Adult Video News reports today on the pornographic war effort known as FreePornForOurTroops.com. apparently, Aaron Gordon is the patriot behind FP4OT who decided what he could do to support the Boyz in Baghdad is assist in their efforts on the frontlines of self-spanking by offering them up to 500 free XXX-rated adult videos and/or DVDs. Members of the military, and veterans too, must pay shipping and handling for their pornos. it is not stated, though, how much it costs to FedEx "Anal Mania" to Karbala from Chatsworth. Gordon is relying on the honor system for porn-seekers, reminding non-military pr0noisseurs if they funnel free porn away from soldiers in need, they will have to live with the guilt. so far, Gordon has received hate mail from a few who feel FP4OT will only serve to worsen American/Islamic relations, but he begs to differ. "The (Bill of Rights) that we enjoy is what they hate. The freedom that allows you and I to disagree is what makes this country great and to me that's the issue. I don't think they could hate us any more than they already do so I don't think I'm adding anything to that hate." Currently, the Top Ten Titles on FP4OT include: "Men Who Are Starved for Sperm," "I Bang My Husband in the Ass," and "Lesbian Extreme." it is not clear as to why this is the case.