomb as Saddam
Caves In," by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin. The report states that the
Jewish "Institute for Biological Research" at Nes Tsiona southeast of
Tel Aviv is working on developing a race-specific virus that will
preferentially kill Iraqis. A scientist there said: "They have ...
succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic
profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people."
That is evidence not only of a biological warfare program, but of an
intention to commit genocide in the strictest sense of the word. Nes
Tsiona is in the business of developing chemical and nuclear as well as
biological weapons -- all the kinds of weapons that we are supposed to
suspect that Saddam Hussein might have. A former officer of Israel's
intelligence agency, Victor Ostrovsky (The Other Side of Deception) has
written the following about this:
It was Uri who enlightened me regarding the Nes Zionna [Tsiona]
facility. It was, he said, an ABC warfare laboratory -- ABC standing for
atomic, biological and chemical. It was where our top epidemiological
scientists were developing various doomsday machines. Because we were so
vulnerable and would not have a second chance should there be an all-out
war in which this type of weapon would be needed, there was no room for
error. The [captured] Palestinian infiltrators came in handy in this
regard. As human guinea pigs, they could make sure the weapons the
scientists were developing worked properly and could verify how fast
they worked and make them even more efficient.
This revelation about the State of Israel by a former Israeli
intelligence agent matches the most harrowing rumors and innuendoes
about Iraq, but you won't see any dramatized reporting about Israel's
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
The State of Israel is really known in the Middle East as a lawless
state that bullies its neighbors. During the Iran-Iraq War, Israel
invaded and occupied southern Lebanon. They stayed there for two
decades. None of the many U.N. resolutions ignored by the State of
Israel has ever provoked even a consideration of a U.S. expeditionary
force to enforce it.
When a pattern of lawlessness like that is allowed to go on, it is
unreasonable then to turn around and selectively enforce a law against
somebody else who maybe isn't as influential as the big, habitual
Ambassador Richard Butler, the former head of UNSCOM (United Nations
Special Commission), has frequently said that Saddam Hussein is
"addicted to weapons of mass-destruction." This shows a failure on
Butler's part to appreciate the effect of the State of Israel in that
region. When you have a neighbor like Israel, you had better be armed.
Especially since Iraq had emerged from its war with Iran as a regional
superpower, a lot of apprehension that Israel might attack had been
expressed by the Iraqis (e.g. "if the United States does not attack us
now, sooner or later Israel will," said Tariq Aziz. [New York Times Dec
30, 1990, 10-L col. 3])
Saddam Hussein declared in early 1990, "We do not need an atomic bomb.
We have the dual chemical. Whoever threatens us with the atomic bomb, we
will annihilate him with the dual chemical." The only present nuclear
threat that Saddam Hussein could have had in mind, of course, was the
State of Israel, which has made an open secret of its nuclear arsenal.
This is why George Bush had made a fuss about chemical weapons in 1988,
because it was a means whereby Iraq could check the military arrogance
of Israel. Recalling Israel's unjustified bombing of Iraq in 1981,
Saddam Hussein declared, "I swear to God we will let our fire eat half
of Israel if it tries to wage anything against Iraq." Time magazine
stated, "Saddam's outburst set off alarms in Jerusalem, " and Time
further noted, "Suddenly, Israel's long-presumed nuclear capability,
still a monopoly despite Saddam's best efforts, does not seem to be an
effective deterrent." Saddam Hussein's presentation of chemical warheads
as a counterpoise to Israel's nuclear arsenal was endorsed by Egypt,
Jordan, and North Yemen. ["Stumbling toward Armageddon", Time, Apr 6,
( I should mention that in 1990 and 1991 Iraq was attempting to develop
a nuclear weapon to balance the nuclear weapons of its enemy Israel.
This was unrelated to the IAEA-approved facility that Israel bombed in
1981. This was not a secret nuclear program; Saddam Hussein actually
announced on May 8, 1990 that Iraq had succeeded in building a nuclear
triggering device. However, Iraq's nuclear program ended with the Gulf
War in 1991, a fact that was verified following the defection of General
Hussein Kemal in 1995.)
