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Blair vs Paxman

johnny_boy | 07.02.2003 11:11

Blair on Newsnight

Who else saw this last night? I thought it was hilarious - Paxman has interviewed some slimy bastards in his time but even he seemed flabbergasted by Blair's dishonesty.
Blair was more rattled that I've ever seen him, evading questions and using the same pathetic arguments over and over again. This is the time to ram the message home to him - got to war, and we'll take you down....



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paxman done good

07.02.2003 12:11

yeah, overall i reckon it was a pretty good interview and blair came across a smarmy, sleazy tw*t....
but paxman seemed to stop just short whenever things got really interesting...
for example he bought up the fact that the weapon's inspectors weren't 'thrown out', but withdrawn by the US as a prelude to a massive bombing campaign, but he didn't then go on to mention that the bombing campaign was undertaken at the time when the Security Council was meeting to discuss what action to take next on Iraq, thus an illegal act of agression and undermining the UN.

Isreal was brought up briefly but nothing was said about the 35 years and 60+ resolutions that Isreal is violating, being armed and supported by the US throughout...

The worst bit was Tony smugly saying that when the west goes to war, they make every effort to minimise human suffering and death. This just a few days after the US 'shock & awe' plan was announced which US planners hope will have 'a kind of Hiroshima effect, lasting minutes and hours, not days'


Seriously creepy

07.02.2003 13:04

What about when Paxman asked Blair if him and Bush pray together? Blair's face was a picture. Not that it really has anything to do with the war, but he's hiding a deep dark secret. What do Tony and George get up to in the oval office?

Robin Cock

public neanderthals

07.02.2003 15:13

it didn't really go deep enough for me really. i don't know who selected the public but they gave tony an easy ride with their pathetic questions, asked in a such lame fashion. it almost seemed as if the questions were chosen specifically to give blair a platform to try to ease public concern!! it was ok but it could have been much more probing. it didn't dig deep enough into some issues. nobody seems to be giving the overiding issue any consideation anymore. forget oil, imperialsim and all the other swp theories, the main issue is that tens of thousands of iraqi inoocent will be killed when our governments rain fire on bagdad. tony wasn't asked how he could justify this with the pitiful evidence he has cobbled together.


What about israel and US double standards?

07.02.2003 15:18

i thought Blair came accross badly as well. But i was really disappointed that they never got really into the Israel/Palestine question. Why, for example, are Israel allowed to blatently ignore UN resolutions (many more than Iraqi). Also what about Dubya ripping up and blocking many international treaties (biological weapons, small weapons, nuclear proliferation amongst others). Sharon, Blair and Bush have done a thousand times more to destabalise the middle east (and the world?) tham Saddam could even dream of.


blair on the box

07.02.2003 15:21

I was hoping someone would ask Blair if he still had the receipts for the biochem weapons we sold saddam in the 80's. He looked isolated and weak to me. See y'all on the 15th

mary whitehouse

A little man

07.02.2003 16:02

Me and my mates spent most of the time rolling about on the floor. If only it wasn't so serious I'd have to say that Bremner has a lot to live up to! The PM was pathetic. This is a guy wanting to give the impression he's a great world statesman. What a joke! He reminds me of the spoilt brat who shuts his eyes, covers his ears and shouts very loudly so that he can't see or hear any criticism. BLAIR OUT!!!!


Paxman is a wankstain...

07.02.2003 17:10

Jeremy Paxman is one of those stupid public school boy twerps that only ever poses as a proper teevee presenter. He distorts the truth, lies and generally wastes time - 'loyal opposition'. If he really wanted to ask Mr Blair anything useful about 'dossiers' then he would have asked for the proper one for the Afghan war of aggression. During the Afghan campaign the minority Arab population were wiped out - Genocide - a crime against all humanity and something that Jeremy Pax-Beast and Tony Beast are complicit in...

Bill Gates