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Demand for F15: Tony Blair Must Go!

ZeroZero | 07.02.2003 15:32

Demand the resignation of Tony Blair on Feb 15th.

Seems like a great idea for banners, etc- lots of anti-Blair propaganda.

From an email:

>we know that Blair is lying through his teeth. We know that he's
>frightened of the unprecedented levels of public opposition to war.
>But he's backed himself into a corner and Blair will probably go
>ahead with it regardless of public opinion. Its like so many big
>popular campaigns, the government just won't back down to the rabble.
>And the weakness of our campaigns is that we're always campaigning
>negatively, we're always on their ground, talking about what they
>want to happen and what we want not to happen.
>I've often thought that what a lot of campaigns against things need
>is a positive goal, our own goal, to shift the battle on to our
>ground. The difficulty with this approach has often been that our
>alternatives (to roads, agribusiness, globalisation, and in this case
>war) often have to be, by necessity, somewhat complex. These are all
>complex issues and require complex solutions. Which makes it hard to
>shift the 'battle ground' of the debate as quickly as we want.
>Given the obvious lying and spin, and given tonight's revelations (on
>C4 News) that the UK govt dossier of 'evidence' against Iraq was
>(criminally) plagiarised from a handful of now obsolete academic
>papers (with numerous omissions and distortions) and not the result
>of intelligence work, and (pardon the ridiculously long sentences and
>over use of brackets) given Blair's pathetic performance on the
>Newsnight Special tonight, I get the impression that public opinion
>could be sympathetic to a new and very simple demand - that Tony
>Blair must resign as Prime Minister.
>Newspaper editors are saying that Blair is "losing the plot" that
>he's "out of touch" and simply won't listen, people giggled at him
>and took the piss on the Newsnight Special. He's looking very weak
>now especially after his volte face over The Lords, and I believe
>that large sections of the press would love a new way to draw blood.
>With enough people calling for it, enough banner-waving etc, we could
>open up a 'new front' in the public debate. Lets demand the bastard
>resigns and/or is impeached.
>I'd love to see him answer that demand.
>It'll only take a few minutes to write to your MP and/or No 10, and
>send an email to your mates asking them to do the same. Its not
>necessary (though it can only help) to go point by point through all
>the lies they've spun at us (in Gulf War One as well as this one) and
>all the issues they're simply failing to address. In my experience
>they simply don;t reply to difficult questions anyway. I think the
>political climate has changed. They've lied to us before, why on
>earth should we believe or even engage with the latest round of
>deception. And the majority knows it.
>So lets demand what we all want, that Blair goes. There'll be no war
>Shall we get the ball rolling?



Display the following 7 comments

  1. will it stop the war? — j'boy
  2. Every bit helps. — Spring Hope
  3. Yes, and more — karlof1
  4. Bliar must go — pir
  5. Bring him down! — Stuey
  6. Remove the lower levels of the pyramid.. — dh
  7. Get Rid of Tony Blair — Julia Stein