Even without nuclear weapons, Iraq's ability to threaten effective
retaliation against the Jewish State, thus containing Zionist
aggression, represented a new level of defiance. With Saddam Hussein
governing a militarily powerful Iraq, the Jewish State could no longer
bully its neighbors at will. Iraq's entrapment into a war with the
United States followed within months.
The chorus-leader of all the Jewish slanderers of Iraq was syndicated
New York Times columnist William Safire. George Bush had fallen in line
behind Safire prior to the 1988 election, but then apparently didn't
move fast enough to satisfy the Jew, because, like some journalistic
Shylock, Safire kept dunning Bush in one New York Times piece after
another for his personal pound of flesh, the punishment of Iraq that
Bush had promised before his election in 1988.
( I should mention that in addition to the Zionist Jews like Safire,
there were also leftist Jews (e.g. David Korn) who denounced the alleged
sins of Saddam Hussein because it was a way to strike at the reputation
of Ronald Reagan, who had supported Hussein. Perhaps the so-called
conservatives who have joined in the anti-Saddam propaganda choruses of
1991 and 2003 should consider that when they uncritically endorse every
story about Saddam Hussein they are damaging the reputation of their
hero Reagan as well. Unfortunately, wariness about ramifications is not
really a characteristic of conservatives; nor is real analysis of
history. Consequently Conservatives are easily conned by the Jews again
and again into sawing off the very tree-limbs upon which they are
After its war with Iran, Iraq suffered from a crushing debt because of
necessary weapons purchases from the U.S. and several European
countries, and this was complicated by wartime damage to Iraq's
oil-production. Iraq's ability to repay its debts was sabotaged by the
fact that Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates were pumping much more oil
than OPEC quotas allowed, driving down prices. Every one-dollar decrease
in the price of a barrel of oil meant 1 billion dollars in lost revenue
for Iraq, a huge loss for a country of only 15 million people. In
addition, the corrupt Sheikhdom of Kuwait was allowing British Petroleum
in Kuwait to steal oil, estimated at a total value of 2.4 billion
dollars, by angle-drilling into Iraq. On July 17, 1990, Saddam Hussein
delivered a speech in which he accused Kuwait and the UAE of "stabbing
Iraq in the back with a poison dagger," at the behest of the United
States government. "Hussein does have some tacit support within OPEC,"
noted Business Week magazine. ["Is Iraq really ready to start a New Gulf
War?" Business Week, Aug 6, 1990]
It has been a well known fact since the Gulf War of 1991 that the Bush
Administration's ambassador to Iraq was consulted by Saddam Hussein on
whether the United States would be opposed to his contemplated invasion
of Kuwait, and that the U.S. ambassador, April Glaspie, told him that
the United States would not care. Once the Iraqi leader had acted on
these assurances, however, once he had solved his country's debt-crisis
by re-annexing that wayward province of Iraq that had been called
Kuwait, then the trap was sprung.
In the fall of 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only as Nayirah,
gave a tearful testimony before a congressional caucus that swayed
opinions in the Congress and the American public. The girl told how she,
as a volunteer in a Kuwait maternity ward, had witnessed an atrocity
committed by Iraqi troops, who allegedly stormed into the hospital,
stole the incubators, and dumped 312 babies "on the cold floor to die."
Mind you, there were also other Kuwaitis who corroborated her story. The
elder Bush thereafter referred to the story on five different occasions.
During the Senatorial debate about whether to attack Iraq, seven
senators referred to the story, showing that they themselves had been
influenced by it, or at least considered it to be an important
consideration in the debate. If five of those seven senators had voted
against the motion, there would have been no Gulf War. This 15-year-old
"hospital volunteer," "Nayirah," turned out to be the daughter of the
Kuwaiti ambassador to the US, and her story is now well known to have
been completely false.
Here's another fraud from the 1991 Gulf War that is less well known. It
is described in the Christian Science Monitor of September 6, 2002 as
When George H. W. Bush ordered American forces to the Persian Gulf - to
reverse Iraq's August 1990 invasion of Kuwait - part of the
administration case was that an Iraqi juggernaut was also threatening to
roll into Saudi Arabia. Citing top-secret satellite images, Pentagon
officials estimated in mid-September that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and
1,500 tanks stood on the border, threatening the key U.S. oil supplier.
But when the St. Petersburg Times in Florida acquired two commercial
Soviet satellite images of the same area, taken at the same time, no
Iraqi troops were visible near the Saudi border - just empty desert....
"That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending
troops in there, and it just didn't exist," [St. Petersburg Times
journalist Jean] Heller says.
[ ]
In light of the fact that we and the government of Saudi Arabia were
deliberately deceived into war with fake photographs showing a
non-existent buildup of Iraqi troops in 1991, how can we possibly have
faith in the validity of any alleged evidence that the government could
show us now? John MacArthur, the editor of Second Front: Censorship and
Propaganda in the Gulf War, says: "These are all the same people who
were running it more than 10 years ago. They'll make up just about
anything ... to get their way." (Ibid. )
In light of the inflammatory falsehood told by the daughter of the
Kuwaiti ambassador posing as "Nayirah"--with the aid of a few
collaborators who supported her lie--shouldn't we also be skeptical of
the claims of the malcontents aligned with the Iraqi National Congress,
who have every reason to lie, because they expect to be installed as the
new government of Iraq? These are the people who invented the story that
the 9-11 hijackers had been trained at Salman Pak in Iraq, a story that
has been uncritically swallowed and regurgitated by many half-informed
people who find pleasure in believing it. Whenever you hear that some
claim is made by "an Iraqi defector," you should check whether said
defector is associated with the Iraqi National Congress. When the
so-called Iraqi National Congress first congealed in December of 1990,
the New York Times described them as "pro-Iranian Shiite
fundamentalists, pro-Soviet Communists, Arab nationalists, and Kurdish
separatists," noting that the banned Iraqi Communist Party "once had a
powerful popular base inside Iraq" [New York Times, Dec 30 1999: 10-L].
The Iraqi Communist Party had a powerful popular base before Saddam
Hussein, that is, and therefore they hate Saddam Hussein, just as the
Shi'ites hate him for preventing an Islamic Republic of Iraq. The Iraqi
National Congress has told one lie after another so that even the CIA
has decided that these people have no credibility, but media-Jews and
political Jews are still retailing the INC's rubbish.
In light of all the claims made over the years by the anti-Saddam
lynch-mob, I really have to laugh when Donald Rumsfeld says that Saddam
Hussein is a liar.
Although the excuse for restricting Iraq's weaponry after 1991 was its
invasion of Kuwait, the restrictions were tailored not to protect Kuwait
-- but to protect Israel. Iraq was prohibited from having missiles with
a range greater than 93 miles; that is to say, Iraq was prohibited from
having missiles that could reach Israel. Iraq was prohibited from having
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; that is to say, Iraq was
prohibited from having the kinds of weapons that could deter the nuclear
power Israel.
Iraq's desire in the past to retain a deterrent and a means to deliver
it is quite understandable when one considers that they are in the same
neighborhood as the ruthless and nuclear-armed State of Israel. Forget
about finger-pointing at Iraq; how many heads-of-state has Israel had
lately who were not mass-murderers or assassins? Requiring Iraq to
abandon weapons of mass destruction and to make declarations about what
they have is very much like requiring somebody who lives in a
crime-ridden area to post a sign reading, "Gun-Free Home." Of course
they were reluctant to do that. Now that they have done that, the
president of the United States, acting on behalf of a regional
thug-state, seems to think it is safe to move in for the kill. What
country will ever again agree to reduce its armaments for the sake of a
temporary peace with the United States that will only be followed by a
trumped-up war? In the coming wars, resistance to the United States will
be much harder fought, because it is never safe to surrender to an enemy
who has neither honor nor mercy. The intransigence of North Korean
dictator Kim Jung-il is a completely logical reaction, given that
disarmament is seen to be not rewarded but exploited by the United
* * *
America has been going down the wrong path in the Middle East for a very
long time. We have been risking the life-blood of our economy by
needlessly antagonizing the oil-rich states through our support of
Israel. And while Jews in the United States and Europe promoted an
ideology of multiracialism and open borders in order to weaken the West
and consolidate their control here, in Israel they brazenly erected a
Jewish racial state complete with torture, execution without trial,
concentration camps, curfews, summary murder by death squads, and the
development of genocidal weapons of mass destruction. By supporting
Israel's expansionist policies and Jewish supremacism, we have made
ourselves the target of the hatred of the oppressed and the poor, who
are our victims as surely as they are the victims of the Jews.
So now we Americans find ourselves beginning -- just beginning -- to pay
the price for our support of the Jews. We are paying not only in dollars
now, but in American blood.
And we are being remade in the image of the Israelis, and that image is
the same as the Hollywood image of the "evil Nazi" -- except this time
the image is real. Little children are dying because of our support of
Israel. There are families who have lived entire lives inside of refugee
camps. Hundreds of thousands of innocents have been killed by American
firebombs and missiles.
Like Israel, America is becoming a "national security state," and our
freedom to speak and publish and broadcast is under attack.
The Jews have concluded that they cannot win their war against the
Palestinians without a big shakeup in the Middle East. They want to
dominate the entire region as they now dominate the United States. Their
solution to the problems they themselves caused by their genocidal
practices is to increase their bullying and their killing by expanding
their local war into a world war. And they expect us to be their cannon
fodder in that war.
We hope that this series has been useful to you in understanding why the
Zionist Jews and their White puppets want this war. On next week's
program, Cannon Fodder part 3, we'll bring you up to the minute on the
war plans of our enemies, and we'll give you a glimpse of the world that
is likely to result.
by Hadding Scott and Kevin Alfred Strom
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. Today's program, entitled "Cannon
Fodder, part 2: Weapons of Mass Deception," was written by Hadding Scott
and prepared for broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom.
Erratum. Before proceeding I would like to correct a factual error of
minor importance from last week's broadcast. Although the Iran-Iraq War
was a military victory for Iraq, in which three-quarters of Iran's
tanks, and almost half of its artillery pieces and armored personnel
carriers were captured, Iraq did not gain control of the Shatt-al-Arab
waterway. We at ADV care about facts. You can't really say that about
those promoting a war against Iraq. This week's program will continue to
explore the depth of their deception.
I'd also like to make it clear that we are in no way partisans of Iraq
in their conflict with other powers including Iran. Our purpose is to
expose the liars who put Americans at risk in this
Zionist-inspired war.
The Gulf War of 1991
Although it has never been officially admitted, it is well known that
Israel has nuclear warheads. What is less known is that Israel has a
biological warfare program. In Britain's London Sunday Times of November
15, 1998 was a report entitled, "Israel Planning 'Ethnic' Bomb as Saddam
Caves In," by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin. The report states that the
Jewish "Institute for Biological Research" at Nes Tsiona southeast of
Tel Aviv is working on developing a race-specific virus that will
preferentially kill Iraqis. A scientist there said: "They have ...
succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic
profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people."
That is evidence not only of a biological warfare program, but of an
intention to commit genocide in the strictest sense of the word. Nes
Tsiona is in the business of developing chemical and nuclear as well as
biological weapons -- all the kinds of weapons that we are supposed to
suspect that Saddam Hussein might have. A former officer of Israel's
intelligence agency, Victor Ostrovsky (The Other Side of Deception) has
written the following about this:
It was Uri who enlightened me regarding the Nes Zionna [Tsiona]
facility. It was, he said, an ABC warfare laboratory -- ABC standing for
atomic, biological and chemical. It was where our top epidemiological
scientists were developing various doomsday machines. Because we were so
vulnerable and would not have a second chance should there be an all-out
war in which this type of weapon would be needed, there was no room for
error. The [captured] Palestinian infiltrators came in handy in this
regard. As human guinea pigs, they could make sure the weapons the
scientists were developing worked properly and could verify how fast
they worked and make them even more efficient.
This revelation about the State of Israel by a former Israeli
intelligence agent matches the most harrowing rumors and innuendoes
about Iraq, but you won't see any dramatized reporting about Israel's
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
The State of Israel is really known in the Middle East as a lawless
state that bullies its neighbors. During the Iran-Iraq War, Israel
invaded and occupied southern Lebanon. They stayed there for two
decades. None of the many U.N. resolutions ignored by the State of
Israel has ever provoked even a consideration of a U.S. expeditionary
force to enforce it.
When a pattern of lawlessness like that is allowed to go on, it is
unreasonable then to turn around and selectively enforce a law against
somebody else who maybe isn't as influential as the big, habitual
Ambassador Richard Butler, the former head of UNSCOM (United Nations
Special Commission), has frequently said that Saddam Hussein is
"addicted to weapons of mass-destruction." This shows a failure on
Butler's part to appreciate the effect of the State of Israel in that
region. When you have a neighbor like Israel, you had better be armed.
Especially since Iraq had emerged from its war with Iran as a regional
superpower, a lot of apprehension that Israel might attack had been
expressed by the Iraqis (e.g. "if the United States does not attack us
now, sooner or later Israel will," said Tariq Aziz. [New York Times Dec
30, 1990, 10-L col. 3])
Saddam Hussein declared in early 1990, "We do not need an atomic bomb.
We have the dual chemical. Whoever threatens us with the atomic bomb, we
will annihilate him with the dual chemical." The only present nuclear
threat that Saddam Hussein could have had in mind, of course, was the
State of Israel, which has made an open secret of its nuclear arsenal.
This is why George Bush had made a fuss about chemical weapons in 1988,
because it was a means whereby Iraq could check the military arrogance
of Israel. Recalling Israel's unjustified bombing of Iraq in 1981,
Saddam Hussein declared, "I swear to God we will let our fire eat half
of Israel if it tries to wage anything against Iraq." Time magazine
stated, "Saddam's outburst set off alarms in Jerusalem, " and Time
further noted, "Suddenly, Israel's long-presumed nuclear capability,
still a monopoly despite Saddam's best efforts, does not seem to be an
effective deterrent." Saddam Hussein's presentation of chemical warheads
as a counterpoise to Israel's nuclear arsenal was endorsed by Egypt,
Jordan, and North Yemen. ["Stumbling toward Armageddon", Time, Apr 6,
( I should mention that in 1990 and 1991 Iraq was attempting to develop
a nuclear weapon to balance the nuclear weapons of its enemy Israel.
This was unrelated to the IAEA-approved facility that Israel bombed in
1981. This was not a secret nuclear program; Saddam Hussein actually
announced on May 8, 1990 that Iraq had succeeded in building a nuclear
triggering device. However, Iraq's nuclear program ended with the Gulf
War in 1991, a fact that was verified following the defection of General
Hussein Kemal in 1995.)
Even without nuclear weapons, Iraq's ability to threaten effective
retaliation against the Jewish State, thus containing Zionist
aggression, represented a new level of defiance. With Saddam Hussein
governing a militarily powerful Iraq, the Jewish State could no longer
bully its neighbors at will. Iraq's entrapment into a war with the
United States followed within months.
The chorus-leader of all the Jewish slanderers of Iraq was syndicated
New York Times columnist William Safire. George Bush had fallen in line
behind Safire prior to the 1988 election, but then apparently didn't
move fast enough to satisfy the Jew, because, like some journalistic
Shylock, Safire kept dunning Bush in one New York Times piece after
another for his personal pound of flesh, the punishment of Iraq that
Bush had promised before his election in 1988.
( I should mention that in addition to the Zionist Jews like Safire,
there were also leftist Jews (e.g. David Korn) who denounced the alleged
sins of Saddam Hussein because it was a way to strike at the reputation
of Ronald Reagan, who had supported Hussein. Perhaps the so-called
conservatives who have joined in the anti-Saddam propaganda choruses of
1991 and 2003 should consider that when they uncritically endorse every
story about Saddam Hussein they are damaging the reputation of their
hero Reagan as well. Unfortunately, wariness about ramifications is not
really a characteristic of conservatives; nor is real analysis of
history. Consequently Conservatives are easily conned by the Jews again
and again into sawing off the very tree-limbs upon which they are
After its war with Iran, Iraq suffered from a crushing debt because of
necessary weapons purchases from the U.S. and several European
countries, and this was complicated by wartime damage to Iraq's
oil-production. Iraq's ability to repay its debts was sabotaged by the
fact that Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates were pumping much more oil
than OPEC quotas allowed, driving down prices. Every one-dollar decrease
in the price of a barrel of oil meant 1 billion dollars in lost revenue
for Iraq, a huge loss for a country of only 15 million people. In
addition, the corrupt Sheikhdom of Kuwait was allowing British Petroleum
in Kuwait to steal oil, estimated at a total value of 2.4 billion
dollars, by angle-drilling into Iraq. On July 17, 1990, Saddam Hussein
delivered a speech in which he accused Kuwait and the UAE of "stabbing
Iraq in the back with a poison dagger," at the behest of the United
States government. "Hussein does have some tacit support within OPEC,"
noted Business Week magazine. ["Is Iraq really ready to start a New Gulf
War?" Business Week, Aug 6, 1990]
It has been a well known fact since the Gulf War of 1991 that the Bush
Administration's ambassador to Iraq was consulted by Saddam Hussein on
whether the United States would be opposed to his contemplated invasion
of Kuwait, and that the U.S. ambassador, April Glaspie, told him that
the United States would not care. Once the Iraqi leader had acted on
these assurances, however, once he had solved his country's debt-crisis
by re-annexing that wayward province of Iraq that had been called
Kuwait, then the trap was sprung.
In the fall of 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only as Nayirah,
gave a tearful testimony before a congressional caucus that swayed
opinions in the Congress and the American public. The girl told how she,
as a volunteer in a Kuwait maternity ward, had witnessed an atrocity
committed by Iraqi troops, who allegedly stormed into the hospital,
stole the incubators, and dumped 312 babies "on the cold floor to die."
Mind you, there were also other Kuwaitis who corroborated her story. The
elder Bush thereafter referred to the story on five different occasions.
During the Senatorial debate about whether to attack Iraq, seven
senators referred to the story, showing that they themselves had been
influenced by it, or at least considered it to be an important
consideration in the debate. If five of those seven senators had voted
against the motion, there would have been no Gulf War. This 15-year-old
"hospital volunteer," "Nayirah," turned out to be the daughter of the
Kuwaiti ambassador to the US, and her story is now well known to have
been completely false.
Here's another fraud from the 1991 Gulf War that is less well known. It
is described in the Christian Science Monitor of September 6, 2002 as
When George H. W. Bush ordered American forces to the Persian Gulf - to
reverse Iraq's August 1990 invasion of Kuwait - part of the
administration case was that an Iraqi juggernaut was also threatening to
roll into Saudi Arabia. Citing top-secret satellite images, Pentagon
officials estimated in mid-September that up to 250,000 Iraqi troops and
1,500 tanks stood on the border, threatening the key U.S. oil supplier.
But when the St. Petersburg Times in Florida acquired two commercial
Soviet satellite images of the same area, taken at the same time, no
Iraqi troops were visible near the Saudi border - just empty desert....
"That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending
troops in there, and it just didn't exist," [St. Petersburg Times
journalist Jean] Heller says.

In light of the fact that we and the government of Saudi Arabia were
deliberately deceived into war with fake photographs showing a
non-existent buildup of Iraqi troops in 1991, how can we possibly have
faith in the validity of any alleged evidence that the government could
show us now? John MacArthur, the editor of Second Front: Censorship and
Propaganda in the Gulf War, says: "These are all the same people who
were running it more than 10 years ago. They'll make up just about
anything ... to get their way." (Ibid. )
In light of the inflammatory falsehood told by the daughter of the
Kuwaiti ambassador posing as "Nayirah"--with the aid of a few
collaborators who supported her lie--shouldn't we also be skeptical of
the claims of the malcontents aligned with the Iraqi National Congress,
who have every reason to lie, because they expect to be installed as the
new government of Iraq? These are the people who invented the story that
the 9-11 hijackers had been trained at Salman Pak in Iraq, a story that
has been uncritically swallowed and regurgitated by many half-informed
people who find pleasure in believing it. Whenever you hear that some
claim is made by "an Iraqi defector," you should check whether said
defector is associated with the Iraqi National Congress. When the
so-called Iraqi National Congress first congealed in December of 1990,
the New York Times described them as "pro-Iranian Shiite
fundamentalists, pro-Soviet Communists, Arab nationalists, and Kurdish
separatists," noting that the banned Iraqi Communist Party "once had a
powerful popular base inside Iraq" [New York Times, Dec 30 1999: 10-L].
The Iraqi Communist Party had a powerful popular base before Saddam
Hussein, that is, and therefore they hate Saddam Hussein, just as the
Shi'ites hate him for preventing an Islamic Republic of Iraq. The Iraqi
National Congress has told one lie after another so that even the CIA
has decided that these people have no credibility, but media-Jews and
political Jews are still retailing the INC's rubbish.
In light of all the claims made over the years by the anti-Saddam
lynch-mob, I really have to laugh when Donald Rumsfeld says that Saddam
Hussein is a liar.
Although the excuse for restricting Iraq's weaponry after 1991 was its
invasion of Kuwait, the restrictions were tailored not to protect Kuwait
-- but to protect Israel. Iraq was prohibited from having missiles with
a range greater than 93 miles; that is to say, Iraq was prohibited from
having missiles that could reach Israel. Iraq was prohibited from having
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; that is to say, Iraq was
prohibited from having the kinds of weapons that could deter the nuclear
power Israel.
Iraq's desire in the past to retain a deterrent and a means to deliver
it is quite understandable when one considers that they are in the same
neighborhood as the ruthless and nuclear-armed State of Israel. Forget
about finger-pointing at Iraq; how many heads-of-state has Israel had
lately who were not mass-murderers or assassins? Requiring Iraq to
abandon weapons of mass destruction and to make declarations about what
they have is very much like requiring somebody who lives in a
crime-ridden area to post a sign reading, "Gun-Free Home." Of course
they were reluctant to do that. Now that they have done that, the
president of the United States, acting on behalf of a regional
thug-state, seems to think it is safe to move in for the kill. What
country will ever again agree to reduce its armaments for the sake of a
temporary peace with the United States that will only be followed by a
trumped-up war? In the coming wars, resistance to the United States will
be much harder fought, because it is never safe to surrender to an enemy
who has neither honor nor mercy. The intransigence of North Korean
dictator Kim Jung-il is a completely logical reaction, given that
disarmament is seen to be not rewarded but exploited by the United
* * *
America has been going down the wrong path in the Middle East for a very
long time. We have been risking the life-blood of our economy by
needlessly antagonizing the oil-rich states through our support of
Israel. And while Jews in the United States and Europe promoted an
ideology of multiracialism and open borders in order to weaken the West
and consolidate their control here, in Israel they brazenly erected a
Jewish racial state complete with torture, execution without trial,
concentration camps, curfews, summary murder by death squads, and the
development of genocidal weapons of mass destruction. By supporting
Israel's expansionist policies and Jewish supremacism, we have made
ourselves the target of the hatred of the oppressed and the poor, who
are our victims as surely as they are the victims of the Jews.
So now we Americans find ourselves beginning -- just beginning -- to pay
the price for our support of the Jews. We are paying not only in dollars
now, but in American blood.
And we are being remade in the image of the Israelis, and that image is
the same as the Hollywood image of the "evil Nazi" -- except this time
the image is real. Little children are dying because of our support of
Israel. There are families who have lived entire lives inside of refugee
camps. Hundreds of thousands of innocents have been killed by American
firebombs and missiles.
Like Israel, America is becoming a "national security state," and our
freedom to speak and publish and broadcast is under attack.
The Jews have concluded that they cannot win their war against the
Palestinians without a big shakeup in the Middle East. They want to
dominate the entire region as they now dominate the United States. Their
solution to the problems they themselves caused by their genocidal
practices is to increase their bullying and their killing by expanding
their local war into a world war. And they expect us to be their cannon
fodder in that war.
We hope that this series has been useful to you in understanding why the
Zionist Jews and their White puppets want this war. On next week's
program, Cannon Fodder part 3, we'll bring you up to the minute on the
war plans of our enemies, and we'll give you a glimpse of the world that
is likely to result.
Hadding Scott